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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. I caught a quick blurb on the news today about the condition of public schools in CT and something about the situation being so bad that they are talking @ paying people to use private schools or home school? Anyone else hear this? I wasn't sure I heard the guy right and figured it can't be true, but who knows LOL.
  2. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/580912/
  3. I did too somehow? I am praying for this family :(
  4. This is our school schedule: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/575776/
  5. I have bad genes on both my mom and dad's sides, but I am working very hard at changing my fate by eating right and living a healthy lifestyle.
  6. LOL it's just the noise and chaos of everyone wanting me at once. They all get excited or need my help at the same time, of course. It went really well and I had many moments that I gave thanks that we are blessed to be able to do this. LOL @ torturing your son. There are days that feel like that here too, but it pays off inthe end. :)
  7. We didn't have the reciept either nor had we filled out the warranty card and they fixed ours no problem.
  8. You can never have enough land imho LOL. If you can afford the 31 acres, then go for it. We have always let our dogs roam on our property and have never had trouble, but did have trouble with other people'd dogs coming on our land.
  9. We did this recently and they told us to not send the hard drive back with it. We sent it back and had it returned within a few days.
  10. I think it looks really nice and the time seems @ right for those ages. Have a great year!
  11. We had a good first day and the kids had fun. Here are some pictures of our morning. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Quiver0f10/ We wont be doing a full schedule until after Labor Day.
  12. I am so sorry :grouphug: You will be in our prayers and thank you and your family for your sacrifice.
  13. Thank you for the prayers. I will be praying for you all as you make this transition.
  14. WOw, lots of us starting today! Hope everyone has a GREAT first day! Off to the trenches...:lol:
  15. I would let the 10 yo work alone in language arts and math, but group him with the others for science, history, bible, latin etc. adjusting the work level for each child. Have you looked at TOG for your crew? You could keep all of them on the same page that way. My 5th grader is doing the following: Abeka math 5 Rod & Staff Science 5 Rod & Staff English 5 Rod & Staff Spelling 5 IEW Ancient History Based Writing Lessons TOG Year 1 Mind Benders Latin in The Christian Trivium I
  16. He is living at home and commuting so it isn't as bad as dorming, but still... Where did the time go? My oldest is looking for apartments and my 17 will be sending out college applications soon too. It seems like in just a few short years I will have an empty nest and I am NOT ready :( DH doens't get it ( or maybe he hides it well?) but I figured you all would understand. :grouphug: to all those with kids starting college this fall.
  17. I have everything organized and ready to go. The kids are excited and anxious, especially my sweet 5 yo :) and yet, I am dreading the morning :D. I know once we get going and into a routine things will be fine, but the first few days is always total chaos :glare:. So, who else is starting tomorrow?
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