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Everything posted by Quiver0f10

  1. My 17 yo is taking it again today too. He wasn't nervous and feels well prepared. Praying they all do well!
  2. Congratulations!!! And thank you for the healthy tips.
  3. Congratulations! You have a beautiful family!
  4. I am trying to install better eating habits in not only myself but my whole family. We ate a healthy, balanced dinner at 6 and I served each person a serving of fruit salad with dinner. The kids were asking for a snack @ 8:30 and I don't know if this is simply from habit or not. So my question is, does your family have a snack in the evenings? Thanks.
  5. I have 7 school age and it doesn't always work easily but we get it done. One thing that really helps is combining as much as possible, which is why we use curriculum such as TOG, REAL Science etc. Getting yourself and everyone on a schedule is key to making it work.
  6. Besides salad, how do you serve greens? My whole family loves raw spinach and we use that as a base in salad mixed with some romaine. I use frozen spinach in a lot of recipes/soups etc, but I see recommendations to serve greens with dinner. So other than salad or cooked in a dish how do you serve greens? Thanks!
  7. I would definitely sign myself up if they were to offer a class on socratic discussion.
  8. Good point. I do enjoy us working together and have really seen the benefit of group discussions.
  9. http://llc.tapestryofgrace.com/ I am curious what others think of the classes? I would love to enroll my 10th and 9th graders in the rhetoric lit and writing but I think that is out of our reach right now.
  10. We do home made pizza every Friday night. What would be a good side to serve? Salad? Raw veggies? Or?
  11. Do you grade the OYO exercises? If so, what % of the total grade are they?
  12. Mine are in my signature but I have a 21 yo down to a 5 yo. I would love another baby and hope and pray we are blessed again.
  13. We have had six teens so far and have had no trouble. They are all good kids who love the Lord, obey us, work hard in school and at their jobs and are pleasant to be with. I agree with the others that it is more work than with younger kids.
  14. Ok so $12/per gallon U pick or $18/gallon picked for me sounds like a decent price?
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