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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. That...is awesome. Hey, that's how good books come to fruition and available for the gen. Pop. Write it girl! I'll read it :) I love writing. I need to find a better way . I have nerve damage and pain stemming from disk issues at the top of my spine. Writing leaves me doing nothing for days due to pain ,inflammation ,etc. Typing even hurts. Hey! I need speak to text ir whatever it's called lol. Sounds funny but. I need that :) What is that? Like dragon box ir something?
  2. Ohh. A teacher card..yes please lol. We take longer than 2 weeks on book.that never occurred to me. Yes, we have the inter library loan. Has worked well, but it was county wide funds were low until a pud development started several years back. Now they have more money, so, I sure hope they have it. I'll call ahead . glad you mentioned that, I oulda sent hubby on a wild goose chase haha. He LOVES those lol. I got so excited about them ALL going to the library ;) tee hee
  3. I've had this with 3 of my kids. Thankfully , we/they knew someone at the school where they could go and just, take a short breather . Is there a teacher? Or office person that your DC knows? You mentioned she had previously been in ps. If my kids didn't already know someone, they FOUND one lol. Whoever they decided they felt comfortable with. I worked with the school counselor on this , and for her to work with us , as in, allow it to happen :) those are 2 separate things when you get to school . but you have a DX so you shouldn't have trouble. I found it was way easier to get the school counselor on board in middle school. Than in highschool. Breaks were a must for us. None of them could have stayed in ps without them. My boys would go to their old SN teacher. I would maybe Keep her at home for awhe tho. Sounds like she's really grown under you mama :)
  4. Ok, good stuff, and so glad I don't have to spend more money :) This definitely seems like something that would appeal to him. My son seems to respond to things your son responds to also. I'm going to that website and ask dh to go to library ...and hey? ...take. The. Boys. Shhh lol. As I read this thread I thought, gosh, how simple yet, I could see my son benefiting from this. Glad to hear no push back . I feel bad for ds12. He works ..soooo hard and wants everything to be like 'other kids', I'm sure he will work this program and work hard at it. I just want to cry for him so many days. He works , and works , and works . lil dudes got heart. Glad I read this thread :)
  5. I used to have a friend of my sons come in. She knew my kids really well, new the drill, puzzles, outside targed play. She got engaged and is busy now. Finding the right person is hard. My kids already knew and loved her. I am in the same boat as you now. I've asked around at church. Not much there, I hear some counties/states have a respite fund. We don't. I do wonder if federal has any. Does anyone know about federal moneies for it ? That would be awesome.
  6. Why do I always forget about the library? Good idea. Our county until about 5 years ago or so, didn't have a great library system. They might have it now. I'll do that. I just noticed when skimmin down, she did say she used it. I'm on an old mini droid , loads slow etc. Mayb they didn't load, maybe I missed them. Thanks OhE. I'll call the library. :)
  7. Someone mentioned gardening, NY ds12 would dig a hole to China if I let him lol. When our OT practice shut down , we worked together (her skills my knowing what he graduates toward) came up with a plan. Digging. Simple digging for mine gets him. Banging things on the ground. Poles( we live on a farm, always something to bang on the ground and makes moms insides go...ugghhh haha). We started flyswat phonics ( my own creative name lol) Put words on a colorful index card..I say the word...they have to find it and SWAT it. One with the most points wins. :) I think, well for us anyway, he self OT's. He instinctively knows what his body needs and does THAT . it's quite unnerving to mom at times, but he comes inside more focused. I'd say while you wait, lok fir his ques. What's he gravitating towards. It's helped for us.
  8. Heather, did you do the mindfulness thing? I would just love to know how it's worked for you (If you have used it). I think it's something that would/could work here, just, could 24.99 myself to death lol...into the poorhouse I could go I If bought everything I wanted. :) Do you use this at home? Does your CBT use it? I really want to get it, but, I could spend the 25/ elsewhere. Seems like a pretty good bang for the buck tho huh?
  9. That real estate high up on that wall is very valuable isn't it? :) We go high....still need more space.
  10. We color code too, color code everything! Lol Plates, towells, cups, bowls, notebooks, binders, balls, haha..you get the idea..everything ! When all 5 of mine were home. ..had to. And no more...whose is this that left that where , and why??. baha :) Works .
  11. We did salt dough maps thst we made at home. ;) loved those things, so did the kids. I just looked at the geopuzzles yesterday. My boys would like those.
  12. Ohhhh memoria press....want one of everything haha. No impulse buys yet...but I see one coming in my very near future :) Memoria press, my one weakness. I cannot say no :)
  13. I always tied and tie geography with history. Unless I feel like they need more work in a certain area, like US. I like the hollins C Hollins books, padddle to the sea we are reading for the third time. Ugh. But my boys will go grab a map and start looking for the wolf head in the great lakes. Pretty cool. If you do Bible incorporate it there too ( middle East). I do alot of the geography songs by Kathy Trovel. Kids love those. I did 2 full cycles with my big kids on wtm. It covered every aspect of the world , so nothing was missed. The big kids still remember it to this day so,...it worked! Lol
  14. I always got mine from wtm recommendation . That and theology books, I know you said not particularly ready for highschool content, but there are some good ones out there writtin to that age. You could probably find them at your denominations/beliefs website. Even CBD could be a good place to start looking. Is thenew wtm out yet? I'm anxiously waiting on the spec. Needs part.
  15. On the Lifepacs, my girls didn't like them. I don't remember why, was quite awhile back. Anything Great Books I would say would definitely be worthwhile. Time4learning, I have zero experience. Starting off with a preplanned curriculum is for sure the way to go. Then, you can have more time to research based on what you see going on at home. Do they like it? Is there something better or different to accomplish this goal? Usually when kids come home from PS. You find holes in their learning. Things you thought they knew..or assumed they knew...you find out, they don't. Starting a list of those holes as you find them, write them in a notebook , then look for curriculum/book to correct that. Homeschooling is fun and exciting :) glad you took the plunge. It's...fun!
  16. I definitely used Bible as a credit. I counted it the last 2 years if highschool as ethics I believe, and I forget what I termed the other one. The amount if study that went in, way too much to not give a credit for. You could get creative in your terminology, just make sure it meets the requirements for w/e schools where they are looking. (State vs private ) We studied different studies by R.C. Sproul, Francis Shaffer, lots of studies. I think one we counted as a world religion. We knew we were state bound tho, and accedemic scholarships were in play. My oldest goes to a big state university, we went the comm coll route first. I think it depends on your child and the plans they have. I always had it there, counted, ready to be used at anytime lol. These , for us, were studies separate from family Bible study/reading , daily devotionals etc.
  17. I try to check now as we go, or in the morning before we start so I know what we need to work on that day. When my big kids were older, ID have THEM check it lol. I could do that with my girls, not my son...ouy. Ha-ha. He cared not lol. So I'd say, probably depends in the child, their course load, and moms level of exhaustion :) I've been uo at 11 grading papers. That's no fun. Check over their shoulder some too. I would use that as a guide as to 'how well are they doing' , to know what to have my eyes more keenly set on. I've had a few teacher friends over the years, biggest complaint ? ...grading....papers lol.
  18. ^^^ what she said :) Enjoy them . they are little and only young once. Research, and as the above said...get ready for O-G style of teaching. Have fun! You're at the best place to be. :)
  19. I used to let my oldest do this. Worked out well. I think she learned more that way. It sure won't hurt to try it. I did this with alot of curriculums over the course of gr3-12 with her . I even did it with latina Christiana after we got about half way through 1. She finished 1 and did 2 mostly by herself with the teacher guide and St. Book and CD. Hubby speaks 3 languages , so he helped her when she needed ir we thought she did. All worked out well for us. Try it, shell probably like it :)
  20. Yes, it does. But I find the corresponding practice sheets, pull them, then do them. It might not follow along concept to concept perfectly ( or it may, I don't recall any trouble flipping through to find right pages), it's so easy though to grab the worksheets needed, I tear out the pages I need . I just find its easier for my guys to do them flat on a hard surface rather than in the book. It's been a really good compliment for us. :)
  21. I use easy grammar . I do thst very thing. Do the FLL then pull out the ea. Gr. Sheets to go with.
  22. I wonder if they will sell that copy. Anything monotone sends my ds12 running for the hills. Wonder if I could buy a copy of what they are doing for you? Could you ask them please ? :) We need. :) Thanks. I am ordering this next week. So glad you made this post :)
  23. Onestep is right. Also good suggestions. I would second what one-step said, evals will be the best, reducing stress, and getting ahead approach you can take. Evals are important to know what's going on and how to efficiently teach. You will need this for his entire school career and ...life. I strongly recommend evaluation s. It helps :)
  24. I just saw this sorry. Sigh, so far I've used what I used with my big kids, though I know , they aren't my big kids lol. I've used d the chart in a page protected to check off. Posted it on the fridge. Used the whiteboard so they could take it around with them. Simple simple tasks, ugh. Very challenging. It's a skill they need in life though. I haven't tried the ring method for chores, because I've used it in the past ( for scripture memorization and such with big kids) the cards keep breaking loose at the hole punch. I think starting a thread about that is a great idea. I need solid method that we can incorporate for cleaning and other things too. The chore chart posted on fridge worked the best, gave rewards and consequence s for completing the tasks. But as I'm sure it's par for the course but, they need something to walk around with. I have to use pictures ( they can't read all the words): I found myself again.....putting my hand over theirs to demonstrate, gelot them cement the flow of what is supposed to happen when performing the task....ah! Feel like screaming so I have to walk outside I would REALLY love to know what others have done that has been successful. Can you start the thread ? Lol. Everything they take walking with them..ya know what happens to that! Ha-ha. They disappear and they have NO idea what happened to them. They aren't lyin about it either ..the stuff that even the PS teachers observed, I've walked around with them..goofy stuff happens to them :/ Yea. A thread would be GREAT! :)
  25. Yay!!! You go girl! What a great feeling that is huh? Very happy to hear :)
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