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Everything posted by ChocolateMomster

  1. My five year old could tell, without any explanation needed, that the first chapter wasn't what really happened, that it's a myth.......please!
  2. Well, we don't NEED the workbooks, but it would be fun for him. I was just wondering if there's anything SM style available (either full curr. or supplement) in PDF or E-book format. I looked on Currclick but I couldn't find anything similar. I think I'll just have to buy the workbooks anyway :P
  3. My eldest has been doing great with Singapore math, but right now we can't afford to get the next few workbooks. He's happily using MEP, but asked if he could continue Singapore as well. I don't want to disappoint him, so was wondering if there's something like Singapore available in PDF format. This would save me a lot of shipping costs. :) Thanks!
  4. Voted! I'm Dutch, so absolutely couldn't resist :D Hope he wins and will have a great time in The Netherlands!
  5. I'm reading through the Year 7-12 Ambleside Online lists and use Khan academy for math. I'm trying to get back on level with my German and French, and use DuoLingo for that. I was also learning Irish, but I gave up on that :P Two reasons for me to do this are: - To be ahead om my children. - To give myself the education I never had.
  6. That's good to know! I will ask them and let you know.
  7. We school year round and take breaks when the weather is good (Ireland is wet) and when we need one. We move to the next grade when they're there, but we're all over the place with grades, they're not just in 3rd grade or 4th grade but for each subject just wherever they are.
  8. Yes I was planning on contacting them anyway about their eBooks. They seem to have a few courses available in eBook format, and was wondering what else will become availabe in that format.
  9. Thank you so much for sharing those, as I indeed wasn't able to find the worksheets for sale here in Ireland or the U.K. Very helpful!
  10. Thank you, this has been really helpful! Will have a look if I can find the worksheets here. I can get the books, but not sure about the worksheets. I wish these were in PDF format :P
  11. So what is LC II for? And if we do LC I, we'd skip half of Ludere, right? Sorry, so many questions :)
  12. We jsut started Prima Latina and can already tell we'll be going through it at a fast pace. So after this it's Latina Christiana I, right? Where do I go from there? LC II or First Form? And how about the other products (Lingua Angelica and Ludere Latin, Roots, Grammar) they sell for Latin, they also look very good. When do I add those in?
  13. Lovely post ALB. Yes I'd be happily joining you, posting every week. I have seen the accountability thread, but it's quite different. I love blog hopping :p
  14. Seconding MEP and BA. I like MEP as our main, and I supplement with BA.
  15. I always loved reading these posts. What happened to them? I can't seem to find any new ones, unless the name has changed. Curious!
  16. Yes, we use a lot of PDF's, because of the postage. I also love that I can print out the same page again if a child needs more practice. Or skip pages altogether :)
  17. Goals for now...(we school year-round haha): - More letting go, from my part. Follow the rabbit trails my sons want to go on, follow their interest and do all the fun stuff we always wanted to do but never got around to because of THE PLAN - Ditching Saxon, Ha! Yet, I think it will be perfect for Ds2 in a few years. - Incorporate Latin - Go to bed in time ;) - Write my own curriculum
  18. Not sure where you are but I've got a 2/3 and 4/5 set for sale and I'm in Ireland. Postage from here is pretty cheap, and I'm willing to check for you how much shipping would be! PM me if you're interested!
  19. Has she taken the Saxon placement tests? Another idea is to go with somethign like Singapore math, even though you might not feel too comfortable teaching it. From what it sounds, she doesn't really understand math. Singapore is great for that!
  20. I'm using Ambleside Online for my self-education. I'm partial to it because I use it with my children as well ;) but I think it has a great book list. I started looking at the list of books prior to year 7, which I felt were well-known classics I have never read or books that would prepare me for the upper years (Age of Fable and the like). I did that lst year and now I'm working through some of the Year 7 books. I'm not going to read every book on the list, but pick and choose my way to Year 12.
  21. I have used Singapore, Saxon, MEP, MM, R&S and a bunch of others I don't even want to remember ;) and Miquon is by far my favorite for the k-3 age. It's definitely complete! Skip-counting is something you can easily teach with some songs, no big deal. My eldest has used Singapore and MEP for those years instead of Miquon. My second has finished the first two books of Miquon, and I can tell the difference! My second is far better in problem solving....and my first boy is the Math-guy, the second the History-guy. *Miquon rant over* :)
  22. We're doing it orally, with every now and then some writing. We do about three lessons in 20 minutes.
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