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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Fir the highschool ers, once they get caught up and are of age( ours here is 16) they can dual enroll at the community college. And it's free !!!! Free college while in highschool. That's what we did. My oldest graduated highschool one college class short of her AA. for...free!!! Ha-ha. A And the coursework really Ian that different than highschool . My dyslexic younger daughter did it too, rho she was only about 2/3 of the way don with an AA when she graduated homeschool highschool. It IS the way to go. They get college for free and counts obviously fir highschool too.
  2. Wait, list the grades your kids are working and the styles you think they are (viual, auditory etc) BC others may have something they can let go of or recommendations for something cheap.
  3. On the math, I have Saxon maths from 4thr grade all the way up through highschool you can have. It's a spiral program which means it's always reweiing . just make sure you do the practice sheets for mastery. In Saxon math it's easy to loose the mastery component. From 4th - algebra 1, algebra 2, . they dint have a set geometry book per SE because they weave UT into the algebra. Once the highschool er has completed algebra 2. He also has a complete geometry course completed. I think they may now seell a separate geometry course...not sure on that tho. I've got alot of stuff for alot if different learning styles . I got the Saxons maths out if the shed. Haven't gone thru all the boxes yet tho BC we are making a school room this weekend. PM me when you get time and let me know what kind of style you think your kiddos are and the grade level you think they are working .
  4. I am in the middle of several things at once here, but I want to come back and answer at length in a lil bit. When I had all 5 kids at home including and toddler and newborn, both with physical issues ( they are adopted , brought home from hospital and born addicted to and drug and alcohol exposed). I'm going to tell you what we did and worked for us, and YES! , it did work lol. The schedule with times is a must and timers work great , tho if you forget it's still OK. When all mine were home ID forget too :) Yes, detail planning with times (starting and stopping) WORKS WONDERS haha :) It will be your best friend :) Be back in a lil bit. It's tough, glad your asking for advise. It's easy to sink in our own despair ( ask me how I know this lol). See ya in a bit
  5. Texas native. You sure sound seasoned :) Good advice . I am definitely going to try ClE .
  6. All good advise. Khan academy fir math is free and awesome. College professors recommend it for struggling students. We use it too and love it
  7. I love that link! So glad you shared :) in going to use this . And op yes. We do one artist and one composer a month. We spend 2 weeks in an artist . 2 weeks on a composer.
  8. Diet is huge for us too. I think I always forget about that. And don't undestimate breads and pastas. They break down as glucose (sugar) My lil guy will , wow, on sugars. Lean meats, lots of fish (salmaon type with the omeagas) brown rice instead if white . Vegetables. Even fruits and their natural sugars send him through the roof. Yougarts, nuts ( make sure no allergy tgo) And dyes, like red dye , yellow dye. I try to avoid. I forget to include diet modification when I comment . it's a vital part for us.
  9. Kbutton, Ive thought of doing that too. I'm going to add that into my lesson plans I'm working on. I for one, am glad you mentioned that :)
  10. Hahahahaa :) tiramisu Me too. I was too chicken to say it outloud lol. Glad you did. *big smiles* haha I get my bootie handed too me almost everyday lol Still love my madness and "organized" chaos tho! (Ok, may e not so organized sometimes haha ;)) I know you do too :)
  11. Hahahahaa :) tiramisu Me too. I was too chicken to say it outloud lol. Glad you did. *big smiles* haha I get my bootie handed too me almost everyday lol Still love my madness and "organized" chaos tho! (Ok, may e not so organized sometimes haha ;)) I know you do too :)
  12. Well, Noone said don't standardize test them, only that the starr may not be the beat test. There are far better tests our there in which to measure where our Dc are. Secondly , the IP nwvwe said she wanted to put her kids in ps. In fact, she asked for help from homeschool moms and said she wants to homeschool . Pushing the public education system thst had failed them is not helpful. And frankly, all of this is a bad witness to homeschooling. Op, sweetpea , I would read other threads here on the boards too :) I'm going to be going through my stuff and see what you might be able to use. We are all in the trenches together, sticking together. :) Mother goose, your so right. And I want to check into Christian ligh education math. I hear so many good things about it :) I can't like comments right now, my old phone isn't responding lol. Op, I will PM you tomorrow about books, but like another poster SAid, a library card will get you far lol
  13. PS. If it were me...the school is in danger if losing accreditation. What else have they missed ? That to me would be a great indicator of what kind of education they've received thus far. If accreditation is in the line, it's highly probable , they have missed alot in teaching the children.
  14. Ellie is absolutely correct . Don't miss the part she answered you in the quote in red letters. She has graduated all her kkds homeschool and she has advice you can trust. Hi Ellie ! :) I have more to say, in the meantime ( while we are making a bedroom I to a schoolroom this weekend) I will go through what I have ( tho every child's learning style is different) and see what I can pass along to you for no charge. Homeschoolers have done that for me and one, just recently even. Be back later, but these ladies have given you good advice. It's going to be OK. You and your kids? This is probably the best thing thats happened to you lol. What seem like negatives often are actually positives :) And you will have great joy in it :) I'll be back later
  15. Samba, that's always an issue I have too. How can anyone not 'get' that the one on one time spent with any Child is not worth its weight in gold. One on one....if they looked at the big picture for even a second or two, that should occure and make sense o any reasonable adult. One year our hmsch. Co-op tester was a public school teacher . this would have been elementary years for my DD. Ahe was the first one done and read a book. Apparently , done too fast for the testers liking. The administrator if the test looked over my daughter's work and decided ....she mus have CHEATED! Oh boy was I insensed . she always tested into high school reading and well above grade level in everything else. It didn't take her alot of time. I caused a huge stink lol. The PS teacher administering the test said, well I'm not going to do anything about it. I was just saying. Ha! Just sayin? Wow. I will never forget that. My daughter was in teara when I went to pick her up BC she was accused of cheating. I told the administrator... Um...hey...how's she gonna cheat???? Your eagle eye right here whole time and have dividers between each child. Oh boy . I was...mad. And daughter humiliated. Next day I took her scores from last year and showed her ... several grade levels above on each subject. I dont think that person will accuse another homeschooler of cheating lol. Cheating. Homeschoolers get that alot. And its just not true. :)
  16. Samba, that's always an issue I have too. How can anyone not 'get' that the one on one time spent with any Child is not worth its weight in gold. One on one....if they looked at the big picture for even a second or two, that should occure and make sense o any reasonable adult. One year our hmsch. Co-op tester was a public school teacher . this would have been elementary years for my DD. Ahe was the first one done and read a book. Apparently , done too fast for the testers liking. The administrator if the test looked over my daughter's work and decided ....she mus have CHEATED! Oh boy was I insensed . she always tested into high school reading and well above grade level in everything else. It didn't take her alot of time. I caused a huge stink lol. The PS teacher administering the test said, well I'm not going to do anything about it. I was just saying. Ha! Just sayin? Wow. I will never forget that. My daughter was in teara when I went to pick her up BC she was accused of cheating. I told the administrator... Um...hey...how's she gonna cheat???? Your eagle eye right here whole time and have dividers between each child. Oh boy . I was...mad. And daughter humiliated. Next day I took her scores from last year and showed her ... several grade levels above on each subject. I dont think that person will accuse another homeschooler of cheating lol. Cheating. Homeschoolers get that alot. And its just not true. :)
  17. Oh, it's OK. No rush. Have fun! :)
  18. Yes, I'd be talking to the school about accelerated math. That's where she should be. Odd the didn't recommend it but, ya know how it goes . I would definitely push to get her into accelerated math. If the teacher won't implement it, go to the principle . I jus cut through the red tape of going to guidance counselor etc. Your tax dollars pay for school. Don't let them tell you that you can't have something that is completely reasonable. I'd do like another poster said. Ease into it with museums etc. Take your time implement ing and add as you go. A few weeks, the kids and you are still adjusting. Is gymnastics everyday? Maybe just do it in the days off from an activity . It's exhausting to go to school all day, do activities, homework and try to after school. I did this when my lil guys were in ps. I kept the activities light so I could after school, but they have learning challenges . Definitely have them put her in accelerated math. You don't want her to forget things . then, ease your way into after schooling , with maybe backing up a bit with activities. Free play is so beneficial to our kids too. Little down time. Good luck :)
  19. Rosie, I do what you do too only with different curriculums . What's MEP and CSMP? I did a Google search, but goofy stuff came up. Thanks
  20. I did thst sometimes too. Couldn't always, but did when I could . In those books I try to do grammar anayalsis . which for my boys is easier to use a book at home BC writing with erasable colored pencils , helps my boys visualize the parts Of speech too. Throw in a lil grammar lesson here and there within the whole book . This mama gotta get creative lol
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