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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. A few years ago I had a possible list for homeschool classes that were a mix of online/offline materials. Several if not all with a teacher component so I didn’t have to do the grading/feedback. A few came from Oak Meadow if you want to explore that. But I think you had those subjects covered already. Just if you need a teacher component you may want to review. They said their language arts and history paired nicely. I’d have him set up a Duolingo account, too for whatever language (I missed you had more than one language possibility).
  2. If you go with Latin, I’d consider the Getting Started with Latin book. I own the Spanish one.
  3. No. ABeka does 8th grade Pre Alg. Went to open house tonight and met his Alg I teacher.
  4. At some point I'd be asking if he's the problem. Workaholic? Taking on more than you can chew? Maybe it's time to re-evaluate the business/life goals?? Is it sustainable? What would happen if he got sick? Could anyone pick up the slack?
  5. Have you laid it all out for them like us? You told us in June X. Then you told us X. Then you changed your mind. We only agreed to enroll here because of X. And see what they say? When I was in jr high they had a normal path of pre Alg then Alg. My best friend was skipping pre Alg so I asked if I could too, as we both had As in the 7th grade math class. The school allowed it. My dad may have also told the school that if I had any problems he could help as he has a Master's in math. In high school I was one of a couple students that were in a different grade level but taking math with older students for just that one core class. It was not a big deal. If I struggled it was only because of my own tendency to not always pay attention. When ds went from homeschool to brick & mortar I was a bit upset with the math situation. Had he stayed home I would have placed him in a Derek Owens class (online) for pre Alg (coming out of using Math Mammoth) but instead he went to the private school where they use ABeka and had some generic "7th grade math." He's still there and just started high school/9th grade. If that class is really a make it/break it point, I can see withdrawing him. Does he have a preference?
  6. Heck I'm more confused than ever. If they are yellow and black I call them a yellow jacket. I tend to say wasp to refer to the more brownish ones. But now I can't remember what color the one that stung me a few weeks ago was. I just remember the librarian referring to them as wasps. And then there were wasps in front of my former home and the nest I think looked more like a piece of cardboard with grooves in it. Or maybe that's just what they look like in the beginning?? Last night I wussed out and didn't do the HIIT. I was like well if I do the 15 min HIIT I actually should include a warm up and cool down... and then shower... and well I just don't know if I want to do all that right now. This morning I did a warm up, a short Get Fit with Rick video, then a 15 min HIIT followed by a cool down. I generally dislike warm ups and cool downs. You know how some events end with fireworks? I'm just there for the fireworks. I don't care about all the other "boring" stuff haha and then the cool down is like a long conversation in the parking lot. Oh my gosh let's just go.
  7. The first few seasons of Young Sheldon are on HBO Max (the newest ones are on Paramount+. The newer ones look like they are leaning more into sexual content topics). I used to watch American Housewife on Hulu. It doesn't always have the best messages but if you take it as a comedy and not too seriously I think it's good. The Middle (I think it's also still living on Hulu. I saw the whole series). Superman & Lois (HBO Max). There is a definitely some teen romance storyline but I never saw anything sexual in the episodes I watched. I couldn't get my teen into it... apparently he's just not into Superman. Sigh. I don't know if any streaming services have the Smallville show or not.
  8. I have a healthy (or maybe unhealthy) level of skepticism with doctors that don't specialize in something but will give their opinion based on what they know to be true. I had a nurse practitioner tell us that ds didn't have ADHD. I had a child psychologist say there's no way ds could have APD because of how he scored on some bit on a language test. Both were wrong according to professionals in those areas... though ds still thinks he's been misdiagnosed. And I guess I'll never really know. I really wanted to pursue ASD testing, but there was so much pushback from my son and ex that I let it go. Sometimes labels are good for various reasons and other times people let them affect their self esteem and see no benefits in them. "Oh great, now I have this label" or "will I have to now disclose this?" etc.
  9. My bad. I just meant he left with the label “ADHD inattentive type” as opposed to “ADD.”
  10. To clarify, they don’t use the term “ADD” officially anymore. So they say “inattentive type.”
  11. I do think they are more subjective. The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case seemed to have differing views. I do believe I had OCD and the psychiatrist said no after what? Just a conversation and maybe an intake form? When I had my son tested for ADHD the psychologist said he’d let me decide if the “H” was part of it. So he left with a diagnosis of ADHD inattentive type. Most of his hyper activeness has waned. I don’t think they are meaningless. I just think several are more prone to being inaccurate. However, even with physical issues you can be misdiagnosed.
  12. I respectfully disagree. That’s like saying I don’t need to know what animal (pet for the sake of this analogy) I have except for the vet’s interactions with it. No, I also benefit. Maybe I won’t have the same expectations with the cat vs dog. You know? Otherwise I might spend years wondering why my cat won’t play fetch. And to distance myself we can say I pet sit so I interact with it sometimes but don’t live with it. It still matters to me as I interact with it fairly regularly. I agree with others that for some of us it matters. It helps us move forward. As a Catholic I used to feel great guilt over even considering divorce. Oh I just need to try harder. No. I was hitting myself against a wall. I wish I could remember the guy’s name but there’s a video link where this guy talks about how abuse victims are often given unhelpful advice in counseling and from church pastors by being told to do homework when they’ve already been doing 90% of the work. Then they leave the session and are faced with more homework and their abuser might not do anything. That’s how I often feel. Like people are saying don’t forget your role in this. And I want to scream I’ve been working on myself — he hasn’t. Like I should make a sign that says “no sh!t, Sherlock” to hold up every time. Anyway yes it greatly matters to many of us. If you don’t like the animal analogy then everyone in class got a puzzle but ours didn’t come with the right pieces and well-meaning bystanders are saying you just need to give it time. Nope.
  13. I did a little test. I wore my pedometer on my shoe for a 30 min bike ride on the stationary bike. It says I did 3,127 steps. Definitely less than the Google guess results lol But I do tend to try to bike a little longer than 30 min. I think I’ll do my last HIIT tonight from disc 1.
  14. When I dropped off my check the secretary (?) and paralegal (?) said something to each other about having to calculate what part of the check the lawyer got and what part the firm got. That’s why I’m not totally sure if they are winning or losing by merging lol I’m just glad I’m not a lawyer. The money doesn’t seem worth it.
  15. The lawyers I had were a mix. One was at his own firm then joined another. The first had her own place but clearly needed to hire more people or an answering service. Lol I couldn’t tell you if any of them had an HR person. One office that blended kept their separate secretaries but I’d have to go through the main line and request to be transferred. Once they merged they had to reserve the conference room they used to have full freedom to. I really couldn’t tell what was better or worse. I imagined it was done to save on rent, but have no idea. By the time I took the GAL a check he’d merged with a group as well.
  16. Thank you for sharing. If anyone reading this thread wants some extra resources feel free to PM me. Mostly book recommendations but I went through 3 online courses for related issues.
  17. 1/3. I wouldn’t care that a rare few. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/01/24/science/sad-legacy-of-abuse-the-search-for-remedies.html
  18. Just want to clarify I support a person’s choice in dealing with nasty bosses how they see fit. Well not including violence, anyway. The feedback they get will obviously impact their satisfaction with their decision. I had it drilled into me not to burn bridges so I just try to leave all my jobs on decent terms. Plus everyone is related to someone here! You kinda have to be careful. @Quill yes I do believe that the last employee didn’t speak up enough. Maybe it was out of her comfort zone. I’ve literally annoyed my boss with my opinions/questions to the point she said, “next time I’ll have so and so do it” and frankly fine with me lol I’m very aware that my thoughts are not always valued and one day hope to work somewhere where I’m not scared to share them.
  19. I was referencing the guy in one of Quill’s posts and I thought he actually behaved that way. It may have been a hypothetical scenario, though. I was thinking that kind of cut throat behavior would send me packing and if I was worried about how he treated future employees I’d just tell them about him in that shared group they all talk on and/or report to HR. Quill said several women there complain and quit. They need to drop names among themselves.
  20. My bad I thought @Quill was working for pen guy… guess he’s just another ass. As a general rule I agree to setting boundaries in the form of speaking up where applicable, but I can also understand some women (or people in general) thinking this is not a battle I’m choosing. Imagine if you’re a person of color and have to debate on whether to address a racist remark head on or not. People get exhausted correcting other’s behavior. Choosing to reserve your energy and mental health is also valid. I’d rather quit than try to convert someone. Flight, Fight, Freeze, and Fawn. People make different choices.
  21. But she works in a lawyer’s office so I’m thinking maybe this firm has a couple employees for this. I don’t know. I have worked at both kinds of jobs. My current job does not have that and I do have to talk to my boss directly about money. As far as how to address a person… It’s not that I’m afraid to speak my mind or cuss but within the parameters of a job I’d feel less professional reacting certain ways. Yes, you can do it but you also risk being dismissed as that “crazy woman.” I did lose my cool in the office once. I was very pregnant and had a difficult coworker. I slapped the desk and said something to her. Then I left the room. Word got around the office and they didn’t want the pregnant woman stressing lol If you will never need people from a given office as a reference the demeanor you keep is less relevant IMO.
  22. Outspoken asses are a thing. But I don’t know if you’d see that behavior during say a job interview. You might pick up on the ass thing day 1. Curious how pen cup guy acted early on.
  23. I just don’t get why you stay there. What an ass. But maybe you don’t directly deal with him many hours of the day. And I dunno I guess I’d be talking to payroll about my wages rather than dealing with him if at all possible.
  24. I don’t know the full list but I know academia is on it. I’ve met a handful of male lawyers only and I cannot imagine any of them acting like this. If it was prevalent in an area (with the men) I’d go work for a female lol
  25. I understand the frustration of not getting much done and then feeling like the weekend was wasted somehow. I wanted to get done one or 2 curtain panels this weekend but haven’t done any. It’s a chore. I have to iron all the fabric, cut the fabric for both front and back of panel… I got a lot done on an art project for dd’s room. The pic is in another thread of mine. Last night after dd was asleep I did 30 min on the bike then showered and went to bed. We had church early this morning so I never got around to my HIIT. I think I’ll workout tonight after the kids go back to their dad’s. lol about staying up watching a murder show. Eek
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