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This takes pregnancy brain to a whole new level for me!

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Disclaimer: I am pregnant, about 10 weeks, and I seriously loose my mind in the first trimester often forgetting the word as I try to say it. Its bad.



So this morning the little one has been playing around while I have been packing for our trip. I thought to myself "Oh its almost nap time, sweet!" and went about my business. A few min later I picked up the little one wiped her off, changed her diaper and I thought I had put her in her bed.


Ummm no not at all. I must have left her in the bedroom playing while for at least the last 20 min I have been cleaning and answering emails. I sat at the computer just a min ago and was listening to the older two play in the yard and smiled. At that moment of bliss that everyone was happy I hear the toilet lid slam shut. "Huh? What the heck?" OH CRAP!!


I went running to the bathroom and there is the little one in a puddle of water, soaked through, wet to her shoulders, and smiling at me. I have no idea how long she had been in there, I have no clue if (shudder) she drank any water. All I know from the murkiness of the water is that she must have put some toilet paper in there and watched/made it dissolve. Thank heavens it was just cleaned and flushed but still.......


who in the world forgets their kid is in fact awake and doesnt check on them? Especially when they are 1 yo? This is not a good sign for things to come.

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Yeah... at this point, I'm just hoping the perpetual brain fog from having small children leaves before the actual senility sets in.


I find myself (often) calling the kids by the wrong name, their siblings', the dog's... I go through the whole list before going to the Bill Cosby place of "you there, the one I'm looking at, come HERE!"


And I'm not pregnant, just addled. ;)

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I know what you mean. With me last it happened so frequently that I got used to the kind but pitying face my dh would flash me.:001_smile: My SIL actually had to call and have her debit card pin changed as she suddenly forgot it one day! I really haven't seen much improvement since giving birth, I remember seeing a comic strip where an older gal jokingly told the younger one that the placenta was actually part of her brain.:lol:

I can't imagine I would have much left at this point.:tongue_smilie:


I know they have done some interesting studies on the idea of "placenta brain". Not that it's any consolation when you are in the trenches.


At least we know we're not alone!

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My dd is constantly giving me superior looks and correcting everything I say b/c I cannot remember the right word for anything. I think I forget about my kids all the time. But I can't remember any specifics. . .

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I put a 2 year old on the toilet to sit once. I forgot completely about him. just went on with other things. ONE HOUR LATER I wondered where he was . I rushed a round everywhere and found him still sitting on the toilet fast asleep! I felt really bad I can tell you. and I wasn't even pregnant.


did he go?

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