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    Claremont, NC
  1. We live in the Claremont area. This is such a sad, sad case. Something should have been done long before it reached this stage.
  2. My husband works for a water treatment plant --NOT wastewater. Yes, our homeschool group took a tour this past year. The kids enjoyed it. He swabbed some things around--the water fountain, the toilet, one kid's hand, the bottom of a shoe, etc. to try and grow bacteria. He also came to our homeschool meeting 2 days later (48 hour incubation time) to show the kids the results. Interestingly enough, the toilet wouldn't even grow bacteria--they are super clean around there! He took them from the beginning stage of the water (the lake) to the finished product.
  3. We have friends who just became missionaries in Haiti last summer. They live in Montrouis, north of PAP. Two of our homeschool families are there this week with them, doing a short term mission trip. They are all okay. The three men went to PAP yesterday morning, and helped minister, but the devastation was beyond words. Our homeschool families were scheduled to come home on Friday, but are now there for who knows how long. So sad for all of those people there.
  4. My sister and her boyfriend were hit by a drunk driver on Saturday. She survived; her boyfriend did not. She has a broken neck and bruises. The funeral is today. Will be a tough Christmas here for sure.
  5. We have good friends who just moved to Haiti to be missionaries. They are going to be living at an orphanage--the current missionaries are coming back to the states for a while. He is spending the next few weeks before the others leave just to learn how to drive in Haiti. He said it's just crazy! Pot holes and donkeys everywhere.
  6. LOVE my Bernina, too. I bought a Bernette (mechanical) because I needed an extra when mine was being serviced. I passed it down to my 10 year old who is learning to sew. She is doing 4H also. It is a very basic machine, but that's all she really needs right now and I sew on it, too.
  7. I have been lurking on this forum for a while, but this is my very first post. I just wanted to say that a dear friend gave me BabyWise when I was pregnant with my first--with the encouragement to use common sense. I read the book and it made sooo much sense to me. I used it as the book suggested--as a guide, and my girl was sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. At 3 months, 12 hours. Hallelujah! It made so much difference in my ability to care for her when I could have a full night's sleep. My next two boys were the same, though they were about 9 weeks when they slept through the night. None of my babies were undernourished, they were happy babies. Flexibility is the key. I didn't sit and stare at the clock, waiting for the next feeding. It's just a guide. I could plan my trips out, because I knew when the next feeding time would approximately be, when they would be ready for a nap,and when they were ready to play. It just made being a mama a whole lot more enjoyable. One friend has six kids, another four. They were all babywise kids. They are great kids, happy, growing into beautiful young adults. I don't think being on a schedule as babies has hurt them one bit.:) Thanks for listening. I love this board, even though I only read.
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