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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. Everytime she says something like that, look her right in the eye and say something like " That's a nice sweater" or " isn't it a lovely day". She will hopefully get it quickly LOL. Or do as the above poster said :-)
  2. One WM I went to today had none and none at the warehouse :)
  3. The majority of things are Tuesday evenings for us normally ( color guard is a newish thing for my kids). Ocassionally there will be an air show, or some kind of community service thing on a Saturday they work at, but it doesn't happen too often.
  4. I loved and hated that book! LOL I remember reading it and not too long after I saw an article @ an outbreak of it somewhere ( Africa, I am sure) and was terrified LOL.
  5. Looks like LA, but again, this is just a possiblity and not confirmed. Still, scary stuff.
  6. Fox just reported 2 possible US deaths from swine flu in CA. I am trying to trust God and not panic, but I don't have a good feling about all this.
  7. It is back up and I was able to order, but I must say I hate the new way you search for your books. :glare: And everytime I added somethign to my cart, I couldn't go back, I had to start over.
  8. If it's any consolaton, we are doing the same thing. We have gone back and forth over this and it's somethigng we feel the need to do. I figure I can still watch House on hulu :D
  9. I dont count it as curiculum except as a PE credit for the drill they end up doing, but I listed it as an activity. My 16 and 14 yo are in the color guard with CAP and they are at CAP T and Th 6-9 and Sat 8-4, so it's a big part of their week. This is a reply of mine to a post on another board: My family has been invovled in CAP for a few years and we have had nothing but good experiences. CAP teaches them discipline, self-confidence, independence, moral values, working with a team, the basics of survival, search and rescue, how to fly; not just book work, they get to fly a plane. ( Talk about mommy panic lol) The kids need to keep up good grades, they learn to iron and maintain their uniform. They learn how to shine shoes LOL. They learn respect for themselves and others. Oh, edited to add the physical training. They do weekly drill and excersizes as well as running etc. I don't have any problem with assigning PE credit for over the year. Some of the things my kids have done: Gone to Scotland for 2 weeks and trained with the Scottish = of CAP Gone to Washington DC and laid wreaths on the graves of soldiers Worked assorted air shows Toured assorted air craft and helicopters Been on a plane that fuels air crafts ( my boys would know the name lol) and got to be below as they fueled the jets. My son thought this was way cool LOL Winter survival( weekend) Airman academy ( 4-5 days?) Encampment( 2 weeks)-my oldest went one year as a cadet and the next as a staff member (leadership skills) Partook in different search and resuce missions( In Arkansas CAP helps with tornado clean up and search/rescue) My 16 and 14 year( 14 yo is a girl) olds are in the color guard and are in the middle of competition. They won the local and are heading to a 4 day regional in OKC in May and then onto a week long one in Oregon. We are extra blessed here in AR because our group is made up of mostly homeschoolers
  10. 11th: Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading Saxon Advanced Math Apologia Advanced Biology/ Biology at the CC in the spring Notgrass Government/ Spring-economics Windows to the World/TtC/assorted books IEW SWI CC/ writing at the CC in the spring Henle III SOS Spanish II Civil Air Patrol & Volunteer at the hospital 9th: Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading Chalkdust Alg I Apologia Physical Science TOG year II D but adding in some R level books along with TtC IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons VFTCR A LFC B SOS Spanish I Traditional Logic I Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History Atelier Art Civil Air Patrol & Theater 8th: Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading Chalkdust Alg I Apologia Physical Science TOG year II IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons VFTCR A AAS Level 4-5 LFC B Traditional Logic I Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History Atelier Art Civil Air Patrol 6th: Bible Study Guide for All Ages/indepedent reading Chalkdust Basic Math Apologia General Science TOG year II IEW's Medieval Themed Writing Lessons VFTCR Grade 6 AAS Level 4-5 LFC B The Fallacy Detective Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History Atelier Art 3rd/4th: Bible Study Guide for All Ages MUS Beta Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book TOG year II Barton's Reading & Spelling Copywork/HWT Winston Basic Brainware Safari Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids) Atelier Art 1st: Bible Study Guide for All Ages CLE Math 1 Apologia Elementary Science/ The Human Body Book TOG year II Reading Made Easy Copywork/HWT AAS Level I Meet the Great Composers & Short lessons in Art History( just sitting in with the older kids) PreK: R&S preschool books HWT Kumon Books
  11. I have done this twice now, both times with 9 kids. Fortunately for me I have older kids which is a huge help. No matter what age though, you need to keep your kids helping out. The yonger ones can load dishes, empty trash, vacuum etc. Your teen can help with bigger cleaing projects when he is home. Shopping and errands are going to be a pain, but not impossible. Assign an older one to be a buddy to a younger ones. And you will want to stock up on chocolate when you do get into town :D
  12. OK, would you continue to give him the low dose or just stop it altogether until after the eval? ( We haven't been consistant with giving it every day as our Dr told us we can only use it on school days)
  13. My son's Dr prescribed him concerta and said that after he had been on it for a few weks he would need to go to a higher dose. We waited a while before starting it and now my son has been on it for 2- 3 weeks so he should be going to a higher dose. The place my son is to get a neuro psych eval called and they are seeing him on the 30th. I don't know if I should continue with the concerta now or not or whether I should up the does now or not or just wait until after the eval? I guess I am not sure how long it takes for the new dose to affect him. They did tell me he should not take his pill that morning, but bring it with him because they want to test him without it and then with.
  14. I have 2, soon to be 3, adult college students living at home. I do not plan their schedule or help with their schooling unless they ask me. They are adults and need to learn to manage their time now. ( Ideally this should be taught in high school) Sometimes letting them fall is the best help we can give them, even though it's painful to watch. The same goes for their budget. My kids all work and are paying their own way through school. If they ask for my help, I am there, but otherwise they manage on their own. Again, Ideally this should be taught in high school. They do write their schedules on a large calandar in the school room. I do my best to keep the house quiet when I know they are studying, but with my family that is impossible sometimes. They can use the school library and have done so at times. None of the adult kids have curfews, but we ask that they use common sense and that they give us an idea when they are going to be home. If they are going to be late, they call. They let us know who they are with and where they are going. Our basic house rules do still apply and they are expected to follow them. As far as chores, I don't have them on the chore chart but they help out when needed or able ie: tossing a load in the washer, washing a floor etc.
  15. I'd keep the 10th grader working independently and use DV D or outsuce where possible, but the rest could do science and history together. Use SOTW and whatever spne for science, but just expect more from the older students. Your younger ones will narrate to you, the older ones will write summaries and do mini-reports on topics from the pages you have read. If you are doing latin, the younger ones could learn the vocab and do the chants, which would be fun and the older kids could do the workbook or lessons.
  16. I don't know about superior, but I agree with the others that it's really up to how you use it and what your goals are for your family. We don't do everything in the guide so maybe we aren't getting everything out of it we should, but it works for us. I do have a some with LD and I am basically just using SOTW and narrations with him.
  17. If you are interested in a get together in NW AR on May 1st PM me or Jackie in AR for details. :D
  18. If you are interested in a get together in NW AR on May 1st PM me or Jackie in AR for details. :D
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