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Everything posted by Joyful

  1. National Geographics has online articles organized under various topics here: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/latest-stories/ Perhaps some of them might be useful.
  2. Derek Owens runs a self-paced online Calculus course: https://derekowens.com/course_info_calculus.php You can also take a look at Thinkwell, which is also self-paced. https://www.thinkwell.com/collections/advanced-placement Homeschoolbuyersco-op.org just had a 40% off sale on Thinkwell courses that ended last week. They usually come around every 2-3 months, I think? So it depends on whether you can/want to wait for the next round of sales. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/Thinkwell-GroupBuy-faqs/he There are probably more that others will suggest. These are the ones that I can think of off the top of my head that are asynchronous and can be started at any time. HTH ?
  3. Thanks for your input Arcadia! So do you list the AP scores on the transcript or elsewhere?
  4. Oh no. I hope they will be able to resolve whatever issues have been problematic and reopen them to homeschools sometime soon.
  5. I'm working on DS's transcript in order to support his application for a DE program. So, the designations probably don't matter much now. But I figure I might as well ask now, so that I don't have to ask next year when we apply to college. ? DS has worked through AoPS's Intro to C&P and Intro to NT on his own. I'm planning to give 0.5 credit to each of those. Are these "honors" equivalent or "regular" courses? How about the Intermediate C&P book? Thanks! (DS told me that his AoPS friends have said that the Intermediate NT online course is really hard. If your child has taken it, can you please comment on it also? Thanks!)
  6. This has been helpful! So I have some questions about course descriptions in general and for courses done through other providers: 1) Can I "cut and paste" from the provider websites? Or would I need to reword what is on the provider info? 2) If a textbook is used, do your copy all the topics from the table of contents, or give a broad overview of topics covered? e.g. for a math or science course? 3) What do I do if additional material was used, or additional topics were studied independently in addition to the online course? 4) Do I need to specific "output", e.g. how many homework sets, quizzes, projects, tests were done? 5) Do I include the # of papers or essays written, or do I just state that grading would be based a number of papers/essays. 6) Should I organize the courses under "Subject" headings, or under "School Year" headings? 7) Approximately how long should the course description be for each course? Is there a limit to how many pages all of it can be? Thanks!
  7. Sounds like a plan! There is always the option of a gap year. You never know, your teen could mature any time, change being a theme in the teen years. (Although, I'm still waiting for my DS... hehehe)
  8. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll go and check them out. Also, I saw that the Constitution Center also has some video resources. https://constitutioncenter.org/
  9. I'm behind on planning DS's electives for this year. One of my thoughts is to put together a 1/2 credit Constitutional Law elective. I have on hand a textbook called Foundation for Freedom: A Study of the US Constitution published by Christian Liberty Press. I think it covers more of the history behind the document and seems a bit on the dry side from what I've skimmed. Also, it comes from a conservative slant. So I need help with another 1 or 2 resources to make this course a bit more interesting, and to provide other angles of viewing the Constitution. Any suggestions?
  10. Hugs to you Tess. It must be hard to go through the grieving and everything else that is going on.
  11. I don't feel so ready. But ready or not, the online courses begin Aug 27. So I have an external push here. I'm planning to start the other subjects the first week of September. Though I'm not so excited as prior years, I'm scrambling to get ready. It's one of those times when I'm running almost on sheer commitment. ? It's a nice thing that my sixth grader is just continuing the same curricula, just one year up. One less thing to worry about.
  12. I don't know about CA requirements. But will it be workable to assume that she is Gr. 9 now, and then if in a year or so, your DD seems more mature and more ready for college, to finish high school in 3 years without designating a grade skip? I know in some BnM high schools, as long as a student finishes all the required courses and has enough credits (usually by taking summer intensive courses), they can graduate in 3 years.
  13. My oldest two also used Cambridge Latin Course; they finished Books I-V with a tutor. They quite liked the online learning resources. They learned it well enough. DS is taking AP Latin this year, while DD doesn't feel ready, so she is taking an online Latin 3 class. My third child is doing Lingua Latina with two other homeschoolers. It comes with student manual, exercise book, grammar supplement, etc. Perhaps you can take a look at that as well. (Classical and secular)
  14. ? I found out that there are reference copies at the local library. Will spend some time there with DS.
  15. That must have been frustrating. I"m glad it turned out well in the end. ? Thanks! There are times I go through the "it would have been easier if..." moments. But there are the good and bad for every situation. I'm trying to stayed focused on the good. Will jump one hurdle at a time.
  16. Thanks again Lori D for this resource. Yeah, one more thing to add to the to do list. How did things get so complicated?
  17. Penguin, thanks for pointing this out to me. I wasn't aware of that. How might I find out about how a public university might determine resident status for tuition purposes? I'm guessing that I could take a look at their website, and if I don't find anything, I could write to them?
  18. Lori D, you are amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to walk me through the thought process of making college choices! I really appreciate all the resources that you listed for me, and for giving us advice with our particular situation in mind. I'll have to spend a week (and more, probably), to just read through the articles and find the books. Thanks also for a brief tutorial on the financial piece of the puzzle. It all adds up to quite a bundle.
  19. I hear ya, RootAnn. There just so much information to sift through and to factors to consider! My niece is in Gr. 11, and attends a private school. Both she and her parents have aspirations for Ivies, MIT, and Berkeley. Plus, she and her classmates talk a lot about colleges, etc. So my niece pretty much has a short list of schools already. Being a homeschooler with few others his age in his social contexts, DS doesn't have much of a clue about colleges, what to look for, what he might like, etc. It's just not really on his radar. His one friend who is one year ahead of his is taking A levels and applying to schools in the UK. Maybe I'll have him spend some time looking through some websites and maybe Fiske's on his own.?? I'm thinking of maybe searching out a tertiary education fair here that has reps from US colleges and have DS go.
  20. Thank you all for being so helpful in sharing your experiences with your DC, and your distilled thoughts on the matter. I appreciate the advice on finding other ways to demonstrate interest for schools that care about it. I'm quite relieved to know that good research can result in some good matches even without a campus visit, so that we can maybe consider arranging for visits after we find out which schools accept him.
  21. Thanks! I'll see if I can find a copy.
  22. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I've read someone's post that it is beneficial to visit a variety of small LAC, bigger schools, large public university to see how the student might feel about being in these different kinds of settings. Do you agree? Is there any value to some gut feelings of fit?
  23. Hey RootAnn! I've looked at some, e.g. collegeconfidential, niche, unigo, us news & world report. I guess, I'm thinking of something more "descriptive." I somehow remember referring to a couple of books back in my day that in addition to data and student comments, gave an overview of the of the various schools. Is there such a thing?
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