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How do I get caffiene into a child that feels sick to their stomach?

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My neighbor is having horrible post-spinal tap headaches, Nausea, and vomitting. He couldn't keep cola down. I'm going to try tea next, but I doubt it will go down. Caffeine is indicated for post spinals.


Has anyone ever conquered the post spinal tap crud?


Residential nurse...apparently,



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My neighbor is having horrible post-spinal tap headaches, Nausea, and vomitting. He couldn't keep cola down. I'm going to try tea next, but I doubt it will go down. Caffeine is indicated for post spinals.


Has anyone ever conquered the post spinal tap crud?


Residential nurse...apparently,




He may need to get a blood bandaid.

I don't know what you really call it, but they go in and clog up the hole that is leaking and they use your own blood to do it.

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My neighbor is having horrible post-spinal tap headaches, Nausea, and vomitting. He couldn't keep cola down. I'm going to try tea next, but I doubt it will go down. Caffeine is indicated for post spinals.


Has anyone ever conquered the post spinal tap crud?






Keep sufferer ABsolutely flat. Use bedpan. Sit up and they are put back another hour.

?drip in sweet coffee with an eyedropper, lying FLAT (did I say flat?)

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Oh. my. I'm so sorry. I had two spinal taps and I have never had pain like that. It is not the kind of "headache" that anyone, even those with migraines, can understand.


I don't recall being told caffeine would help. I remember having to be completely flat on my back and I didn't/wouldn't eat or drink for 2 days. Finally my dh was able to start getting some flat coke down me. Eventually, of course, I recovered.


No advice, just hugs - BTDT!

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Is this the same as a spinal headache? I had one after an epidural.


There is no amount of caffeine for that. A friend, who had suffered greatly with MS, told me that a spinal h/a was the worst pain he ever felt.


It could take up to 5 days, from what my physician told me, for it to correct itself.


Go back to the hospital for a spinal patch. Instant relief.


Poor child.:grouphug:

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I had the same reaction after my spinal tap a few years ago. The advice to lay flat is right on! I went back to the hospital after a few days, and they checked on where they had tapped the spinal to determine if I needed a "blood patch" - which is what I think was referred to here. I would as the doctor to see him again to see if he needs this.


I did not get one, but they loaded me up with some nice pain killers, and I was flat on my back for about a week. It was so bad, if I sat up it felt like all the fluid in my brain was draining out. I know that is silly - but that was the sensation. Very painful. When my husband took me back to the hospital, I had to lean to one side so my whole head wasn't in pain.


I hope he feels better soon!

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I had the same reaction after my spinal tap a few years ago. The advice to lay flat is right on! I went back to the hospital after a few days, and they checked on where they had tapped the spinal to determine if I needed a "blood patch" - which is what I think was referred to here. I would as the doctor to see him again to see if he needs this.


I did not get one, but they loaded me up with some nice pain killers, and I was flat on my back for about a week. It was so bad, if I sat up it felt like all the fluid in my brain was draining out. I know that is silly - but that was the sensation. Very painful. When my husband took me back to the hospital, I had to lean to one side so my whole head wasn't in pain.


I hope he feels better soon!




My doc explained it to me the way you described it. Spinal fliud is leaking out so your brain presses on your forehead and brain stem.


I had one after a botched epidural. I got one blood patch after a couple days in the hospital that didn't work. I went home and then went back 2 days later for another blood patch. After that one, I had to be on my back for at least 8 hours (fortuneately, it was the middle of the night!)


When I stood up the next morning, pain free, it was as if I could hear angels singing.

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I second the others who say time to have the person back at the doctor/hospital for relief. My kid sister was allowed to sit up right after an epidural when her first son was born and had that headache pain - they had to take her in after several days of agony for treatment.

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