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Everything posted by coffeegal

  1. We tried fractions, and found it frustrating. Ds didn't find it any more interesting than Saxon, "It's still math, Mom." He also needed a lot more practice than it allowed, and we were using it as a suppliment. :001_huh:
  2. We start our morning with math. The children prefer to move straight to English, Latin, then history or science without any breaks. History tends to be 3 days a week, and science 2. My oldest does history and science every day. The children usually take 3 hours to complete everything. Reading happens at another time, though (usually bedtime or before school). We also keep music, art, and p.e. informal. I don't count those as part of our regular school day. HTH!
  3. Ds has been using the Donna Young lesson plans. They're free on her site. :)
  4. History Odyssey Level 2 Modern. HO worked well for my family this year, and we'll continue with HO next year.
  5. No comment. :bigear: It looks very similar to what I have planned for my 8th grader next year.
  6. How are her math facts? If she knows her addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division tables very well she might be able to start with 65. I suspect, from what you've said, she would do best in 54. You can always give her the tests until she misses 3 or more, back up 10 lessons and start from there. Test 1 covers material from lessons 1-5, but isn't given until after lesson 10 so the child has a chance to master the material before taking the test. That's why you need to back up 10 lessons when you find her starting point. HTH!
  7. Children need an adaptable teacher more than they need different materials. If the curriculum works well with me, I can teach any of my children from it. Therefore I only purchase curriculum I can easily teach from, not one that works for a specific child. :001_smile:
  8. How's sometimes for an answer? ;) If I know it's about to change editions, go out of print, or if it's a great deal then I will purchase extras. Otherwise, I prefer to wait.
  9. Actually it was ds 13's idea. He got tired of my fussing about the mixed up loose papers and asked to switch to spiral notebooks for all subjects. In his history notebook, he is writing the assignments as he comes to them. A page of men and women may be followed by an outline, after which comes an essay. It's simplified life for both of us. :D Next year, I'm going to have all my children doing it.
  10. I use the e-book and simply print up a guide for each child. Any adaptations I make for a child are written in the child's copy.
  11. :grouphug: Do you have a storage area in your house? An attic, basement, garage, or shed? I've found the best solution is to put things neatly away in storage where they can still be found, but they are away from our living area.
  12. As far as your dd telling you, "Mommy doesn't love me." I'd deal with it as a family joke. Laugh, give her a big hug (or blow her a kiss if she's at a distance), and say, "You say the funniest things. You know I love you." My children like to accuse me of being the meanest mom in the world. I agree with them and then pretend to be an ogre. Everyone laughs, and it breaks the tension. :001_smile: I hope things work out for you.
  13. :iagree: I've loved Saxon Math for years, but just found R&S. It's been like coming home. :001_smile:
  14. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be keeping a sharp eye on her. Currently, my dd's eye is looking better all the time, especially since we put the Benadryl on it. It's pink and puffy now, rather than red and swollen. If the eye gets worse, we'll get in her to the doctor ASAP.
  15. Thank you! I'm off to pick up some benadryl gel. :001_smile:
  16. :iagree: I love Queen's Language Lessons for Little ones for PrK - 1st grade. :001_wub: DS (1st grade) is using LLFLO 3 as a phonics review and gentle intro to grammar this year. Next year we'll move to R&S 2.
  17. Finishing 7th grade, and about to start 7th grade. ;) My upcoming 7th grade line-up: Math: Saxon 87 Latin: Lively Latin 1 Greek?: Toying with adding Elementary Greek English: Rod & Staff 5 (We started the series late.) Pentime Penmanship 7 Calvert Spelling & Vocabulary Cd-roms History: History Odyssey Early Modern Level 2 Science: Apologia General Science Extras: Piano, Karate, Art, general reading
  18. It looks like DD (10) was bitten by a bug on her temple. She woke up yesterday with a swollen left eye. It does go down alot when we apply ice, but it swelled again last night although not as badly. Dh and I have been debating taking her to the doctor. The last time we had a swollen bug bite (ds's hand) the doctor shrugged and said it would go down in a couple more days. :confused: Should we take her in to the doctor, or wait a few days to see if the swelling goes down?
  19. How much is being retained? My oldest used GWG 5, but we stopped using it since he retained nothing. We jumped for a bit before moving to R&S 5. It's been the perfect level. He's challenged, but not overwhelmed, and retaining the grammar. :D I've also been having him write out ALL the answers in R&S. HTH!
  20. My oldest has been using it this year, and it's been a success. He's not complained about the reading being dry, although I suspect he'd prefer to read one of his library books. ;) The labs are excellent. Ds has been able to complete them by himself. Actually, he's been mostly working independently. Lol, we had an interesting discussion last night sparked by Apologia General Science. I love it when a child is spurred to contemplate a topic, and then bring his opinion up for discussion at the dinner table. :D
  21. :grouphug: Since FIAR is so loved by your family, my suggestion is to continue with it for the next year. Yes, as your children get older you will need something meatier, but you can wait a year or even 2. Make the switch slowly. Look for a science program, and then add it to your school day. My recommendation is to look at Noeo science. It uses high quality children's books. Another thought is to use this year to find a history program that your family will enjoy. Start all your children with the ancients next year, when your oldest is 5th grade. Your son, turning 5, will also be more interested in joining into the discussions. Have fun! :D
  22. My plan is to go straight from Algebra 1 to Algebra 2, possibly supplimenting with Life of Fred Geometry. I haven't fully thought it out. ;) ETA: In high school I completed both Algebra 2 and Geometry the same year. I didn't forget any Algebra before moving on to Algebra 2, and loved Geometry.
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