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Everything posted by Alicia64

  1. Library Lover ~ I really appreciate your calm and caution. My dh's brother is dyslexic enough that he dropped out of school at essentially the 9th grade and his dumb mom didn't intervene. He's 50 now and doing miserably. He's can't read and is just now going to school to learn. The poor guy. So that's on my mind. I think this could go either way: you could be correct that I'm sounding the alarm too soon and, then again, he might have a mild form of dyslexia. What concerns me is that he comprehends super complex books and started at the beginning of age 5 making huge comprehension leaps. A couple of them floored me. That ability is supposed to be one of the strengths that comes w/ dyslexia. Thank you all. I've ordered every book mentioned on here. Thank you, thank you. Alley
  2. Thanks again. Sad to say, I noticed a year ago that something didn't seem to be clicking and a teacher-friend said, "there's no way he has it." She was just trying to be supportive, but I should have ignored her and looked into it further. My boys just turned 7 -- so they're not 6 anymore. Thanks, Perry! I've already ordered I See Sam and the Shawitz book. I also ordered the Mislabeled Child. Alley
  3. You all are awesome!!! Question: what about this issue of getting him tested? Again, the private people are so pricey -- but of course my ds is worth it if it's necessary. My hs friend told me not to get involved w/ the school district (which had been my plan for testing). What are your thoughts on testing? Alley
  4. Thank you for sharing the idea of celebrating. My 7 year old just finished his first Spelling Workout and now he is definitely going to get a day to himself. Thank you so much!! Alley
  5. Ellie, We're doing very basic BOB books. Writing with Ease and the Spelling Workout. No, I'm not a pro at teaching reading, but his brother picked it up so effortlessly that I just figured what I was doing was working. Obviously I was wrong. I also read aloud a ton -- and I think my other boy was following along on the page as I read. I've heard Explode the Code is great and I'd like to give it a try. I'm completely open to the idea that he doesn't have dyslexia at all, but is just slower to learn. Alley
  6. Ellsi ~ Yes! I haven't measured my son's height in a while, but his weight is 82 lbs. (We have tall grandparents and we're tall enough.) I once heard there's a correlation, but I can't seem to find anything definite on it. Thank you, Perry, you're the best! Thanks for all the responses!! Alley
  7. Well, the little reading I did said that one of the symptoms is comprehension. But that's why I came here -- because I don't feel confident that I've been reading the right thing. Does anyone know of a correlation between being "big for his age" and dyslexia? I heard that too. He's tall and "sturdy." His wrists and ankles are bigger then mine and he just turned 7. Alley
  8. I'm beginning to think one of my twins has dyslexia. One boy is reading beautifully, my other boy -- who I am not pushing -- is "frustrated" whenever we try. . . any kind of reading. He has as much said that he doesn't understand phonics, but I don't know how to teach by sight words. I want to get him tested, but I think that's serious money -- isn't it? I was planning on getting him tested in the school system and one of my hs friends said, "don't get him on their radar." So now I don't know what to do. One thing that makes me think he doesn't have dyslexia is that when I read complicated books to him -- Secret Garden, for example -- he can easily explain the story to his dad later that evening. He comprehends in other words. He just cannot sound letters out. Can you point me toward a good book or two -- I need to start learning about dyslexia. Also, dyslexia does run in my husband's family. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alley
  9. LOVE IT! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH! I watched clip after clip -- he's so good. Alley
  10. I can't believe this thread is on here. I was thinking of writing it myself. My boys are 7 today and I can't believe how much they eat now. Does anyone have any tips for keeping the budget under control with teens?? I'm afraid I'll have to get a job!! Alley
  11. Last year I bought sturdy baskets at Good Will then spray painted them a chocolate brown. They were gorgeous and inexpensive!! I can't think of anything fun this year. Any ideas? Alley
  12. I'm looking for a Darth Vadar costume that looks great and doesn't cost a fortune. If you're selling it or the Darth head helmet, please pm me! Thanks! Alley
  13. I haven't addressed "logic" at all in our homeschool. I don't even know where to start. Can you point me towards a curriculum? Thanks, Alley
  14. My boys really want a Batman birthday party, but since we're in a new state and in an apartment we were going to do a Star Wars theme finishing up w/ a Star Wars movie. The Batman cartoon movies dh shows the boys just seem inappropriate for the kids and I don't feel comfortable showing them. There's language in it that I don't like. Is there a more "G" rated Batman version?? Thanks! Alley
  15. I'm throwing my two almost 7 year old boys a Star Wars party and I'm trying to think of creative ideas to make the evening fun. We'll have a light saber battle, at the end we're showing a Star Wars movie. But any ideas for a fun Star Wars cake? Food? Star Wars games? I'd love to dress up as Princess Leia (her early years), but don't know about the costume/hair bun expense!! :D Any ideas welcome!!! Alley
  16. Hi Everyone, I need to buy WTM -- I left my copy with a friend and haven't seen it since. I never got into the part about logic. What is a 6 year old supposed to be doing for logic? Can you recommend a great curriculum for logic -- mine are 7 in April. Thanks! Alley
  17. Hi Everyone, Anything really wonderful you did to study Thomas Jefferson. It's pretty cool that we'll be in Monticello in mid April. Thanks, Allie
  18. I agree with Twigs: don't force a goal. Just consider it good if you lose 1/2 lb. a week. If you lose more: great! If you gain or stay the same: that's okay. It means your body is "settling" into the new loss. I lost 48 lbs. and have kept it off for 3 years now. WW is a lifetime commitment. There's no being perfect. You'll make mistakes and the key is to get back on the horse. The main thing that helped me is to think of weight loss as a part time job -- something that you spend a ton of time on. Expect to cut up veggies and fruit. Expect to take time to stock your car -- yes, your car -- w/ the food you'll need for the day and evening. Expect it to take time to check out the restaurant menu ahead of time before you actually go to eat there. Expect everything involving good eating habits to take a lot of your time. And don't begrudge the time. It's an absolute necessity. Go for it! It's one of the very best things in the world that I've ever done besides have kids! Love, Alley
  19. YES!! We are reading fun stuff about France/French stuff right now. But not going to France sadly. Books -- I highly, highly recommend: You're a Brave Man, Julius Zimmerman. Order it at the library and read it out loud to your daughter. It's a fun way to get her into French culture. To get her into foods of French ~ Foods of French by Peggy J. Parks. This is a book for kids that explains why the French are so into food and what kind of foods come from France. Great book. Tomorrow I'm taking my 6 year old boys -- yes, I'm nuts!! -- to a real French restaurant after a play we're seeing. For great words: My First French Word Book (great book for the basics: learning to count, the colors and a lot more. You can pick and choose.) Also, I've heard that the Costco "knock off" of Rosetta Stone is good. But I haven't tested if this is true or not. Would love to hear about your trip when it's over. Especially stuff you loved and would do again!! Have fun! Alley
  20. Lands End sends me daily "good deal" emails with money off bathing suits or shorts or whatever. But I can't seem to get something similar w/ Eddie Bauer. Maybe I'm signed up incorrectly. I'd love a tip or two because I really don't want to cough up $129 on the bathing suit I love. TIA!! Alley
  21. We're going to see the Jack and the Beanstalk play on Thurs. and I thought it would be fun to study it. But I'm not sure what to study. Magic beans? Talking harps? Mean giants?? Any ideas would be great! Alley
  22. Oh my goodness -- anything by Hillary McKay. She's an English author and ROCKS. She writes series: The Exiles (about 4 hilarious sisters) My Dog Friday (and then books following) Saffy's Angel (then books following) Wonderful, CLEAN books. Humorous. McKay has won many prestigious awards. She's an awesome writer. Alley
  23. Thanks everyone! All very helpful. We're really, really not "wallowing in it." In fact, it only seems to come up at night right before they fall asleep. I'm doing well and am pretty happy we made the move. I'm very much looking forward to exploring the area, seeing the beauty of spring here etc. Also, I do believe it's important to let kids talk. They're thinking, they might as well have "room" to say what they're thinking. As a kid we moved a lot and my mom wanted. to. hear. nothing. (about my process). She was protecting herself against her own pain and sadness, but still. . . In retrospect it was really sad. I had nobody to talk to in those first few weeks of adjustment. And, in the last move, when I was 11, I distinctly remember going into a depression that lasted for months. Anyway, thank you again. I really appreciate your ideas and will use them! Alley
  24. We've been in Virginia for 5 weeks now and the honeymoon has worn off. The kids actually love the snow which is cool, but as we're falling asleep they'll say, "I miss California." "What do you miss?" I ask. "All of it," they say. I let them talk about it. I say how much I miss it too. I ask them what they miss about it. I then segue way into all the people who had to move as kids: Abe Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Laura Ingalls. Any other tips for helping kids mentally and emotionally deal with such a change? We needed to leave CA for financial reasons. If we didn't leave I would have had to go back to work -- if I could have gotten a job -- and the kids likely would have gone back to school. One reason we moved is to retain the homeschooling lifestyle and just have a better quality of life. But all the boys know is that we left everything familiar: parks, library, friends, karate etc. Feeling sad for them. Alley
  25. We're thinking of booking a trip to the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I've read the website and am wondering if anyone has personal experience. Loved it? Liked it? What, in particular, was great? Thanks, Alley
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