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Everything posted by ikslo

  1. Me, too, actually. But all the fun people were moonlighting and there was no one to talk to here on the ITT. :(
  2. Finally finished the thread as you all bailed. LOL #yousaidbuttismyline
  3. I asked you all to be my friends earlier just to be annoying. :lol: I hope I didn't miss anyone. (I'm an equal opportunity annoyer!)
  4. My diet consists of not bringing into the house stuff to which DS is allergic. Works like a charm! :) Oh, and DH doing the shopping. Because this is me in a grocery store: :drool5:
  5. Grammar: MCT Grammar Island Reading/Literature: Mud Trilogy; Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus 3-4; Castles of Sand Writing: Write Source Spelling: AAS4 Math: Beast Academy 3B-3D, add back in MiF if needed Science: Human Body, various resources TBD History: History Odyssey Middle Ages Foreign Language: The Learnables German 2 Art/Music: continue with Artistic Pursuits, guitar with dad Handwriting: Typing.com Coding: code.org
  6. I did. The doctor's say there's no hope for me.
  7. Feeling warm fuzzies. :001_wub: ETA: LOL - I just realized your post says "Today's ok." I totally read that as, "That's ok." So weird.
  8. I learned it as a fancy 2 in the early 80's. Always hated it. Agree that it is style. I specifically looked for a cursive style when teaching DS that didn't annoy me to look at it. LOL
  9. Um, because you're not one of those other families. You are your family, and what matters is you do what is best for YOU. So quit beating yourself up over it.
  10. Just one kid here and a DH who works 2nd shift and doesn't care about toys on the floor or dust on stuff. He sees right past soap scum in the bathroom during really bad weeks (no really, he just doesn't SEE it LOL). My DH also does all of the grocery shopping and his own laundry. Were any of these factors different I don't think I could work FT and homeschool. Except maybe DH could clean the tub once in a while. That would be nice.
  11. Well, they're with their dad, so hopefully he's really happy to have them and better off than with a mom who doesn't want them or in foster care. So I'm happy for them. And Renai is bringing them clothes. Yeah, Renai!!!!
  12. What's nothing? :confused1: :confused1: :confused1:
  13. Never got into Alias. Always thought the commercials looked okay, but I just never actually watched a show. Weird, huh? And Fringe was one which I would watch off and on, and only when I could squeeze it in. I don't watch that much TV anymore, either, really. DS and I having been watching Merlin on Netflix lately, which is the extent of my TV viewing these days, really. DS watching Stampy videos doesn't count.
  14. But I was already IN the alternate universe. I don't exist in the real one.
  15. Maybe no one else is actually reading the thread. Maybe we're in an alternate reality where we only think other people are following along and hanging on our every word, when in fact we are utterly alone.
  16. I'm assuming you were referring to swellmomma's post and not my bathroom vent. Because I've been told venting is good for your mental health.
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