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Posts posted by Lolly

  1. Just pointing out the consistent pattern here: the "issue" for those with far-away kids seems to be ER visits. I didn't list this in my post, but we had one of these as well due to a dislocated knee cap.


    I wonder what it is about living so far from home that causes these kids to need the ER. :laugh:







    yes, I am joking. I do realize there is no causation here.

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  2. does anyone here think we will have to euthanize him? this is my worst fear.


    First offence? No. Eventually? possibly.


    How limiting would it be for you to wear him on a leash around the waist in the house? If he is beside you all of the time anyway, it might not be that bad.


    Good luck training your family to secure dog before door. It is a hard task. Seems like it should be easier!

  3. For your son it sounds normal.  :D


    Ds does stuff like that, but he's been messing with code and those scary places in computers for a while. He also has experience with youtube uploading. He's taking a programming class at school and the homework takes him about 5 minutes so far. It's stuff he already knows, which he needs a class like that this semester. 


    So maybe normal for kids who have been tinkering with tech for a while. 


    True! J has been messing with this stuff for years. I guess he isn't afraid to try things on them. I, on the other hand, am so afraid I will mess it up worse that I won't touch anything on it. I've had to pay for his mess ups instead of him when he was little. That might be the difference!

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  4. It is fun to dismantle the iphone, if he doesn't intend to trade-in or sell used.

    I have many relatives who loves to reverse engineer things. A nephew is still happy as an airforce mechanic after more than 10 years. He gets to take parts of fighter planes apart :)


    It is probably the YouTube uploader program for iMovie on your daughter's macbook that needed tweaking. Someone who is used to doing his own tweaking would probably figure out how to do it because it doesn't feel like this "scary unknown territory".


    The problem was in uploading her video from her camera into imovie so she could edit it. She thought the problem was in the card reader and had purchased a new one, but it didn't work either. Something in imovie wouldn't allow it to "stick". She has had problems with uploading to YouTube in the past (taking 4 hours or more for short videos). She already knew how to use the processes/programs. She has definitely done it before many times. Something had managed to break/change. Fortunately for her, last night the upload to YouTube only took a few minutes. She didn't have hours left before it was due. Waiting until the last day to finish assignments drives me batty. Much less the last few hours! She is appreciating her little brother today. It isn't often that happens!

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  5. I do not believe that is normal.  Sounds like the DD has an Apple product, from the name of the program, which would be even farther from "normal" for an Apple user.   DD has had to submit a video for at least one Lesson (I think it was for a TTUISD  Middle School English course) but we are PC users and she did it with whatever free Windows software we have available. GL to your DD with her assignment!


    Yes, Apple product and software. He opened some window up, showed me the gobbley-gook writing, pointed to a couple of sections and said he replaced blah blah blah with bleh bleh bleh.


    He is a pc guy himself, though he does have an iphone which is plans to replace soon with something else. This is the kid who at the age of three took apart my brand new vacuum cleaner while I was in the kitchen. I walked into the den, saw the pieces all over the floor, told him to put it back together, and left the room (back to adjoining kitchen). I still use that vacuum today. (I asked how he got it back together and was told that it is easy--you put the pieces back in in the opposite order that you took them out. How do you know what order you took them out, I asked--you lay them on the floor in a line.) And, he has killed a few computers. He is hard on stuff. I think because he tinkers with it... I refused to replace his last computer a few years ago, so he took all of his dead ones and made one that worked.


    Dd got it submitted with 30 minutes to spare. Since she had come to my house and was working in the dining room, everyone stayed up until she was finished (really late for us). I think it turned out well. The video quality was certainly good. Doubt that counts toward anything on her grade! She has about 3 more video submissions to do this semester for this class. Her professor is using them in place of in class presentations. Seems to be a good idea to me! I know dd prefers this method. She despises getting in front of people, but cameras are just fine!

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  6. Dd21a has to make and upload a video to YouTube for a class. (It is educationally related!) She comes scurrying over to our house tonight because her computer isn't working--something about iMovie??? She needs to use my laptop instead. She gets on it, frantic. Ds18 takes her computer, opens up some program thingy, and rewrites the code in it (just in some places). It now works. :confused1: So...Is this a normal thing for kids to do? I would never in my wildest dreams think to attempt to rewrite a computer program. I wouldn't know how to open the danged thing up either. (This is my kid who refuses to go to college. He decided to go into welding after de there last year. He hates academics. Undoubtably he has taught himself a little computer coding somewhere along the line.)

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  7. I wanted another one tremendously at around your age. Dh did not. I am so glad he didn't. (I even harbored a secret wish for grandbabies, even though I knew it would not be best.) I think we have a strong biological urge to reproduce as we approach those last possible reproductive years. Now that the last is graduated and off, I am so glad there isn't another one to start homeschooling. I am ready for this next season of my life. (I don't even care if grandbabies come along at this point. I actually don't have any baby desire left!)

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  8. This type of robbery is being done here frequently now. Not college students in particular, but anyone. They normally involve taking two people (often husband and wife). Hold one hostage while the other is sent  to withdraw the money. It was attempted on some down the street neighbors a few weeks ago (kidnapping from their home).


    Poor boy must be terrified.

  9. It's really odd to me that adult children might not be motivated to work if they are taking on expenses. Wouldn't that be a character flaw? We really would view it as such.... the unwillingness to take responsibility for one's expenses and to work to do so. I'd find it alarming if this wthat their attitude of entitlement. I don't mean to offend Antoine and I'm wondering if a lot of parents really are seeseeing this attitude attitudin your youth?


    We're just trying to figure out what a reasonable introduction is into balancing earnings, expenses, a budget, and getting them practice at this budgeting and balance between free will spending is.


    For example, they had to purchase a car in their bbudget. They both worked all summer to do so. They choose to pay cash and not have a car payment. But we had to talk about how it would be necessary to start putting aside money for fix and replace costs out of earnings. They are paying part of their insurance because we want them to feel how their good grades and driving impacts their insurance.


    So I guess I'm wondering what else people have their kids pay our not pay and how it adds to intentionally raising thoughtful adults who plan and intentionally act rather than spend time, money, etc.



    I think I didn't think through the original post clearly enough. :D


    You have multiple children. Would you feel okay about paying for child1's car insurance because they don't have a job, while child2 spends almost their entire paycheck to cover theirs? Now, if child1 decides they want a cell phone which you don't provide for all of your kids, I would have no problem with them paying it (as in I would not offer to pay it for them). I just prefer to keep things fairly even where my kids are concerned. If my family policy is for kids to purchase a car on their own, that is fair. If I suddenly decide to buy one for kid3, I would feel guilty. (in our home, we provide $X toward a car purchase, they provide any additional required for whichever car they decide to purchase.) That doesn't meant ther everything is always equal, I don't keep a ledger or anything, but we try to keep our policies pretty routine as far aw what we provide and don't provide.

  10. I would keep up with everything we have covered before and allow her to use "her" money as she sees fit. Barring extenuating circumstances, I would feel like I was penalizing her for working otherwise. Hopefully, she will be sticking it into savings to make a nest egg for when she strikes out on her own. Lots of unanticipated expenses when that happens!

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  11. I absolutely agree that I would bet antibiotics are often mistaken as the cause...but this is the 3rd time, and it is a shocking departure from her usual behavior, within 2 hours of taking the medicine. As in, standing on a chair and literally screaming at the top of her lungs for no real reason. Running back and forth across the house banging into walls. Giggling hysterically and refusing to comply with any request, just because. Really, drastically different behavior:(

    In addition, this time she has been sick for awhile. Her pediatrician waited thinking maybe it was bronchitis da her than walking pneumonia. She doesn't complain, but her cough keeps getting worse. Her bhavior has been consistent throughout: tired, a bit of whiny, easily frustrated...but nothing like this:(


    Dh's is definitely the antibiotics also. It is hard to explain the difference, but it is not the illness. If he skips a dose, it goes away and returns as soon as he takes it again. And, it is extreme. He doesn't see it unless I point it out. When I do, he notices it. Says he feels on edge and a little anxious. I just try to avoid him as much as possible if he has to be on them. Fortunately, it is a rare thing.

  12. I think TT is great if your child is a math person. From the samples I've seen, there is very little repetitive work. So if you don't understand their initial explanations or example problems, you may have some issues. The examples I've seen explains the problem once in a lecture-type format, then your student goes through maybe 15-20 exercises before moving one. On harder topics, this just may not be enough. The actual video type lessons are great...but I'm just not sure if there is enough practice. Also, the more advanced lessons build on the previous ones, so it's quite important to have a thorough understanding before moving on.


    An option similar to TT is called CTC Math (https://ctcmath.com/purchase/homeschool/) I like it slightly better because you get access to all grade level with one subscription. They also have a demo you could check out. That program might also be considered light though. I plan on using it and supplementing with the free stuff from CIMT (http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mep/default.htm). I like CTC because it has a lot of tests and stats to help the parent know what's going on. Also, you can print lesson summaries, tests, and worksheets.


    Another idea, is to get a SAT math guide so you understand the topic requirements. Once the required topics come along in the curriculum, maybe spend extra time on them. Several months before the SAT, do a few practice tests and see where the trouble topics are. This way you can concentrate on these areas.  


    Plenty of repetition. Lesson after lesson of it. Chapter after chapter. There are a large number of review problems from previous lessons in each lesson. From my experience, TT works well for mathy, and even more so for non-mathy. I don't think it is going to be a turn around kind of thing that will make a non-mathy suddenly score stellar on tests, but I have seen plenty of personal evidence that it works quite well. (And in actuallity, my most mathy did not like TT as much.)

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  13. Going to be the oddball here. I'd drop from %20 to 15%. She knows the policies on refills, the customer has no way to know they cannot get more after the bill has been rung up. Since there are refill options on the table, she should have notified you of the policy before ringing your bill out. I consider 15%to be an adaquate tip for good service. 20% for top notch. Not notifying us of the fry policy or offering to get a manager to address the problem when it came up dropped her down a notch in my opinion.

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  14. Have a hound. Well, she's technically mixed with lab, but she is all the hound portion in personality. She is smart. Too smart. She can get out of any enclosure/situation that literally isn't 6 caged walls with a lock on the door. She can open fence gates. She can open some door knobs. She can climb ladders and fences. She is super mellow. Unless she smells something. She has a high need to run occassionally. Walks are good, but needs space to be let free now and then. She finds a way to get free now and then pretty much no matter what we do. When she returns, she has to be bathed immediately because she WILL have found something stinky to roll in. The worse something smells, the more she loves it. Her scent glands are stinkier than any dog I have ever encountered. All that said, she is by far the best dog I have ever had or met. She was a snap to train. She minds great (unless she has decided to run). She is quiet most of the time. (We got lucky, she seems to have a defect in that it hurts her ears to bark. If she barks, she stops and shakes her head.)


    That said, I don't care for beagles a whole lot.

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  15. I didn't get either. I wore boyfriend's class ring in high school. Good thing his mama bought it for him! Dh only got a high school ring. I think he wore it until he graduated high school (I wasn't around then...). I've never missed not having either. Of course, I don't wear any jewelry on a normal basis, so I may not be the best one to answer.


    None of my kids have gotten high school rings. My college senior has no interest in a college ring. I did get each of the girls a nice ring and necklace as a graduation gift. They are among their most prized/loved possessions and worn regularly.

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  16. BMI has been quite useful for my girls. I think they all have done papers for college using it as the subject. I know one used it for a speech. Something so ridiculous makes excellent material for writing/speaking classes. Plenty of information out there to to use as reference material.



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  17. Dd20a was nervous about going back this year after she read the syllabus for a couple fo her classes. One seemed to be really heavy on essays in class (with her dyslexia that is her nemesis). She's pretty happy now because it turns out that all testing will be done at home with unlimited time (which is exactly what she needs for those essays!). She is not real happy with her AMerican Lit class because the professor is being very...pushy about religious issues. That makes her very uncomfortable. Hoping that stops when they move to the next chapter/topic. She is NOT liking the parking this year. It seems there are a lot more students with TN Promise. They are taking all the good spots (she arranged her classes to start a little later which really doesn't help).


    Ds18 starts tech school next week. He is looking forward to going back and being full time (was de last year). He has gotten bored since the pool closed taking his work hours away.


    I'll bet your ds will be a whole lot better after classes start. That waiting is so hard! Such a big change for him. Hope he enjoys it as much as my kids have.

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