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Everything posted by SkatingMom

  1. Singapore is hit and miss. My oldest, almost 7, is wrapping up 1B and he loves it and is excelling with it. We use the the HIG, textbook, workbook, and Intensive Practice....plus supplement with Splash Math Grade 1. My youngest, almost 6, literally seems to not only dislike, but hits a block wall with, the Singapore style. She uses Splash Math K and Essentials B and it's like pulling teeth. I am thinking of switching styles for her this coming school year....but am not sure to exactly what yet.
  2. We use the Singapore Extra Practice book half a level behind on Fridays.
  3. I agree that you only need AAS or AAR. Not both. My kids do better with Explode the Code than AAR. It's simple but super effective. Singapore is definitely not all worksheets. We use two apps to supplement 1A/1B....Spash Math Grade 1 and Number Bonds. FLL was not a hit with my oldest....I am not sure why, to be honest. He used Rod and Staff 2 for 1st, gently, and it was a better fit.
  4. Here is where I am at....I need help thinking it through. I was given the teachers guides to Moving Beyond the Page 6-8. My kids will be just turned 6 and just turned 7 so I was planning on using it for both. My younger has fine motor delays but I figured she could do a lot orally. We adapt everything! But then I stumbled on the older edition teachers guides for 5-7 CHEAP on EBay and swiped them up....with the thought of using 5-7 this year and 6-8 next year. BUT I think 5-7 is too easy for DS and 6-8 is a bit too hard for DD. So would you:
  5. For 1A we used the textbook and workbook. For 1B we are using the textbook, workbook, and intensive practice. When we move to 2A I will use the textbook, workbook, intensive practice (as needed), and CWP 1.
  6. I literally have no idea what the local PS schedule is. I
  7. DD will be 6 over the summer. We started the year with Singapore Essential A. She loved it and did well but the move to B was a big jump for her and we shelved it for a bit, reinforcing basic skills from A. We added in an app called Splash Math and I thought she was ready for B. We started it but it was quickly apparent that she had issues counting from 10-20. Sigh. So we are now focusing on some fun videos to solidify the counting and will again jump into B in a week or two. Looking ahead to next year, I have no clue where to go with her for math. She is such a bright kid....reading well, unbelievable vocabulary for her age, imaginative....but NOT math minded in any way. To add to it, she has fine motor delays so writing a ton is not her thing. We are going to spend the summer working on writing skills and math....
  8. We gave Little and Beyond a go at the beginning of this year and neither was a fit. I liked ended up going fairly eclectic for the rest of the year and will be jumping to Moving Beyond the Page in the late Summer.
  9. I would grab Explode the Code 3. It is mostly focuses on -e words and the corresponding pictures make it pretty easy for the child to starting grasping the concept. It's an inexpensive way to try and remediate the problem and focus just in -e words.
  10. Can someone breakdown the difference between Singapore Math and Math in Focus? DS is doing great with SM this year but I am not sure SM 1A will be a fit for DD. I was looking at samples from MIF 1A and while it looks similar to SM it seemed a little simpler yet and more focused with less distraction.
  11. My DS is loving Singapore. Because he had completed 1st grade with a traditional math I took him back to 1A to really solidify the concepts. At almost 7, we are are finishing 1B and not only does he "get it" he enjoys it. Neither of us mind using 4 books (HIG, text, work, and IP). My 5 year old is doing Essentials B and we will give 1A a real go in the Fall. I cannot yet decide, though, if it is a fit for her.
  12. I wanted to love HOD, too....but it just did not work up for us. We are going with MBtP 6-8 this next school year. it's secular but I think it will be a great fit.
  13. quote name="joliet" post="5605807" timestamp="1398201046"] My daughter figure skates and it wreaks havoc on our schedule. It's not the competitions that cause trouble for us, just the practices. I love to take advantage of less-crowded ice, but the times interfere with a normal school schedule. I agree with a pp that you should work on a year round a schedule and take breaks as needed. Even if school doesn't always happen in even 9 week blocks, your breaks won't be long enough that they will forget everything. We do OK with practices now...hit the rink about 1pm and skate until 3pm. BUT they both appear in Sun Valley on Ice all summer and do a few private shows as well. The rehearsal schedule from June to September is rough...and add in private lessons and a couple competitions and OUCH. Then in the Fall they are doing clinics with an Ice Theatre company. I SWORE my kids would never skate. Ever. I did for 2 decades....but they went once and the bug bit them. Hard.
  14. And this brings up yet another issue that has been bugging me lately.... It seems the majority of parents coming to boards/groups (especially on Facebook) with 2-5 year old have "gifted" children. I know there ARE many gifted kids out there but lately it's like so many parents are dead on convinced little Johnny is brilliant because he can count to 100 at age 4 or read Level 1 books. Sure, that makes him smart....but new HS mom are throwing the "gifted" term all over and I never know whether to laugh or scream, lol.
  15. I am having a schedule crisis!!! My first plan was to take off from June 15th to September 15th, except for math 4x a week and daily reading. But that means we have to really hustle in Fall, Winter, and Spring with few breaks....which is nearly impossible because of a couple competitions, an ice show, holidays, ski season, etc.... Our new curriculum (MBtP) comes in 9 week units. Would it be crazy to go 9-10 weeks on, 3-4 weeks off? Starting July 15th, that would give us a small break every season. The only downside with starting July 15th is that there might be a couple 2-3 day camping trips in there...and the kids are committed to ice shows every Saturday with Friday rehearsals....and a 4 day competition the last weekend in July. Sigh. This is HARD as they get older.....they will be 6 and 7. Ugh!
  16. DS is wrapping up ETC 3 and I have seen some families say they skip book 4 and come back to it after book 8. What is the reason behind that?
  17. We use cuisinaire rods, teddy bear counters, and a white board. We find that the Intensive Practice book is also a great tool. All of the manipulatives listed by Singapore are not really needed.
  18. We found it boring, repetitive, and lacking in any sort of fun. DD tried Exploring Science and DS gave Astronomy a go...but we shelved it fairly quickly.
  19. We will continue the 3Rs on a light schedule from Memorial Day to Labor Day. We have a very very beyond busy Summer ahead
  20. Thank you! I think we will just concentrate on MBtP. Can I ask what else you add to it?
  21. I think that Adventures in Phonics from CLP is the most solid, thorough, and comprehensive phonics curriculum out there.
  22. We will be using 6-8 this fall....but I have BF Early American sitting here and am wondering if combining them is overkill. Thoughts?
  23. We are making a jump to Moving Beyond the Page for science, literature, and social studies...plus some applied math. I am planning on continuing with Explode the Code and Singapore Math. I am also toying with using Early American Primary from BF since I have it here....but cannot decide if that would be overkill.
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