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Posts posted by Lolly

  1. Thanks, Nan. Yes, I highly agree with taking four years of math and fortunately, I believe he will want to do so anyway.


    The professional driving instruction is not a bad idea. He just got his learner's, but I can see advanced driving as something he would take to. He got a boater's license this past summer totally on his own volition.


    I am going to look into Civil Air Patrol. My nephew was in it for a while several years ago, but it...fizzled out? I'm not sure what happened. He just stopped being in it.


    CAP can be frustrating. The units are not allowed to do much due to regulations. They train and aren't allowed to use it for anything. The testing for advancement seems like it was written by some government idiot (which it was). In our state, many of the dc with high ranks are @55holes, and the adults in charge of them are even worse. But, if you are going into the military, it pays (literally) to have those qualifications. We've been involved in CAP for 5 or 6 years. Dh is fairly high up. He is absolutely disgusted by the idiocy and bureaucracy that is involved. But, he has stayed in it for the kids. To the best of his ability, he finds ways around the rules so that it isn't too boring. He has one dc right now who is about to drop out. He is definitely going military when he graduates high school. Dh keeps telling him that he needs to stay in until he reaches the Mitchell award. Just do enough to be able to reach it. Dc wants to quit and join...another group...that is actually allowed to do search and rescue. It won't give him any benefit for the military.

    • Like 1
  2. And, can you call your credit card company and let them know not to accept any charges from them? It may not work to keep them from making charges, but you should be able to easily dispute any charges after the fact. Just keep meticulous records about canceling the appointment. Take names of whom you speak with and times of phone calls you make.

    • Like 3
  3. Also check with a local tech school. My ds has decided to weld. As parents, we are adjusting out thinking... They have many other options. He can DE at the tech school to try it out. The only downside is on the social end. Ds has found that there is a lot of drug use by the guys there. I'm not sure if it is any worse than the average high school, but it was a shock to the homeschool kid. He will be out after just one year (because he did DE) and making decent money (enough to live fairly comfortably).



    For Air Force, do check into Civil Air patrol. As he makes certain levels, Billy Mitchell comes to mind, he qualifies for increased pay (and I think rank?) if he enters any military branch later. It is more than worth the effort!

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  4. It is weird how many places won't let you work until you're 18 now, though.  Many places they asked had that restriction.  The most bizarro is Jo-Ann Fabrics.  Apparently you have to be 18 to work there because you have to use... scissors.  We can't let those high school kids near the scissors!  Who knows what might happen!!  And yet I managed not to cut off any fingers when I worked at a similar store in high school...


    Very true. Dd22 applied to work at a little deli near our home when she was 17. Nope, it was illegal because they had a meat slicer. That rule made every person working there have to be at least 18. The guy had a younger person working there before that and was hit with a hefty fine even though that dc  ever touched the slicer (which is what he thought the rule was). The fine was higher than if he had had an underage person serving alcohol. It ended up putting him out of business.

  5. Not that is helps at all but I do think this particular problem occurs more in the country than in neighborhoods.  We have lived in a neighborhood for 10 years and have never had a dog issue.  A few times a loose dog has wandered into our yard but has never caused trouble and has almost always had someone looking for it.  We lived out on 40 acres WAAAAAY out in the sticks before that and had to deal with loose and not-friendly dogs frequently.  So much so that it was a factor in our decision to move.   And we had no recourse.  There were no laws regarding loose dogs and I would have gotten laughed at had I tried calling the police.


    Although I will agree that there are lots of other problems that those living in neighborhoods get to enjoy.


    While we do not have issues with people who are supposedly kenneling dogs, I have to carry a can of bear repellent with me when I walk my dog. Several neighbors have invisible fences, every single one of which I have had a dog go through coming for me barking, snarling, with fur raised. Many others have their precious fur babies out in their yard (while they are with them) unleashed. I am told that the dog won't leave their yard as the barking, snarling dog rushes across the road at me. I had one lady whose dog bit mine tell me that it didn't happen because my dog was so big... I did restrain my dog after it was bitten in the hind leg to keep it from eating hers. If I had it to do over again, I would probably allow mine to tear hers to bits. So, now, I just let loose a stream of bear spray. While they sit and watch. The ones leaving their fences, they find their dogs in great distress when/if they ever check on them. Then, their is the neighbor directly behind me whose dog attacked me in my yard right next to my house. Seems he though it was his to protect. This one, I managed to make friends with by visiting it with my neighbor and feeding it treats. It ran the fence every day for over two weeks. I started just taking it in every time. THen, they got angry because I was "stealing their dog"...and it liked me more than it did them. I would have to force it to return home. In just a few days, I had it trained to where it would heal without a leash (they can't walk it because it drags them down the road), sit, shake, come, stay for 5 minutes, down. Smart, sweet dog. But, left alone (with its buddy who didn't run the fence). Now, they have managed to fix whatever problem they were having with the fence. For now. So, I get to listen to the two dogs barking incessantly for most of the day.


    You are lucky you don't have dog issues in your neighborhood. OP, it #$#$%$#s. Vent heard. and, added to...

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  6. Yep, a Voodoo doll donut for me and a dozen to share.  Dd is always generous....especially with treats.   :hurray:


    In THAT case, you should pay for your dd's portion of the ticket. Generosity should be rewarded! (I like the idea of allowing the driver to work off the $ with some chores at your house if this is going to spoil a friendship.)

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  7. As teens, my kids swam competitively year round. That does not leave time for a job. It does instill an excellent work ethic. Even summers there wasn't time for a job. They had two practices a day, morning and afternoon. An hour drive both directions to the pool between didn't leave time for anything but eating lunch, taking a nap (which was very much needed) and getting a snack. After their senior year of high school, the twins got real jobs as mermaids at a Ripley's Aquarium. They have worked there every summer since. Ds has been a lifeguard summers; he stopped swimming earlier than the girls.


    I worked from the time I was 12 teaching/coaching gymnastics. From 12 to 15, I taught the younger kids and was paid in lessons. From 15 on I was on the official coaching staff. At 17, I was basically running the entire gym. There was an official adult coach, but she never was there before classes or team practice started and often didn't show at all.

  8. Of course, #1 is the responsible party. But, if my kid were kid 2; I would insist that they shoulder half of the responsibility. Because they are friends and they made the decision together. However, kid1 needs to realize that as the driver it is ultimately their responsibility to park legally and follow all traffic rules, and that kid2 is being very nice to pay half.

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  9. Oh, really?  This happens frequently?  Maybe it wasn't the candy, then.  Yes, I am so thankful she did not throw up in the pool and make the children in the next period of swim classes miss their lessons!  We remember being so disappointed one evening when the waterslides at our hotel were closed because someone had a potty accident.


    Oh yes! With the littles, it is usually swallowing too much water. Nerves don't help, of course. But, generally, it is just the water. I'm sure candy didn't help either. :laugh: :lol:

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  10. Good for your dd. Might also be a good swim instructor you have there. Sounds like she might have praised your dd for making it out of the pool. (If she hadn't, it would have made them close it for quite a while.) It's something that happens quite frequently at swim lessons!

  11. We have had the same problem. The only way to have x-rays transferred seems to be picking them up and taking them yourself... So, I would try to swing by the dentist and pick them up if possible. The only time we have had success was with a dentist and endodontist who worked in tandem for work required with an implant and reconstruction.

  12. I think your dd is wise and very mature for her age. Even if her friend had NOT been safe, your dd made the right decision. If it had been an unsafe situation, her decision would have been even wiser. Honestly, the only thing I would have done differently would be that I would not have notified friend's mother that your dd was no longer with her. I would have left that decision with the friend. (This is generally how teen getting togethers work)Your dd was not babysitting this kid, she was out as a teen friend. She had no responsibility towards her friend other than giving her the option of going with her to grandma's (since they had planned to stick together for the evening originally).

    • Like 4
  13. "Costs are out of control and the AHA doesn't seem to have stopped that even though it was the hope."


    Costs have gone down for people who were already paying the full costs. Before we all lived cheap when we didn't need benefits and then when we needed them we went into debt or suffered. Kicked off the plan, paid cash, whatever.

    Now, we pay huge premiums and still live cheap when we don't need benefits. When we do need them, we still go into debt or suffer.


    Now, everyone pays in early on. Over time this should even out EXCEPT that we don't have a public option, so cartel/monopoly issues may arise.



    Also, some of the cost savings have been offset by employers refusing to cover workers which they used to do to a greater extent. So that sucks. :( 


    Employers aren't refusing to cover workers, at least in most instances. They are being charged such high rates that they cannot afford to cover them. Dh is no longer covering his employees. One reason he has retired is because he cannot afford to pay health insurance premiums. Yes, he could have just dropped it. But, paying them (along with the other crazy expenses businesses are expected to pay) made it so that it just wasn't worth his time to go into work any longer. Now, his employees are all taking advantage of the $ he paid into unemployment. Only one has become employed. She is currently working at a gas station convenience store. It is quite a step down for her.


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    However, when people say the fine is less than paying for insurance, they are telling the truth.  It is very possible they simply can't afford insurance.  Costs are out of control and the AHA doesn't seem to have stopped that even though it was the hope.


    And, most likely has made it worse. I've never seen my rate actually double before. Big increases, yes. Double? insanity.


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  15. Why so high? Our plan with a $10k deductible for 7 people is right at $1000/month.


    I think everyone should pay for regular care. There is no reason insurance should cover a doctor's visit. Insurance should keep you afloat if you have a major medical issue. And there is no reason for that kind of policy to cost so much.

    Because they are doubling our rates come Jan. No real reason. There are only 6 of us. No smokers in the bunch. No risky behaviors. Our deductible is also $10,000. We are going to check and see how much worse a plan we can get for less. It isn't like we use it. But, only paying, what is it? 2% of our annual income in a penalty sounds awfully attractive!


    The honest truth, at least 50% of our income goes to insurance in one form or the other. Something is wrong with that.

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  16. I can understand the sentiment. Our marketplace insurance for a high deductible, barely covers anything, I won't go to the doctor unless I am certain I am dying plan will be running $2, 200 a month. I do not understand this. There is no reason for us to be paying this much for nothing. I get that we have to support a million other people, but it is tempting to play roulette. The odds are tremendously in our favor.

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  17. Xavier


    was the name it came with


    I didn't have one at the height of their crazed popularity.  Too expensive.  I bought one for my son so I could relive my childhood and give my kid something I really wanted that I could not have.  I know, stupid, but that's one of the fun things about being a parent.  LOL 


    My hangover from childhood is shoes. My children always had/have brand name shoes. Why? Because I was laughed at and teased for my Kmart shoes. My kids? They have never cared one blip about what brand their shoes are. When they shop...they head to Walmart or Kmart for shoes...I still can't.

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  18. Dh and I went to one for our honeymoon...so ages ago. Not truly all inclusive if you like to go do stuff. Truly inclusive if you are happy staying on the compound and doing the beach and pools. Dh and I did go out shopping once. Only had to pay for stuff we purchased for that. We also paid an extra fee to take a snorkeling trip. That was well worth the money. Big pirate-like boat and lovely fishies. All food and drinks were included onsite. Hiking trips and other adventures off the hotel site were not included. We were happy to just laze about the hotel compound. Many of the activities at the hotel were included, but never available. There was always some reason they couldn't be done just at that moment. We were on island time after all... Finally figured out that actually meant that the people working there just sat in a chair and chilled out. Then, we stopped asking.

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