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Everything posted by Nam2001

  1. Hmmm.....that doesn’t sound too appealing 😂
  2. Does anyone know if any other online providers teach from WWS?
  3. Hmm....interesting points. I wish they’d have a section or two for older kids just starting WWS.
  4. I see that this online class is listed for grades 6-8. My child has only done a little of WWS 1 and will be entering 9th grade. How do you all feel about this class for 9th or even 10th grade?
  5. Hi! Has anyone taken the Saxon algebra 1 class at WTMA? I’d love to hear some reviews. Thanks!
  6. Hi ladies! Do any of you know of a curriculum that uses Paul Johnson’s History of the American People? Preferably with assignments included, not just reading. Thanks!
  7. Does anyone know of a good spine to use for grades 4-8 that would cover Ancient Greece and Rome on a very basic level? Not too many details. For instance, not like the Guerber books - even though great books, just too much info. So something that covers the main people, places and events of that time. Thanks!
  8. My kids have enjoyed the birds flash cards and also the art flash cards.
  9. Thanks for this. I really appreciate your thoughts on the O’Dell text. One other spine I thought about was the one from SCM called A Castle With Many Rooms. But I’ve never heard of the CLP book you mentioned. I took a look and it seems really short. I guess I can just add plenty of books and activities. My youngest is doing VP self paced now and we want to take a break from that and do more reading and discussing. But I’m sure I’ll go back to it eventually for her. That’s also a good idea about the VP cards. Have you done the CLP spine? If so, did you just spread it out over the year and just add fillers?
  10. I have a hunch that my diet is causing inflammation in my joints. (Or at least isn’t helping things) I’m headed to the doctor next week. It hurts mostly in my elbows but overall most joints hurt. I’m 44. Any books or sites you’d recommend I take a look at while I’m waiting for my appointment?
  11. Hi ladies! I’ve been all over the place the past few months regarding our history plans for next year. I’ve narrowed it down a lot and am trying to make a decision this week. We want to cover Medieval history. What I seem to be choosing from is Easy Classical (the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation guide) or The World’s Story put out by MasterBooks - the Middle Ages Book. Easy Classical has tons of books assigned and other projects and activities. The World's Story has a teacher’s guide with some ideas and the author has a list of suggested books that aren’t scheduled. They both seem quite simple to implement. That’s my goal. Simple but deep and room for rabbit trails. The ages of my children are 14,11, and 8. The 14 year old is taking a world geography class locally so she doesn’t need crazy hard work for this. It’s extra. Have any of you used either of these? I’d love to hear opinions. I have also considered Biblioplan but I think it has more than I’m looking for this year. I’ve considered just MOH and just SOTW but that didn’t sit well. Thoughts? Thanks!
  12. Thanks! And since you have done core 200 - are there any of the lit selections that you would skip? I have 3-4 additional books I want to use and would want to sub out instead of add extra.
  13. Thanks. This is really helpful. I’m considering doing all of 100 at some point but also considering just the literature portion of 200 and using Biblioplan history guide. Do you feel like the lit guides function fine without the history?
  14. Can someone tell me how the composition portion works with Sonlight high school cores? Specifically core 100, but really any of them. Do you supplement? Thanks!
  15. Thanks for these resources!!!
  16. Thanks! I’ll look into this!
  17. This is incredibly helpful! Exactly what I needed! Thank you for responding!
  18. My 9th grade daughter will be taking World Geography next year at our local tutorial. I am hoping to take her syllabus and text and create something age appropriate for my 3rd and 6th graders so they can all be studying roughly the same thing. I thought at a minimum, we can do a family reader, some mapping together, and cook different types of food. Hit me with your best resources for ideas to do this. I have Give Your Child the World and All through the Ages. Any other suggestions? I don’t want a full curriculum because it won’t be matched up to the other text, but I’d also prefer to not have to write the entire thing myself if possible 😂 so unit studies, good books, lapbooks, movies, etc......anything you know of. thank you!
  19. Bumping just in case someone has used this and not seen this thread 😊
  20. I don’t think I was doing it correctly. I’ll try again. Thanks
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