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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Sounds like a wonderful escape! But I do feel sorry for you regarding Olbermann, because he would make my Kona a little bitter going down.
  2. Ladies,the last several weeks have made me start to comprehend why people go into buildings and open fire! 1. The first appt. Something was wrong with one of the ultrasound machines and they sent me home. This is ~1 1/2 hour drive, 3 hour round trip. 2. Second appt. They start with the ultrasound and the machine "freezes" so they move me to another ultrasound room. After a few minutes, the tech says she will be right back. She returns with Radiologist A who informs me that I have the largest lymph node he has ever seen and because of its size, I should def. have a biopsy. They say they don't have time and I will need to return to have that done. In the meantime, they inform me that they are ready to proceed with the sterotactic biopsy. So.. I go next door and climb up on the table with my one br**st inserted into the hole cut into the table. (Apparently it's easier to do a biopsy when one is hoisted into the air like a car and worked on underneath. I am pretty sure a man designed this method) The nurse leaves to get the radiologist. She returns saying he would like another mammo to make sure they get the right spot. I am thinking this is a good idea and they lower me to jumping off level. I go across the hall for the mammo. Return to the autobody room and assume the position. Nurse leaves and returns again. Radiologist wants more pics. So... I am lowered again and go to take more pics. This time the nurse tells me to have a seat in the chair. She returns and states that Radiologist B states everything looks good and I don't need the sterotactic biopsy. But, he does want to biopsy the lymph node. Return to ultrasound room, nurse is getting ready to do lidocaine injection when Radiologist B comes into room and states he wants to to the ultrasound. Moves the transducer around and states this biopsy is not necessary either and that I may go. States they will send a report to the Br**st Cancer surgeon and she will be in touch with me to explain everything. At this point I have been there 4 1/2 hours and am so tired from stress that I am just wanting to go home. So when they say I can go, I am more than ready to leave. Husband is more than a little upset however, since he rescheduled several important meetings and now we still don't really know anything. Go home and wait for surgeon or her office to call. Wait for a week. Then I call. Am told she will call me. I wait another week. No calls. Then a call... she,the surgeon,thinks I should have biopsy. Return for biopsy. Am told results should be back in 3-5 days. Wait. No results. Call today. They have no record of the biopsy but they will keep looking and call me. I am thinking I am in the twilight zone. What would you do now? I am at a loss and am tired from the stress of not knowing. In the meantime, my 16 y/o broke her foot. That has required ER trips, pediatrician trips and orthopedic visits. In addition, there were several other mini emergencies. Including, our internet being down for large chunks of time. Something to do with "towers" when I called. Which is part of the reason why I haven't posted. I also kept thinking I would have solid info to post about. Ahhh....life is never boring.
  3. They did not do the biopsy yesterday. She was running 2 1/2 hours behind schedule. But on review of my films, she saw not 1 but 2 spots and also felt an enlarged lymph node under my arm. She said she is pretty sure we are looking at cancer even without the biopsy. But then went on to say "we won't worry until after the biopsy" Well, after her saying it's probably cancer I am a little worried. Crazy woman!! So they are supposed to call today to get everything set up. Sorry I did't update last night. By the time we got home from KC I was just exhausted and pretty much went straight to my room to do some "fetal position therapy" (term my sister uses for just not being able to deal with anything and pulling the covers over your head). Thank you all so much for the prayers and good thoughts. Keep them coming, it looks like I am going to need them.
  4. Thanks for the great suggestions. And Peek, it would be great to meet. Maybe we can figure something out.
  5. I so far have had 2 digital mamms and an ultrasound soooooo...next step is biopsy. I am trying not to worry but gosh darnit, I have 4 kiddos and I selfishly want to be the one to raise them!!!! :sad:
  6. I have a DLX and prefer it. I can send the Bosch to you and you can just pay me when you can. If you don't like it just send it back. The Bosch has the mixer and I also have the cookie dough hooks. I don't even know how much to sell it for. I can't imagine having my KA die. If yours had bit the dust last week, I could have brought it to Branson and met you.:) We went for the Answers in Genesis conference and were there 4 days. Just email me if you are interested.
  7. I am going to Dallas next week to help my sister move. She is just north of Dallas but I don't mind driving. Also, any must see attractions? (She doesn't have children and travels a great deal so those kind of things are not on her radar). Thanks!
  8. I think you are a great nurse who really cares about her patients. (Can you come to Kansas City and be mine for a while?) True confessions: The only thing I hate worse in myself besides crying in public is.... laughing in public. Four kids, weak bladder and you get the idea!
  9. I am so sorry. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  10. I really am going to have to take better care of myself and take deep breaths over some of this "stuff". For starters I am going to take the bar of dark chocolate I bought today (it has antioxidants, right?) and lock myself in the closet for 15 min tonight. And may heaven help any child who knocks on that door!!! :D Seriously, I am going to try to remember that this is just one of the many seasons of my life and to keep the focus on surviving each day. It is too overwhelming to look ahead at this point. Thanks again for the prayers, hugs and advice. I really needed it tonight!
  11. Plus dealing with a hormonal teenager and 7 y/o twins going to speech and vision therapy in a city an 1 1/2 hrs away and finding out today I need a breast biopsy and awaiting results of the carcinoid scan and...and... and.... Ok, I am overwhelmed. My school planning for fall isn't done yet and I am stressed over that. I am so tired when I log on here I usually just read the first page and then feel too brain dead to contribute. Sorry. Thanks for "listening", I really needed a place to vent and my friends all just say "put them in public school and make your life easier". I knew someone here would understand. :)
  12. I think that is part of the Grandview area. (It takes me about 12 minutes from Children's Mercy South... twins have speech therapy every Thursday in KC) They carry new and used curric/items. Also, they have DVDs for rent and offer supplementary classes.
  13. Sorry, if that is not the one you are looking for. I am interested in this also. Due to our schedule with taking care of in-laws and several other issues, I need something... a maid sounds good. :)
  14. It is a product made from orange peels and developed by a Dr. for GERD. Her Dr. recommended it because it does not have the side effects of the Rx meds. She used to take it every couple of months but now only 1-2 times per year. I can check with her on the name of the product. I just remember thinking that orange peels would burn terribly on an irritated esophagus, but she swears it doesn't. I drink Metro mint water when my GERD kicks in occasionally. I know you are supposed to avoid mint but it is very cooling and soothing and helps much more than the otc products.
  15. She was dry but then started wetting the bed frequently. We were told by our Dr. to use the "potty pager". It didn't work. Then we were told to cut out allergy causing foods. It didn't work. Finally, we saw an ENT Dr. who said a lot of bedwetting is related to sleep disorders. She ordered a sleep study. The study revealed our daughter did not snore (the Dr. kept insisting she must snore) but did average 28 apneaic(sp?) episodes per hour. Her airway was collapsing and causing the apnea. We had tonsils and adenoids removed and viola.... no more bedwetting! This is just our experience but it was wonderful to have an answer.
  16. We have had luck at Talbots. A few times at the local department stores but it is very hit and miss. Otherwise, it is mostly Land's End.
  17. 1. Our floor guy recommended Bona products to clean the floor. Or just plain water. He said to avoid vinegar and Murphey's Oil Soap. (Something about vinegar could cause a cloudy suface over time). First, I vacuum or use a microfiber dust mop and then use the Bona. My sil uses a roomba (sp?) to "vacuum" and really likes it. 2. I love our Kenmore Elite front loader. I hated our Bosch!!! 3. I am a homeschool room dropout. We always end up at the kitchen table so I am not much help there. Sorry.
  18. We have twin girls, 7y/o. Having a great time!
  19. I don't order it, just buy it from my friend. (I don't like these kind of selling schemes or home parties, but I really do think this stuff is great).
  20. I go by Sunflower and usually post on the general board (although I lurk at the others). I love the forums since we live in a rural area and these incredibly intelligent people know everything. I have been on the boards since 1999 or 2000 (I can't remember-it has been a while). I have been married to my sweetheart for 23 years. We have 4 gorgeous daughters. I homeschool the youngest 3. One is in 6th grade and the other 2 are in the 1st grade. My oldest now attends a classical christian highschool. I love to read, try out new recipes, garden, and learn. I want to learn to knit and play the harp this year. I am working on figuring out the new boards. Sooooo... when I mess up, forgive me please.
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