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Everything posted by mamawaabangi

  1. So... have this book and I wonder how others implement it. We have gotten through about the first half... but a lot of it seem like review or already known to my dd. Should I move on or keep plugging along? Do you skip lessons?
  2. We aren't doing a real curriculum but will be using the "Gods Names" book by Sally Michael. I have heard high thoughts on it. Also the book... Big Truths for Little Kids was a good one... nice stories to talk about the doctrinal truths.
  3. We have 4 that will be formally schooled next fall... we have always done "core" together. By "formal" I mean all 4 will be doing phonics, core, math and science. My 8 yo will be on her own track for: math phonics writing/grammar The younger 3 (Two 6 yos and a 5 yo) will be doing together: math phonics handwriting All of us will be doing: Core Science Bible Art Thoughts on how to make this work? Scheduling... Is it realistic to do phonics in a group... I have taught Kindy in a Classical school. So it is my assumption I should apply that principle to my school at home. Ah... and then I have our 2 and a half year old... what, oh, what should I do with that girl??? Oh... and my 8 yo... she is finishing up 2nd grad phonics... and is still semi-independent/dependent... how independent should I encourage her to be?
  4. After talking with my husband I think we will make it an unofficial rule that all kids must be age 6 to officially be called a "kindergartener"... that solves the issue with our younger daughter and with our older son, because it sort of splits the difference in his age... So, our son's will be official kindergarteners this year and our daughter next year. I am also thinking of making our 8 yo daughter stay back in 2nd grade (for the same reason)... I talked to a local friend who said she wished she had done this with her oldest, but has with her later kids and has felt like it fits their ability levels best. Thanks for helping me think this out!
  5. While that would make sense from a logistical stand point our boys are very much "twins" and it would be highly hurtful to our same age (younger) son. While he isn't as advanced as his brother they are very much a "unit" and go together. Also, with this set up our actual older son is legally 9 months younger than his younger brother... while ability matters, he'd techinically be leaving our home a full year younger (legally than his brother). So confusing!!! I know that I might not find a perfect solution for the future... but I think I am erring on keeping them all back a year. And you are right... our 3rd/2nd grade daughter is doing 4th grade math and 2nd grade phonics... my bigger concern is putting them at a grade level where they are leaving our house/school at the age of 18... and not younger.
  6. I think it is fairly natural for some people to not desire marriage. Especially when there is no one in their life that gives them that desire. And really, what better way is there? If she is content being single then that is a good thing. But if she meets someone that changes her mind, how wonderful! I sort of disagree that we need to push our kids to be independent and strong (girls or boys)... I would much rather push my kids to be well-rounded and interdependent. I believe people (boys or girls) are not made to be "independent/strong", as in, "on their own". We all need community. But, that doesn't mean all people ought or should or are made to be married... nor are married folks less independent or less strong because they are simply married... But that might be a whole separate rabbit trail. But, encouraging her to find her community and to keep an open mind are probably all you can do as a mom. Hugs.
  7. Question... do you assign your child's grade level based upon their age and by your states cut off for starting kindergarten? Our state doesn't have a "cut off" date for starting school (usually I think it is October 16th). I have some major issue with knowing where to "put" three of our kids (well, really 2 of them). We have two 6 yo boys. One of them came into our family via adoption and he is REALLY 6 and 6 months currently (he has always called himself this age and he looks, acts and has had medical test to prove this is accurate), but his legal DOB would put him at 5 and 6 months (a full year off/behind). We made the hard choice not to adjust his legal DOB because it has the potential of causing him issues with immigration later on as an adult... and it would keep him in our care a year longer... however, he is very much 6 and 6 months of age in every other way. Technically he should be starting kindergarten this coming fall... if he were going to PS we'd have waited for this year anyway.... but last fall we "did kindergarten". Should I just call it kindergarten again this year? Similarly, he has a brother who just turned 6 a month ago... and is "below" him in skills and ability... same thing, we wouldn't have started him in PS until this fall. Lastly our 4 yo will turn 5 on October 9th... even through she is doing school with her brothers should I not call it "kindergarten" until next year? I kind of feel bad doing this, because she is really doing EVERYTHING everyone else is doing anyway... but she is young and would NOT go to school in the fall if we did PS. Maybe making a mountain out of a mole hill... but I have talked to some older HS moms who encouraged me to keep them behind a year and to ensure that they aren't leaving our home until they are really 18 ish... Thoughts? Do you even talk about "grades"??? Seriously, sometimes its the little things that bring me most stress! haha!
  8. I am looking for a few online video or simple explanation of what took place to end the Jewish/Hebrew Nation after the time of Christ with the Maccabees and such... I've done google searches but they all seem to detailed.
  9. My oldest is finishing 2nd grade and is still so/so at reading/writing/spelling... she is about half a year behind. When would you advise staring IEW, if you have used it?
  10. Bumping this... I am personally REALLY struggling with introducing the concept of slavery to my children. It just hurts and I know that our oldest daughter will be very bothered by it, she is by anything that confronts her sense of justice. Even outside the scope of parenting children of color, how do you introduce slavery in an honest way that also is understanding and considerate to your child's sensitivity and also sense of justice? While we don't shy away at all about talking about "hard stuff"... ie race, orphan crisis, what makes orphans, pasts and general "bad things" I know that most times those things naturally surface and we respond to them. This feels different... like I am taking my children into a dark place. What is the redeeming side of this topic... is there one?
  11. I have a whole rubber maid full of books I don't want... most not homeschool related. I don't want to sell them book by book and I can't ship them each out, but I could do in bulk. I want to avoid going to the post office on other peoples orders because our PO is 30 minutes away... and I am schooling. Thoughts or ideas? Know of any places that will take a box of books for x amount of money?
  12. Hugs... two of our children came home via adoption!
  13. Cindi... we are in the DGO area (and a family thru adoption!!!)... I get it. We have 5 and although they are younger it is hard to not feel judged. But the other family we homeschool with always renews my perspective. They are just a bit farther along than us and one of the things that always encourages me is not only how "normal" there kids are but also how well rounded they are. Meaning: they have a far better ability to deal with social interaction with a wider range of people. Their 9 yo daughter is universally loved by all little children, because she feels comfortable playing with them and being their friend... and has NO peer pressure to do otherwise. She also relates to adults and older children well. And that is just one of their children. I would just let your children be who they are... even PS'ed children can be social awkward... they just don't have an excuse now do they? Hugs!
  14. Basically, our son and daughter are from Uganda and our son knew his birth language Luganda (on coming home... and no english) and has gradually learned english this past year. We tried REALLY hard to maintain his birth language, but without us knowing it, it is sort of lost. He does have an amazing ability to recall words... but he only had a 4-5 yo level of understand of his birth language. He knows most food and objects a child of his age would regonize and some basic phrases. While it is pretty obscure, it has no programs to teach it... (like Rosetta Stone) I REALLY want him and all of our children to have a basic understanding of it. Not to mention myself. We know a lot of words, but have no understanding of how to put thoughts together. We live in a pretty rural place and I have looked around for someone who might be Baganda/Ugandan who could teach us, but haven't found anyone... Call our local University and such, but no one knows Luganda. We have gotten as far as finding an app on our ipad that we have learned fairly extensive vocab from, but we/I have NO way to know how to put it all together and begin to have conversational abilities. I also wrote this book... it is a child's english/luganda pictoral dictionary... MY OWN WORDS Anyone? Missionaries in Uganda? (Oh and I ask about Rutooro because our daughter is Tooro and I would like to learn more about this even more obscure language). Webale nnyo! (Thank you very much). :laugh:
  15. Thanks for these GREAT ideas! So very helpful! I did call our local college and spoke with a prof in the languages department. They have one fellow who speaks Swahili, but we are still hoping for Luganda. I found 2 books on Amazon that are english/luganda children books!!! And I do know some people in Uganda who might help us! Now to figure it all out!
  16. Math u see has been fun and easy to use for us! I don't know, however, if it gets a child in line to use TT???
  17. Thanks both of you for your perspective! I am starting to learn more about how slavery was an issue in east Africa... that was sort of shocking to me that people from his nation were slave traded into the middle east! I'll check out those resources! Thanks again!
  18. Thanks Jean! We have an ipad app that is very very similar and covers exactly what the suggested program does... it is all basic vocabulary. Honestly, we have a lot of vocab down. I probably know more than most people... I wrote this book for us to raise money with and to help us communicate with our son what we need is the next level of understanding... how the language works and how to put thoughts together. But, thanks for trying. I have even resorted to looking for videos on youtube of people speaking... it is just a lot of work with out a program.
  19. Behind is really really relative. I have used several thing, including SL and think it is above or at level. Also, I purchased the core with out LA not a problem. We really really love it... Even the things I was skeptical about.
  20. Here is our current home school room... this... I would add some more color, a cool globe light hanging over our table, floor to ceiling bookshelves and a "cooler" chair for me!
  21. Hey all! I am not black... but 2 of my children are... and as a white mom I know I have only the understanding and experience that God has allowed of me. I also know, my children need to know things that I might not be capable or knowledgable of giving them... unless I learn it from other great parents who do "get it". :-) My oldest son very much associates his "culture" and self with his birth culture and customs (east African), not African American, obviously. He was almost 5 when he joined our family and had a pretty rich cultural understanding, and that we carry on daily in our home... our daughter is only 2 and joined our family a year ago so she has the culture of our family and what we teach her about her birth culture. However, I know that even if our son sees himself one way here, others most likely will see him through their perspective and an Americanized view and he needs to understand the reasoning and point of view behind that. We are studying Early American History this year with Beautiful Feet. Near the end of the year will will be studying Abraham Lincoln, The Civil War, slavery, etc... Can you add some insight into what is important to impress upon (all) my children in relation to this topic... I am fairly well read on the topic, but always really want to burden my children with what is appropriate for their age. What if any thing ought I teach them... other than the "facts" and what might I NOT teach them (just yet)??? Any particularly good books to recommend? I value your thoughts! Thanks!
  22. Yes... that is what our 4, 5 and 6 yo are doing this year... it has been really helpful for them... and me! LOVE it!!!
  23. Not sure how to explain this, but our son and daughter are from Uganda and our son knew his birth language Luganda (only on coming home) and has gradually learned english this past year. We tried REALLY had to maintain his birth language, but with out us knowing it it is sort of lost. He does have an amazing ability to recall words... but he only had a 4-5 yo level of understand of his birth language. While it is pretty obscure, has no programs to teach it... I REALLY want him and all of our children to have a basic understanding of it. We know a lot of words, but have no understanding of how to put thoughts together. We live in a pretty rural place and I have looked around for someone who might be Baganda who could teach us, but haven't found anyone... Any tips? Thanks.
  24. We are planning to us SOTW next fall... and I need to start getting literature to accompany it. I will have a 5 yo, two 6 yos, and an 8 yo when we get there. I would like to have JUST the best of literature to go along with each few units... either from the reccommended list included in SOTW or from other resources... If you have ideas would you kindly tell me what chapter the book/literature would best fit with? Example: "The First Dog"... Chapter 1 Or something like that... MUCH MUCH THANKS!!! :hurray: Alos if you have done something similar and have it in a document file... I'd love to see that... and I could give you my email if you'd like to share it!
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