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Everything posted by ghcostafamily

  1. Beautiful feet books is a great program, though not as many book suggestions. I’d check out guest hollows free ancient history curriculum! It gives book recommendations and movie and activity suggestions too! also look into All through the Ages, it’s lists books in historical order. You can always just add in things you want todo, like games and activities too.
  2. I didn’t know they had older Dimensions levels out? Their post said it was only k-1 I believe...is this an older program that they are revamping?
  3. Yes, I totally get it! We have all the fluency lists for level 4, that the tutor gave me that we’re going to start going through. She’s with the tutor 3-4 times a week for an hour each time. I used quizlet once when I was in school, I need togo in again and look at it.
  4. our tutor drills her on the fluency sheets that are part of the lesson, meaning she has to read it under a certain amount of time to be able to pass the lesson. She gave me some extra fluency sheets to practice on daily with my daughter, but they are from level 4 and they are hard for her. I think we just need to keep at it for a while so she becomes fluent with them.
  5. Thank you all for replying! It helps to have feedback on this. I dont know any other homeschoolers where I live that have a dyslexic kiddo that I could chat with and get feedback like this. We did reading out of the AAR level 2 book today and she did really good, so I think we will just progress through them naturally and see how it goes. I also have all the Level 2 and 3 readers from Sonlight that I will add in once shes able to handle non-controlled readers.
  6. No. We have BA and she loves that, but its hard for her to read, so Im assuming it would not build her confidence. She hasn't been drilled to fluency, if you are referring to the sheets that she reads under 2 minutes. I have copies of the extra ones that Barton suggests for practice, and they are very challenging for her. Ill look at this and see! Thanks for the link and the info :) NO, I already own all 4 levels of AAR. We used to have a tutor that used F&P, and honestly they are soo filled with sight words it was hard for her and she guessed a LOT. That was before her Barton Tutor though.
  7. Yes, her tutor gave her a few lessons on the silent E so she could read a few books. Its not required, I asked for something for her to read daily to help her. Shes almost 10 and gets tutoring 3-4 times a week for an hour each session. I just wanted something extra to help her along. Exactly, even Hooked on Phonics is filled with sight words! Its crazy, but I have a ton of leveled readers that she caant/isint ready for yet. I already have all 4 levels of AAR that I use with my other daughter so it seemed the best match for her. I totally agree! My daughter reads a ton of pages each session, which builds her confidence! She loves the cute pictures and the books feel so "Real" because of the black and white pictures and the hardback.
  8. I had her read for 15minutes today from the AAR level 2 reader and it went well! I think its honestly just right for her, a little easy, but she has a ways to go with fluency. I think this is a good level for her. She hasnt been drilled to fluency, if you mean she can read all the fluency pages under 2 minutes. I have a stack that we go through daily, along with her reading for 15minutes.
  9. Im going to start my daughter on the level 2 AAR readers while using Barton, and I wanted to know who has done this before? She has a tutor and is currently on Barton level 5 lesson 6. Her tutor looked at the readers from AAR and said it should be fine. Just wondering if anyone has any experience using these two together? The tutor has all the readers for level 3, and my daughter has already read them. Ive looked at High noon books, but honestly the website confuses me!
  10. I took a look at it yesterday, and sadly I dont like the looks of it. Like JANEWAY said, it look cluttered and not well organized. I may just be biased because I love the US versions with all the cute kiddos :)
  11. For Apps I’d recommend starfall. It’s amazing and you can lock them in the app on an iPad and it’s childproof. I wouldn’t recommend letting a child spend all day on a device though, or even every day. Just me though.
  12. Just read Amy Snow and Lilli De Jong and both were amazing! Any one read these? Yes I’ve been on godreads....noting caught my eye.
  13. For YouTube channels we like Crash course kids and sci show kids. Both are secular though, we’re christian and there’s only been a few videos that I’ve had to avoid. There’s also a site called THE KIDS SHOULD SEE THIS, they send out 7 videos a week that are amazing!!! Not “kid shows but just cool YouTube stuff that’s safe for kids to watch. We watched a guy cut wood with paper, another one where this man melted crayons into a block and then took a lathe to them! Super cool! Go to the website and sign up for emails. cant think of anything for history except crash course kids....I wanna say I believe one time they cursed? Hahaha not sure though. Make a YouTube playlist with videos and have him watch that maybe?
  14. Could you tell me how Wise Owl works exactly? Is it just a reading list with the word broken into syllables?
  15. Reading!!! Reading on her own or aloud to you, for a certain amount of time. 30-45 min? Depends on the kid and you. Working on spelling. I always have the kids narrate back what they read to me. You could also have them journal about what they read daily too. I’ve read somewhere that someone recommended Mega words after AAR to keep building up their decoding skills. Hope that helps!
  16. Im thinking it will pair well with AAS, we will have finished AAR by then and will still be using ETC as well. Cant hurt, right?
  17. Anyone ever used this with a dyslexic kiddo, or at all even? I know it’s not Orton-Gillingham based, but it seems like it would be easy and fun to add onto AAS. heres a link https://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=Phonics/5&category=Words+Their+Way+2005+Ed./6671
  18. Hi! I want to get a rebounder/mini trampoline. Does anyone have any one brand they have used and like? I’m tying to decide between one with bands or bungees and one with springs. The top two brands are Bellicon and Needak. I want to lose weight, and am trying to do this because it’s easiwr on the joints.
  19. Well I thought it was a History course......but you are totally right, no timelines or anything...I still am going to use it though. I really love BFB. My Daughters are both dyslexic as well, so ill either read aloud the books or have them read them with and audio version. Thank you for that idea!
  20. You’re totally right, I’m gonna use it! I know we’re gonna love it and if we finish it early I’ve always wanted to do their history of science! ill hopefully get a closer look at the guide this summer....just getting antsy and want to hear from others if it was a hit or not!
  21. Has anyone used this before? Weve used their Early American History and we loved it, we made notebooks and used their timeline. It was a wonderful 2 years. They still remember what we learned too! Wondering if this is similar....I read one review and it said it was really light in matter and they finished the program in under a few months. I will be reading the books aloud and using their copywork (if any) as our English along side Grammar land. For reference my DDs are almost 9 and 10. Were going to try and get some riding lessons going or at least a horse camp or two next year too.
  22. I’ve used AAR and we’re currently half way through level 4. It’s goid. I spend about and hour and a half at the beginning of the year and cut out and separate all the lessons and put them into a binder with sheet protectors. That way it IS really open and go. My DD is dyslexic (self diagnosed, her older sister was tested and she shows similar signs, just not as severe) anyways, she likes it ok. Is always spot on when we use tiles to divide a word into syllables, but has trouble deciding the same words in text. She loves the flash cards and thinks the reader is ok. She complains most of the time that the stories are too long. Hahaha they’re not! Not sure if I’ll use it again with my younger, but it is really easy to teach! And she does still like all the games, even though they’re really simple. weve also used Happy phonics. I like it as a supplement, however if you use it with explode the code AND the explode the code teachers manual, it really is a good program!!! People don’t use the ETC teachers manual, but that’s the meat of the program, and the whole hands on part of the program. I never used the manuals myself...hahaha but my DD uses it along side AAR so I think we’re ok. look at Mcgruffy and it wa wayyy too overwhelming for me so I never purchased it. if you are a hands on games playing mama, and want something planned already with easy instructions just get AAR. If you want cheaper and are ok with workbooks, use Happy Phonics and Explode the code. Happy phonics has info on using them together and suggests it too.
  23. Is Exploring Education a Christian based curriculum? Cant find any info on their site, so im assuming not....But their stuff looks really nice! And the text to speech is a total bonus for my kiddos!
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