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Everything posted by NanceXToo

  1. She meant it as a nice gesture. And since she's doing it for everybody and not just singling your husband out, I'd take it as such. So I'm gonna go with "sweet." Even though it is a little, er, different, to not enjoy it AT the office when you do cake for a coworker lol.
  2. Last time we went to Florida we went to WonderWorks in Orlando, and we thought it was really cool: http://www.wonderworksonline.com/ It's like a big science museum and the whole building looks upside down from the outside (and lobby area), which the kids got a big kick out of. It had a lot of really cool exhibits, and then a HUGE rope obstacle course at the top level...we had a good time there. And of course they love going to places like Medieval Times or the Pirate Adventure Dinner (we try to do a different themed dinner show each time we go since we can't do those by where we live).
  3. We made this really cute dancing dragon puppet/toy craft from Enchanted Learning last year which my 5 y/o son and 10 y/o daughter both liked making and decorating: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/chinesenewyear/lion/'>http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/chinesenewyear/lion/ We also made the Chinese lanterns and hung up a string of them as a decoration across the living room/computer room archway: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/chinesenewyear/lantern/ ETA: They have instructions for Chinese tangram puzzles, too, which we did NOT try, but here's the link if you want to give it a go: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/chinesenewyear/tangram/ And the rest of this page shows the various printable booklets, worksheets, activity sheets, etc they have pertaining to the Chinese New Year for younger kids, as well as any other relevant crafts. I forgot how much I love this site lol. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/chinesenewyear/
  4. My now 11 year old daughter went through a very brief and very mild phase when she was a toddler of around 2 or so where she would get down on her hands and knees on the floor and start to bang her head on the floor if she was mad or upset about something. At first we would jump up and react to that and stop her, which I guess gave her attention and encouraged her to keep doing that for the reaction/attention it got. When we mentioned it to the pediatrician, he said unless she's on a hard brick or concrete floor where she can really hurt herself, we should completely ignore her. Don't look at her, act like you don't even see her, get up and walk away the second she starts to do it and don't even acknowledge that she's doing it. So the next time she did it, that's what we did, and of course she stopped what she was doing right away to come follow us, and that's when we gave her attention, in between times before she could start to do it again. It only took a very few times of that happening before she stopped doing it entirely and never did it again or anything else like it. But this kid never had anger issues to begin with, was never destructive in any other way, never hurt anybody else, and never hurt herself in any other way, so it may be a totally different set of circumstances. I think to some degree it is common but when combined with other factors like hurting other people, getting angry very easily all the time, destroying things, it could be a sign of other problems. Then again, like somebody else said, two may be too young to "diagnose" that. Or it may not. Have you mentioned these things to your ped?
  5. Awesome, thank you so much! I appreciate it! It was driving me nuts! :) Finally, I was like, there's gotta be somebody who can do this in like two minutes and save me a lot of headache haha.
  6. Yes, like that!! Thank you! The first line is the link to my blog and the second line is the link to my image. Is that all the info you would need?? http://nancextoo.livejournal.com http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/NanceXToo/blogbuttonphoto.jpg
  7. I managed to create a blog button. That worked out fine. But now I'm trying to do a grab box for it and it's just not working. I've probably spent 45 minutes trying to do it using various tutorials online and I just can't get it to work. Is there anyone who knows how to do it who is willing to take the code I have for my blog button and turn it into a blog button with grab box and shoot that code back to me? Pretty please? :) If so let me know and I will give you the code I have for the blog button.
  8. :iagree: with all of this! And this, too. I don't really get all the "You can't have your cake and eat it, too" posts. What the heck else are you supposed to do with cake, anyway? :P The truth is, in many places, homeschoolers can and do participate in public school activities with no problems. If someone is in a place where that is allowed and they choose to participate... so what? And if you choose not to...so what? But purposely making an effort to ensure that other people don't even have that choice? WHAAAT? Really?! :001_wub:
  9. I pay taxes to my school district. I also have to "report" to my school district each year with portfolios, standardized testing certain years etc to their satisfaction. So I guess if I had an interest in pursuing extra-curricular activities at the school district level, I'd certainly feel "justified" in doing so. With that said, I have no interest in that at this point in time.
  10. Haha he should sweet talk us into it. "I love the way the handsoap smells in here. I'd love to smell it on your hands!" Russell can yell. Keep alternating the signs. I'd wash my hands extra every day just because lol!
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