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Posts posted by Lolly

  1. No, I cannot confirm this for the ladies I know.  Among the women in my local homeschool  and women's group, many families are in very tight financial circumstances. There are factors that go beyond income.


    Ah, but we left your immediate circle and went to statistical large samples. As an explanation for the why of your particular group not fitting into this factor, perhaps where you live the lower income families are able to grow their own food which eliminates the need to purchase the lower quality cheap foods. Or more specifically, the homeschooling families you are observing tend to do so. Honestly, I think the more educated would tend to use it as a solution. The ones with less education are more likely to follow the tradition of food purchase using WIC and food stamps that they have grown up witnessing. (I know this is true for where I live.)

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  2. You are the first person I've heard say swimming makes your knees hurt worse than other exercise. I have this problem too. When I say it, people look at me like I have grown a third eye. My knees pop loudly in the water and for lack of a better way of describing it, they feel like they overextend even if they are not. It is so painful yet it is supposed to be easy on the joints. I can do kettlebell squats without as much knee pain.


    Yep, when my knees were at their worst in my early 20s, the orthopedic doctor told me that swimming was the only exercise I was going to be able to do without surgery. I tried it, but the pain was extremely excruciating. It didn't matter what stroke I did. (Breaststroke is known to be hard on the knee joint.)

  3. I have done the same in terms of walking the miles . All useless after a certain point in muscle development (other than whatever chemicals are generated plus circulation of lymph system) until I fiddled with the macros and calories and lifted weights ( which is really work harder) or biked. Calories are only an estimate, and being off 20% makes a difference.


    Yep. You are right. I must have been overeating. Lifting doesn't make a difference. (I have an incredible gym in my basement.) Tore a rotator cuff (guessing, I don't do doctors) this summer when I slipped in the water this summer and fell. So, upper body lifting has been suspended. .Yeah, I bike too. Swimming..been there. Though it is odd, swimming hurts my knees worse than anything. I also do P90x. Have to make it low impact, and now vary it for my shoulder, but I do it. Tried yoga, but didn't like it. The instructor of the class came to me afterwards and asked where I had been taking it before. I had no problems doing anything the class required. It was extremely easy. She did not believe I had never been to a class before. I can outlast and outlift my college aged athletic children. (One a record holding NCAA champion swimmer.) So, yes, it must just be that I have no idea how much food I am actually consuming...



    Does the sarcasm come across in my post? It is certainly there.


    editing to add: The only thing that has allowed me to lose weight has been my fil passing away. I lost about 50 lb in under 6 months after his death. Five of those pounds tend to come and go three years later. I did not change my eating habits. I did not change my exercise habits. Maybe I should consider doing away with other relatives in order to get rid of the pounds.......


    Also, I am one of those English/Irish blooded people who holds onto iron in their body like crazy. (Prenatal vitamens almost killed me, literally.) I have often wondered if my body holds onto other substances that are causing me to hold onto fat in a similar manner.

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  4. I have used it with all my dc. It is an excellent biology class. My kids loved the dvd teacher. She kind of reminded me of a K teacher, super sweet. Must say that now that my kids have had college biology, some of it doesn't line up with the current teaching...BJU does not group birds in as reptiles. Then again, my dc's college instructors told them that although the book has it that way, they personally thought it was ridiculous too. I still have copies of the books if anyone wants them. (Assuming they are still using the same dvd/book.) Oh, and yes, well worth the money!


    editing to add: Just looked it up, and it is a different book and dvd. I think it may be the same instructor, but not certain. Anyway, when my kids used it (previous edition), it was great and well worth the money. I found that it was more economically beneficial to purchase an entire grade level of materials. Sell the books I didn't want to use. Only use a couple of subjects (sciences, Spanish, geograph) with the DVDs and use a subject or so without DVDs (Grammar, math maybe).

  5. I don't know much about it, but a good friend's dd recently graduated from there. She had a problem the first year with her assigned roommates. Drinking and drug use were serious issues. This was in the dorms. The school was not accommodating with her need to change room situations. I think she just had to put up with it. It made being prepared for class (sleep) difficult. She did stay there the whole 4 years. Things did get better when she was able to choose her own roommates.

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  6. Maybe part of the problem is the incredible amount of time one has to put into extended education in order to gain employment in a profession these days. Once you have put the time  and money into a career choice, you are a bit stuck there once you are actually qualified for the job and get to try it out. Sure, some careers you can sort of try along the way. Others, not so much. Not to mention that a little job shadowing doesn't give an accurate feel at all. Not enough to know that it won't suit you. It would be best if there were less school class time and more apprenticeship type of learning so that people could try jobs out before they are fully invested.

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  7. What do you consider too much workout? Most m.o. that I know that succeed put about two hours daily in, but one woman I know with a sedentary job decided to calorie and portion control, eliminated sugar, bread, and starch, ate greens daily, upped her movement via fitbit and treadmill-about an hour of walking per day, and was back at normal weight in three years. Has maintained for 2 so far. Still parks far away so she gets more steps in.


    I can tell you that I have walked 6-10 miles  at least 5 days a week for over 6 mths (at a brisk pace, I might add) in addition to doing yard work, house work, and other general movement throughout the day while eating around 1000 calories a day (with a day a week where I allowed myself to have a dessert added to it), drinking only unsweetened tea and water. Yes, I do know what healthy eating is (in many different terms according to different diets/I tend to prefer keeping some carbs in with my greens and protein). I gained weight.No, it wasn't muscle.

    But did you gain fitness? And did you get enough movement in? I walked with my neighbor for 45 min daily for several years. Neither of us got any muscle gain out of until we got on the treadmill and started running...we just werent working hard enough walking.


    The m.o. that I know did not 'eat like that' for months, but for years. Slow and steady, with movement that put their heart rate in the zone that matched their workout goals.


    No. I did not gain fitness. Honestly, I was fit before. Running is not healthy for me. It makes me so that I cannot walk or be on my feet. Sixteen years of gymnastics (back in the old days before good mats) will ruin the knees. I do know all about fitness and exercise. I am extremely fit. I just happen to also be fat.

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  8. I don't right now. I went through a phase when my kids were teens of wanting another baby/toddler around desperately. Dh did not agree. Right now, I have zero desire to be around any babies, toddlers, or even elementary aged children. I like my adults! I have enjoyed having children more every year that mine aged. Yes, the problems are just different from when they were little. But, to be quite honest, they are not my problems. They are my children's problems. I feel for them. I worry about them. But, I do not have to actually deal with them.



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  9. 800 mg ibuprofen. A sofa, a heating pad, and being allowed to just stay there with a tv or an unimportant book. If she needs to be able to function, I would highly suggest bcp taken in the manner that eliminates her period completely (don't take the placebos). If she is homeschooled, plan to give her a couple of sick days each month. I did have one dd who had to take an entire week out each month. I allowed it because I didn't want her on bcp that young. If she had been in ps, she would have been on them.

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  10. Angry? Nope, beyond. I would be consulting a lawyer, expecting author and newspaper to be paying for security system to be installed and for monitoring for the duration of my life in the home. Unprofessional, unethical, and imnsho criminal.

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  11. Yep. Left ds in his bed asleep once shortly after he was born. Took the other three with me. Simply forgot he had been born, I suppose. Realized it fairly quickly and turned around. Same child was left behind at around 2 or 3 years of age. I am certain I had put him in his carseat. I think he got out of it and left the car. He was sitting on the front porch perfectly content when I got back home (turned around when I noticed he was no longer in his seat). Pretty sure I left him, same child, in his car seat in the driveway at some point too. none of the leavings were for long periods of time. (I did have his older sisters to remind me...It helped.)


    Reason? lack of sleep. He never slept for more than 15 minutes at a time until he was 5 or so. Also had night terrors to deal with. And, the eldest (barely 4 when he was born) didn't sleep well. She could never go to sleep before midnight--ever. Add in a set of toddler twins, and I pretty much never got any sleep. It is a wonder they all survived! I tend to require 9-10 hours a night....plus a little daytime nap...for optimal performance. Not sure how I ended up with kids who don't need sleep. I blame dh's side of the family!

  12. Personally, I wouldn't respond.


    I would just send in the application, possibly with an "approval letter" from a certified teacher stating that they have reviewed the student's courses and transcript and they meet requirements. Or even have that person as a 2nd signer of the transcripts. 


    Why? One, because I know that my student is not going to take the GED, so they are either going to be happy with the overall application or not. Two, they are giving you a heavy hint that they will likely be content with most efforts made to comply: There are many homeschool companies that provide curriculum and assessments.


    In the end, they are going to accept what you send or not. I would prefer to leave some wiggle room for interpretation on their side, rather than nailing them down to specifics that I don't plan to fulfill. 


    I would go with this option too. If you have a friend who is a certified teacher who would be willing that would be great. If not, any old friend could do. Print up an official looking document stating that xxx has completed the requirements according to the state of YYY needed to graduate from high school. Take it to a notary to sign (free at our bank). Have it signed and notarized. Schools just love fancy seals on paper. Your friend can look over the legal requirements for your state to make it all legal (assuming you have followed the legal requirements of course). I would guess that as long as they have something to allow them to check the box, they will.

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  13. My kids' feet have been the same size for a long time now. Two of them are the same as me. One the same as dh. I only have to remember three sizes. Makes it easier. Though, I don't buy shoes without them with me! I think shoes need to be tried on. Too many variables for comfort!

  14. My dd with scoliosis laughs at the doctors who tell her there is no pain. She definitely has pain. Her curvature was last measured at 25 top and bottom (S) Swimming is the most recommended exercise. If he is put into pt, they will do exercises that mimic swimming. Dd was already a swimmer, so...Core strength was not an issue for her. She cannot sit up straight for long periods of time. She receives professional massage on a regular basis. (Coming home from college for one this weekend as a matter of fact.) That is her main pain management. When things get too tight back there, time for a massage!

  15. Most of my extended family do not have anything beyond a high school degree. They work in everything from real estate to checkers at the grocery store. Most manage stores in some capacity. Many hold two jobs. Some of the people working in jobs that now require degrees to enter do not have them because they were already employeed in the field before it became a requirement. I know many for whom this is true. My dh is about 6 h ours short of his degree. He dropped out his last semester because he missed too much class. He was going in when they called him to work instead. He has gone back and finished up some classes, but he really hated it. Once again, he had rather be working. He is one of those who worked positions that now require degrees, then he started his own company. (You would be surprised how many self- startup types don't have a degree.)

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