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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Oh, yes! If they touch the toothbrush, I buy new. I can't handle it LOL!
  2. Thanks! It's going very slow. I am down to 162 and really want to break into the 150s! Soon I hope.
  3. One of my pet peeves is someone drinking out of my cup, glass, bottle whatever. Don't touch my drink! LOL. It just grosses me out beyond belief. I just sat down and grabbed my water bottle and took a big swig and then noticed my darling William must of helped himself after eating his toast. Tons of little floaty things.
  4. Wow! Fantastic job! I am almost finished reading WEM and hope to start through some of the books soon.
  5. I have a shelf in the LR that I store stuff like games and larger things. My art supplies are hopefully on the UPS truck today LOL. Most of my stuff is in those big labeled bins out of William's reach!
  6. I finally got my blog updated with our school room pictures. Nothing fancy, but the area works well for us. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/
  7. I had to run the kids to CAP so stopped and I got him a small single serving cake, which he loved. We are celebrating his birthday tomorrow when everyone can be here.
  8. With our HB I had games, movies, art supplies all ready in the basement. I also made up a bag of snacks and juice boxes for each kid. Other than using the bathroom they had no need to come upstairs, unless they wanted to.
  9. He actually laughed and thought it was funny. He is a good kid and not much upsets him, kwim. I just felt terrible.
  10. Thank you all. They will be doing pre-algebra and I will plan for 1 hour a day.
  11. Not really specific. Just was wondering what exactly they did and if it was sort of like GS, which it sounds like it is. I am not sure if my DD would even be interested, but figured I'd ask.
  12. Whoops! I thought about it when I got up early, but he was still asleep. Then life happend and I forgot. I feel like a heel.
  13. I have never heard of this group before today and was wondering if anyone has experience with it and would share more about it. Thanks!
  14. I just watched the first lesson and really like what I saw. I think my DD & DS are going to enjoy this program. I was wondering though if you have your student watch the DVD one day, work a few examples and then work the excersises the following day as described? Some of the clips seems short and I am wondering if they can watch the DVD and do the excersies in one day instead?
  15. I will not click the link. I will not click the link. I will not... :lol:
  16. How many large muffins does this make? It looks yummy!
  17. I am terrible in traffic and it's an area I am working on right now :blushing: It's been my hardest thing to adjust to with living in a city.
  18. We moved to ME and then AR while my 18 yo was in high school. What we did was plan a college prep course for him that would be accepted basically anywhere he applied, because we weren't sure where we'd be. Once he had decided on a few schools, we called and found out what those schools required and tweaked where needed.
  19. Lunch is usually something simple and I start thinking @ it @ 11:30ish when one of the kids asks me whats for lunch.
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