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So we can't get DSL at our new house...

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and I'm stumped. There must be someone here who has internet rurally... what are our best options?


I've checked out satellite, but most places say that they only have 1.5 mps. We currently have 3.0 with our DSL. Is there anything comprable? I'm worried, because we will have up to 6 people using the connection at the same time!

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Does the cable company provide it? I wish I could help, but the mere thought of no highspeed internet access just gives me the heebeejeebies! :svengo:


I don't know if this is only available in our area but you could check




This is not a cable company but I heard there is an installation fee in the neighborhood of $200 something. Perhaps you could share that fee with neighbors and all of you would benefit.

Edited by Liz CA
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Check and see if Clearwire is available in your area. When we lived out in the country that's what we had. We LOVED it!! It was $39.98 per month and it was VERY fast. If you can get a cell phone signal inside your house it will work....as long as it's available in your area.


We would still have Clearwire, but when we moved to where we are now, it was not available.

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We live in a rural area too, and all we can get (other than satellite, which is waay expensive) is wireless. We have it through Cricket and it's $40/month. We've been happy with it, but if DSL ever becomes available through our phone co. we will switch to that.


Cricket is just as slow here as dial up.

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Now that I think about it, with that many people sharing a connection you should look into having a T1 line installed. We used one for many years before Cable or DSL moved into our neighborhood. I had to have a fast connection for work and it worked great. Good luck!!

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We live in a rural area, too, so no cable TV or high speed internet.


We have HughesNet (satellite) for internet and it's not bad. Definitely faster than dial-up!!! My only complaint is that when it rains or it's really cloudy, you have no internet. We keep AOL as a backup for rainy days!


For TV, we have DirecTV and we haven't had any problems with it at all.


I would just recommend patience as you adjust to your new surroundings! We've been here for 4 years and I'm still not used to driving half an hour to get to Wal-Mart! ;)

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Have they given you a date of when they expect it to be available? When I moved here we did not have dsl. I convinced the phone company to get it here. I am actually outside the limit, they ran me a wire anyway. It took a lot of calling and letter writing to get it. You must know what to say and who to say it too, that is what will get you dsl.

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