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S/O of Decluttering thread - what to do with old projects?

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I have a quilt I started before I got married (seriously), actually before I even finished univ. So I've been carting this thing around for some 17 years. It's half done. In the meantime I've started and completed other quilting projects, I'm not sure why this has become such an issue.


So, should I keep hauling it around in the hope that in another 30-odd years I might pull it out and work on it? Or should I just toss it? It's about halfway done, so it would be a real pain to take it apart and use the layers for different things; I don't know of any local quilting clubs where I could donate it.


Maybe I could use it as the filling for a body pillow?


Or just throw it away...

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Before our last move, I discarded a large cross stitch project. It would have been lovely finished, but I had cut the fabric a bit small so it would have looked awkward in a frame. And I realized that it wasn't really the sort of thing that I was going to devote wall space to if I'd finished it.


Maybe you can count your quilt as sewing practice that doesn't have to be kept, rather than a project you are obliged to finish. I don't really regret having tossed the cross stitch, even though it represented hours of work.

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I actually would probably use it if it was ever finished, I really like the colors. I was thinking maybe I could cut it into sections and make pillows out of it, that way for the finished parts I'd be ready to go and maybe it would seem less daunting to finish the rest if it was more like little projects.


At this stage of the game it has some sentimental value, but I'm starting to think the sentimentality is shifting from the physical aspects of it to its endurance, lol.


Can you tell I have a problem letting things go?

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Maybe you should keep it then. If it just makes you feel guilty or resentful, not so much.


I am not great at letting go of things. And I tend to have the hardest time letting go of things with potential, like fiber projects or craft books or art supplies. Still, an entire kit that makes something that I really don't want all that much is an easy thing to give away. Someone will probably treasure it. And if I don't treasure it, no reason to keep it.


However, I do have one project that I bought a really, really long time ago, that I'm saving for when I stop homeschooling and retire. It is a needlepoint of one the unicorn tapestries. It's pretty ambitious, but I WILL do it one of these days. Hey, even Jesse Wise has that old braided rag rug kit to get back to. We are in good company!

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Do you love it? Does it make you smile? Maybe you should keep it then. If it just makes you feel guilty or resentful, not so much


It's not that I *love* it, I like it; and it's a part of my history. I was working for an interior designer way back when, and I used old fabric sample books they were getting rid of to make the top; and I actually thought about the stitch design, which I haven't on my later (and quicker) projects). Plus just where I was in my life then, it's a reminder. So it has some sentimental value. However, every time I see it I feel guilty and slightly ridiculous, lol. I'm too sentimental.


However, I do have one project that I bought a really, really long time ago, that I'm saving for when I stop homeschooling and retire. It is a needlepoint of one the unicorn tapestries. It's pretty ambitious, but I WILL do it one of these days.


Ok, that sounds beautiful (and detailed/difficult) just thinking of it in my mind. Now I'm wanting to start a new project, lol!

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