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Nasty horse eye update.

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Vet sedated her and took a look, found nothing. After digging around in there the swolled part just eased back where it belonged. Looks about 90% better. She thinks it must have been some type of sting. It did look better today than last night, but still bad. Brought home some ointment to put in a couple times a day.


Soph, I took Memphis with me, vet flat out refused to draw blood, said to take her off the grass and worm her every two months. Ugh. We worked her on a line and of course she' woudln't stretch out, just acted like nothing was amiss. %*() mare. So I still know nothing. I can't believe she wouldn't draw blood.

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Wow, I had a good guess. (sting) Poor horse, and poor you having to fret about if your sweet horse would be ok. Glad it looks like everything will work out, though!



You were right on the money. I couldn't believe a little sting could do that much damage.

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Why wouldn't the vet draw blood? Not sure I'm good with that! It's MY horse and I want to have blood drawn. End of story! What was the reason? Are you good with it?



The only reason I can think of for her not drawing blood is that she thought it wouldn't do any good unless Memphis was having an episode. Could be right. I think I'm going to learn how to do it myself so I can get a good sample.


She said "It's not necessary at this point, let's try something else, it could run into a lot of money."


How hard can it be to draw blood? She's a calm horse, I'm her mom, it'll be easy..........right?


For the after pic go to my blog. It looks tons better.

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The only reason I can think of for her not drawing blood is that she thought it wouldn't do any good unless Memphis was having an episode. Could be right. I think I'm going to learn how to do it myself so I can get a good sample.


She said "It's not necessary at this point, let's try something else, it could run into a lot of money."


How hard can it be to draw blood? She's a calm horse, I'm her mom, it'll be easy..........right?


For the after pic go to my blog. It looks tons better.

Glad the eye is better.

If we are talking about looking at muscle enzymes in the blood to see if she was tying up then timing is somewhat important, but some enzymes have longer half-lives than others. The thing would have complicated things for me would be the trailering. Depending on the distance, muscle enzymes can go up just from being trailered, so your results may have been confusing.

I usually try to let owners know what we may or may not find on bloodwork that they are insisting that I draw. I will almost always err on the side of drawing it because I want to make sure that the customer is satisfied. Sometimes they come in looking for the wrong test so I can help them choose a better one. I don't see why your vet wouldn't at least do a minimum data base on Memphis, a panel and a CBC, it may have ruled out a few things.

Just my long distance two cents.;)

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