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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. In all 3 of my big kids college enc101 . not one lesson , semester , project, nothing was on grammar. They assume you know it and the focus is writing. You write papers in every class except math and the writing is what their grades are based on. So at this point in her school career, the focus shifts to math first, then writing. Assuming, there isn't a challenge with grammar and she has a solid foundation in it.
  2. Yes. I would definitely recommend using 2 separate complete curriculums. Use them both daily. From someone whose been there, homeschooling highschool kids, 1 accelerated, 1 with dyslexia and other learning challenges 3 being completely in the middle lol For my younger kids being very learning challenged, I use 4 complete curriculums everyday. It doesn't really take as much time as you would think, plis, highschool.... Name of the game is math and writing . If math is a struggle , thsts what needs to b focused on first and foremost , esp. If there are challenges in that area . If she's college bound. It makes a difference . Buy math will need to be the focus. Spending a few spread out hours a day on math, isn't out if line if there are math challenges. Learning grammar is taught to learn to write. I wouldn't focus on grammar unless there are challenges there too. Focus on math, then work on writing. Taking lots of breaks is a good idea and key to success when dealing with a challenge and 2 different curriculums .
  3. And I don't use just worksheets , this will b incomplete . Buy a mastery program . Buy a separate spiral program. Then do both in same day. Master program first, then take a break, do spiral program. 2complete curriculums. That's what I do and found success. Trying to identify the target areas that need working on is difficult and incomplete when you don't have that spiral program to go along with , *to help you identify the weak areas*. Trying to just pull in worksheets won't give you the benefit of using 2 actual curriculum.
  4. I agree with onestep on the eval. I assumed that had already been done. That would be a good thing to get started now.
  5. No no...both together and smae day. So, do a mastery program first. Then do the spiral last ( review). You said above the 2 different learning styles. For our family , thsts been a running theme. You could even target it more and do the spiral esp. Where she is struggling or needs the most review .
  6. That's a good feeling isn't it? :) So glad you guys are making progress. Warm fuzzies when that happens
  7. PS. I wish I had used more than one curriculum with my girls in the HS maths. I did with ds20 and it made all the difference in the world and made college algebra easier for him. Before he left to go on deployment for a year he did 2 classes at the comm. Coll. Big big difference. And my oldest daughter is an accelerated learner. THAT is the difference using more than one curriculum made.
  8. I don't think you're making a mistake putting the algebra away. So very many times when I put something away ( and I have to do this alot with my ds12 and had to when my dd24 was homeschooling) and it always amazes me when we go back, how much they can absorb and will work with that...even alot if times soaring in that topic that I put down . I think this is for 2 reasons. 1. Their brain shuts it off at some point and all the work and trying different programs makes a hill of beans and it's wasted effort and adds loads more frustration. 2. They've had time to absorb/process what you were trying to teach them. 3. Going back to other things, build LOADS of confidence . when they loose confidence, count 'er done lol. And will make them loathe that subject . Ok that was 3 not 2 lol I would definitely put it down, go back to what she has done well in, work on that then add other things like you described above. With us and it sounds like we have similar situations, it's going to be about using more than one curriculum . and it's sounds like alot, it's really not as much as it sounds. Once they are getting it from different angles, it will start to click and boom....off goes your daughter :) uts like they go..hey...I CAN DO this and they speed off and moms like....eh? Where'd that come from lol. I agree finding her learning style in this will help ( that can be tough esp with high school algebra) But I would go back to what she's good at. Then add other components in. Use 2 or even 3 algebra curriculums. With my kids. And esp with algebra, I fold in mastery first, then spiral. Let's face it....HS algebra is HARD lol I think there has to be some spiral. But mastery being the focus. Spiral will cement/aide in that mastery. Fir HS we used saxon algebra but ibmade mistakes with it. I didn't do all the practice problems in the book and I didn't use all the practice sheets that come with the program. And there are ALOT of new and better curriculums out now . I would research all the HS algebra programs. And do some of it with her. Let her help in the decision making which will help her to want to work on it. If she has a say, shell be more exited to get books in the mail, and to start. But only after she has built confidence and some review . Her building confidence will be KEY. When they lose confidence , they will deflate and...ain't gettin Nuttin out if em then! Lol
  9. Mom28, I haven't had time to read all the comments, I scanned some tho. There is NO way we could do all that work with such little breaks the SLP appears to be suggesting. Even in some if the comments I've been able to read , we would not even be able to do for as long as they are. Even if it's some sort of play therapy . There's jus no way we could go that long. At some point , and depends on your child, you lose them. Once you lose them, alllll the therapy in the world ( even play) is for nill. We wouldn't get a thing out of it except loads if frustration and a meltdowned kid. It's kind if, a big waste of money at that point. All kids are different on their stop and start points. As young as your lil guy is, you don't want it to be a point of, him starting to hate therapy. But I would try to work out a different/better schedule. I know your time is limited. I would say if it were us, even if we had to miss one of the therapy sessions. At some point we have to weigh what's doing more apparent/possible harm than good. And I mean harm as in, making him not like therapy. We have horses. And sounds weird, but when training a horse, (weve had a bunch of babies) You ALWAYS end that training session on a good note. A success, rather than continuing on and have it go to the horse meltdown stage. We have applied this with the kids and therapies. We ALWAYS end on a good note, hence, making them want to go back, not feeling any bad feelings about the therapy sessions. It's , for us, about laying the foundation of good positive feelings about any therapy/training. I have walked away from many a therapy sessions when I gauged him feeling happy and accomplished, and not to the meltdown stage ir check out stage. If course, you have to have experienced the check out ir meltdown stage in order to figure out where that fine line is lol.
  10. No, that wasn't the one I was looking for....we have that too though. Im going to go through my bookmarks when I get a bit. Wish it wasn't escaping my memory right now.
  11. I did go to my doc and gets a med for me. I had to. I think we moms put varying amounts of internal pressure on ourselves . I do. I also think, we need to give ourselves permission to do what we need to, to function the best overall for....*ourselves*. We become so focused ( me) on the children and very easy to forget..we are in the trenches with them. And say, hey, it's OK to have situational issues. (Depression, anxiety, or just plane ole ...I'm stuck and overwhelmed myself). We forget about ourselves sometimes. Don't be shy about getting something if you and the doc deem necessary . doesn't have to be forever , but we go through seasons in life. It's OK to tend to us sometimes too. I myself am so guilty of this.
  12. OhE makes a good point on energies and where they go. We stop and start other and different things too and I am always shocked.... When we go back to the thing we stopped to do something else? He will be like...bam! And suddenly have remembered what he learned in the thing we stopped. And goes..... Boom. He's off to the races. Of course that doesn't continue forever . But always shocks me stopping and restarting...what he will do with the area we had taken a break from. Ironically, that's when I get the beat memory retention from him. Weird.
  13. There's another dys...and is associated with dysgraphia. It may have been in the links Lecka provided. I cannot for the life of me, pull out if my brain right now, the other dys and ia associated with dyscalcula. I could pull out my paperwork and probably find it. (I'm avoiding those like the plaque these days) ..ladies here helped me come to grips with global and balh blah. Brain is still processing it. But somebody help me here please. We have it...crud. So many dys and IAS. Anyone? Hopefully it was in laeckas links. I'm gonna look in my bookmarks. ( tough day here today) There is tho, another one associated with it.
  14. I just reread so I could take some notes, I HAVE to keep a notebook , no way I could remember everything , let alone be the most effective without it. Anyway , I read over again the part about 'get these kids organized ' boy, isn't that the sticker. That has been ~very~ challenging for both boys their entire lives. We have had improvement. Lots of improvement, yet still so far to go. I've always, (thankfully God gave me the ability to focus on successes rather than the work that needs to be done), but right now, with no support through therapies, and we have been out of the public school system several years now ( not any real help there either, not for what my boys need), that I guess for the first time since they were born, I have...NO help. Hey, that just really dawned on me. No wonder we are all struggling so much right now) , first time ever, without support. Sigh. And the planning it takes for my boys to do basic things. The youngest, MAJOR planning issues. Just to eat, breath , and swallow is like...big. He's a very slow eater, but gets the job done. Then you put academics on top of that and that's not even mentioning behavior. But fir him, that's not much if an issue. He's my, non engager. Always pulling him in. My big kids have been great offering and pitching in to spend 'sibling day' with the boys . each if them usually take a day a month and they know the drill, puzzles, games, color, cards..all that. I don't , and I try to stay very villigent,with not asking and / ir burdening them with it. They've been really sweet and they love their brothers, so, worked out so far. Wow, thanks for lettin me rattle. Saying things outloud really does help see..whew. I'm in new territory here. Need to , and Sooo hopeful the prompt therapist knows some therapist who can do some real help. We've don't alot of work, but still alot to be done. And right now, I am an island unto thyself lol. Did not even realize that until...just..now. Thanks. *feeling hopeful for August when we go to PROMPT* Ladies. You guys are SERIOUSLY the best . :) Can't thank you enough .
  15. Bahahahahah...omg Heather...THAT is Sooo funny! Totally something my dh would do. Oh man. I was ready to cry ( not the best day(s) here last several ) and overwhelmed. Oh my . that cheered me up :) On the therapist. I know. The first private practice was so incredible. Insurance law suits and lots of politics in Florida few years back, made several really good places close up shop , or move to ga. I cannot express how utterly discouraging it has been since they left. We have friends going through same issue. Finding the right therapist makes all the difference. We wasted our 100% pays through insurance and, got not much forward motion. THAT, really made dh not happy :/ It's been almost a year since the boys have had private therapy. Before our place closed uo they gave us a course plan for each boy anticipating future needs. (They had been with my boys since birth and 18 mo.) It was disheartening to all of us. We got referalls and some work done at the university earlier in the year. They are a long way away and that's just a hard and not feasible long term solution. I found a good PROMPT SLP. I'm hoping we can get some leads there. She has a great rep. Educated community on PROMPT etc. I had all my big kids in year round swim team. We started it firbmy oldest and was just good for everyone. I want to have the boys on like a YMCA swim team. ( no travel lol) but, we just aren't there yet. We've done lessons etc. But they aren't trained in the specifics. Though, we did have an instructor who had worked with kids like mine before and that was helpful. If course, she's gone too now ugh. We need another good PT and OT fir my youngest. He has same issues like you described and I think a couple more. ( hard to remember, brains full lol) Back to the drawing board. I don't like drawing boards! Ha-ha :) Thanks, I appreciate tips. Save time, trouble , and money . I need to make the most of our set amount if visits BC then it's self pay. I'm going to call the place OhE suggested too. Familiesbwe know, and asking those in county who should know , have all said no. But, she had a specific name for it. I'm going to call THAT specific place. Trouble for us is we are just barely at the lines both ways, ID and pay, that prohibits the few places to get services. We were private adoptions, so no help from thsts there. It really is a maze. And noone seems to be forthcoming with information , and it you don't ask the *exact* right question, you're sure not gonna get the answer. So all this is helpful . thanks a bunch. And, will be thinking if 'quitter' and chuckling through the day. Baha! Oh man. So something thst would happen here :)
  16. That's true. Could be a variety of things. Sorry if I jumped the CP gun. I only mentioned it BC oo ( mom) mentioned it, and our experience with it. It really could be anything. An MRI though really if the best idea to pursue first (IMO) and with our experiences. 2 of my kids have greatly benefited from them. I was so hesitant to do that. Might seem a little scary and to *say* MRI is all fine and good. The reality can get a lil scary as it's unfolding. Probably more fir moms though. I would recommend going to the best children's hospital you have available . it was fun for my daughter . THEY made it fun. Both kids played games first , lots of bright pretty murials, cool ceiling tiles that are fun. Then, they took us back. They ease the kids , at least they do at our big children's hospital, room to room of discovery . each bedroom had very cool stuff to distract them and make it fun. We went with open mri's. I don't even know I our children s hospital had anything but open. The play music on headphones that they started them with in the first room, listening ir gaming to anything the child chose. So that was carried over into the MRI machine. Very easy transition s. And familiarity from the start of it. If the child is hesitant, they back uo and can chose which very cool fun room they want to go in for awhile, until they feel more ready. It's a day or half day process for us here. The most anxiety ridden person was mom ! (Me) lol While I was dying inside I didn't show it and stayed happy positive and fun...oh cool, look at this , kind if thing to help integrate them. My ds 12 , they ~tried~ an MRI at age 2. Didn't happen. So, we just went back another day. He has anxiety issues. So they reccomened we come, "play" in the rooms on days that we could so it was familiar, fun, got used to the staff, who were awesome BTW. And, we finally got there. I say all this to stress what a difference a children's hospital, esp a good one,
  17. And, with the cards ( like business cards) the banks and such, just scribe that part for her. No fuss, no muss. :) She's a big fan of her cards lol
  18. There is wisdom for sure in the 'cut and run' theory at some point. I know this can be hard to accept . dd26 her fingers are too short. Handwriting is horrible to this day. She is in college and works around it with various helps. (Computer notes she takes herself in class). Signing for adult things like bank signatures and such. It is what it is, for address and the like, I got her cards made up. We knew a family a long time ago with 6 kids that used to pass them out to church members and suck fir playdates, coop stuff. I stole her idea and ran with it lol. For my eldest, she has totally worked around it. She works at shands/UF p/t and doesn't stop her a bit. Hey, tell her to be a doctor, noone can read their handwriting lol. Humor and adaption ...gets us everywhere. I think, as upsetting as it is now, I know I've been there. But it seems as though you all have overcome alot. And in the big scheme of things, maybe it, (as life unfolds) won't be as big if a problem as once thought. That's how it was for us. She doesn't even care anymore about the handwriting issue. In the grand scheme of things, it's been totally workable ...for us. The cards have been invaluable for her, reduces embarrassment ( fir her completely takes it away) and gets the job done. :)
  19. I have heard you talk alot about CBT and the benefits. I'm so glad you have, the things you describe , we need. My youngest son has MAJOR kow tone. Posture is still a huge issue despite years if therapy. I think we need to step it up a notch. I'm not sure if we ever had a therapist talk about CBT . they may have, all this x2 boys...it gets a bit, well...alot! Lol We need this for him. He still can't swim, lots he can't do. We work work work on things to no avail. Semi-wasted efforts. Adding to my list to call about in Monday. My list keeps growing lol. Thanks a bunch. Its good to keep hearing things and the why's.
  20. That's really good advise. I forgot about that with my dd26. She has CP ( totally overcame) but when she was little , ( her fingers are too short) we did alot of this with PT and ot. I completely forgot about that. And that's true the functionality of how and what makes the fingers work . Thanks, I'm going to so that with my boys. Gonna have to dig out all her stuff. ( big boxes in shed...great lol) Op. That is REALLY good advise.
  21. Respit care, I never thought of that. Wow. They just may. Thanks OhE, I'm going to call and check on that. Oh it sounds like heaven haha :) I've at times had one if the girls my ds20 knows come in and be with them, play games, puzzles, but she is 20 now too and engaged so on and so forth. So she's busier. Monday IM CALLING :) Thanks. Never even occurred to me there would be something like that. Wow. Thst would be such a huge help. Dh travels with work too. Gets a little hairy here some days :/ OhE, you are such a gem :) and informed. Thanks a bunch.
  22. Hahajahaba. Meister the drivster! Baha Oh I needed that laugh :) Tanx. Laughter is very therapeutic . See? Your therapeutic lol. I went to make coffee. Mmmmm haha
  23. Ha-ha :) tanx. Oh boy, things to slow down, me too. I'm ready for my house to be put back together lol. It's driving me nutty. :) When you reminded me to log, wow, was that an eye opener when I did. Everything in disarray is driving me crazy, imagine what it has to be for him. He HAS to have order. Ds20 and dad, both boys and mom are going to be in that room today. Floors are done , thank goodness, and it all going back in . He said yesterday when we started logging, I can't WAIT to have all this back together. Poor little dude. I felt bad for him. It will happen...today! Lol Yes OhE, I think you will like this. The boys just love it. PS. Thanks for reminding me to log. Changed everything around :)
  24. And they have the best support of any program I've seen, All for 10.$ per month per child! Wow. We did skate kids and it was nothing in comparison to this and way more expensive. We did not have support from the manufacturer like this either. This is probably the first software program we've done that has all of these pros and doesn't break the bank. I get an email everytime they do work , telling me their scores, screenshots of type of work done( I hang around close when my boys are doing it or sit with them for fun). So, I know what they are doing , but wow! So very thourough. Big difference , not out fir the money. And seem to truly care about the effectiveness of their program for each child. They are always asking for feedback on how they can improve their program. Not like the others where, this is a set program, we've done it, we are the professionals , take it ir leave it. Meister Cody is NOT this way. And did I mention ? Only 10.$ a month per child? Lol Love it.
  25. Thank you for linking it :) It's already been good for my boys. I just got my detailed message back. Apparently, the assessment runs for 30 days. That gives them time to see where our DC are and where they need the most work. I thought the assessment would come after we signed up. Apparently not. It's an entire 30 day assessment. And the email said, that gives them time to develop certain strengths where the child is weak. I'm used to I guess, the placement tests with curriculum. This is all different . I had dh sign us up and he just made accounts for both boys and paid. It's my fault for not investigating that further. I've been so tired and my DS is of his med for several days and, my mind has been taxed. So, do the 30 assessment. I've never even heard of a 30 day assessment. I was thinking, my boys need all the review they can get ( still working on math facts). I wonder pp, do you know if there is a way I can go back and get that? The assessment period? I'm going to email them about it, ( my emails come in English now lol). It sounded like, from how the email was worded, there is alot they maybe missed? As a result of not doing the 30 day assessment. Wow, what a thourough program. And entire 30 days to train it fir where your DC are. That's pretty awesome. Hope we can recover where I went wrong in that. I guess I should have waited until I was more rested and if better mindset. I really love how they plan a course of action based on the child's last work, and adjust. I don't think I've seen program before that does that. It's like, tailored made for your child then. I know some of the other programs will not progress if the child doesn't get a set amount correct , but, both my boys are in 2 completely different maps, doing completely different work. I am super impressed with this .
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