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Everything posted by heartlikealion

  1. I feel a bit awkward sometimes going out with wet hair, but I still do it. I don't know what I hate more... leaving the house with wet hair or showering at night and having to decide if I blow dry it or just towel dry and sleep with a towel on my pillow because I'm too tired to get out the blow dryer or afraid to wake the baby. Yesterday I ended up finding out late in the game about a service at my church but I wanted to wash my hair before I went so I ended up going with wet hair. I felt kind of odd going out at night with wet hair, but oh well, at least I was clean? Lol @ Ali's post. Yes!! That is how I feel. I am in the South and I always feel "not put together" when I leave with wet hair, but sometimes I have the choice between that or greasy hair so...
  2. Yes, that is what I figured. The one I interviewed for was a receptionist job, though I primarily had applied for teacher aid roles when I was filling out applications.
  3. Would they recognize you as a patron? That might help. :) (Maybe turn it in in person rather than mail? Or mention to someone you see there often that you turned one in?)
  4. Do you frequent the school websites and read their job openings? the people you spoke to may or may not be aware of the job postings. I would look at each school's individual website. That is how I used to apply to school jobs. I did get an interview once and almost had an interview another time which was canceled at the last min. on their end due to no longer needing someone, within a few months' time. You said you didn't want to work with children or substitute so I kind of thought you didn't want to work at a school lol. I know there are jobs that have less direct contact with the students, though so definitely keep looking.
  5. nah, that wouldn't make me feel old. Lots of people have hair on the lip when they are young. But I did feel a little old when the hairdresser asked if I needed to dye over any grays once. My hair looks basically jet black and any and every white hair I see probably sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm 33.
  6. Ds loves to read the description on Netflix and tell me how many years ago a show came out. I feel really old sometimes!!
  7. Well that's the thing. One was when dd went to the ER for a mouth injury and they touched her lips without gloves on and the other was a regular visit and they touched the sides of the crotch to look at diaper area. They washed hands when entering room but had handled equipment (stethoscope, etc.) before getting to diaper.
  8. mine is definitely part vampire. Up late lol
  9. I get it. I actually had a lot of anxiety for a dr appt. this week with dd. We were scheduled for one time but the voice mail said a different time and called it check in time. We had no paperwork to do. We were running late so dh insisted we call and they almost rescheduled us. We actually arrived at the original appt. time and there was no one in either waiting room. My anxiety comes from a slew of things. Like, they handed me a syringe of pain reliever for dd's fever and walked away. The dose looked wrong so I waited til the dr came in to confirm and discovered that the children's version requires more than the infant version. Ironically. Thanks for the stress, guys LOL Also, the last couple times we've taken dd to see medical professionals they didn't wear gloves part of the time they touched her and I'm internally screaming, "STOP, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" but paralyzed. Then I beat myself up for not being an advocate for my child because I'm crippled by how to handle it all and whether or not I'm overreacting because I know I have OCD. And I've got a lot of anxiety about my upcoming psychiatrist appt. because at this rate who knows if we'll be in the midst of moving (someone we know is moving out around that time and we may move in to their old place). I used to get high blood pressure everytime I went to the dr because of white coat syndrome. Now I internally pump myself up like this is some mental game and I'm gonna pass lol. Screw this machine, I got this haha.
  10. I just saw this part. "get something started" sounds like you want a career type job maybe? If that's the case I'd probably look into starting classes now, be it in person or online, during the day when everyone is at school. I might look into shops with limited hours of operation so I knew I wouldn't be expected to work too many hours or would guarantee I have __ day off because they are closed that day. I agree that for day jobs, anyway, I don't know of many where after school care wouldn't be a concern. I can't imagine a part time job warranting the cost of child care, but maybe a full time job.
  11. I'm confused about this as well. Would your 2 yr old (if your sig is up to date) be entering pre-school soon? How many hours a week? Would you need to be home before the kids got out of school or done with your job early to pick up the youngest? Unless your youngest was in full-time school (that sounds like super long days for a 2 or 3 yr old), you'd need to be done with your job early afternoon? Or work nights/weekends when your dh is home with the kids? How do you feel about retail? They probably would hire for nights/weekends. Of course this would put your dh in charge of driving kids to/from activities the days you worked. I do think that you can justify the economic value of staying at home since you still need someone to drive the kids or watch the younger ones after school. Maybe the oldest can stay home alone (?) but I don't know that you'd want them in charge of everyone. If you just want a little income I'd consider filling out a job application with limited days and seeing what happens. Maybe offering to work only weekends would be enough to appease them. This would, however, conflict with family time or sporting events perhaps. But it shouldn't conflict with summer breaks the kids have.
  12. oh, I wouldn't recommend avoiding permits if you already know that it's common in the area to need one. I just meant that if you were oblivious and let's say you needed to move ASAP and had stuff you wanted to get rid of at your yard sale, you might not have days to wait for the permit to go through (I thought those things might take a few days. Or at least business days). A child's lemonade stand is another example. If the worst case scenario is paying $15, it might be worth it to some people. It wasn't about not wanting to pay $2 (wow, that's cheap), but it was about the idea of having to go through the hassle that might leave some people "asking for forgiveness" rather than seeking permission. Maybe it was a poor example, but I was trying to think of something where it was fairly harmless. Some kids sold lemonade for 2 hours without a permit. Not the worst crime. Dh and I had a yard sale before we moved from one of our homes. It didn't occur to me at the time, but later I wondered if a permit was needed. Had it occurred to me on that Saturday morning, I probably wouldn't have any way to rush out to get one.
  13. I'd like to think there are a few contexts in which it is appropriate. Like, if you are protesting something... and you don't know if you need a permit to stand outside this place and object but you feel a moral obligation to act now. Or holding a yard sale. I don't know, something where there's red tape and what you are doing is actually not evil but might not receive approval. I'm not saying the yard sale is the "right thing" but it sounds like one of those things that could fall in a gray area where depending on where you live it's ok or not. I used to sport a bumper sticker that said Well-Behaved Women Rarely Make History. Sometimes doing the right thing does not mean following the rules. Like let's say someone was in danger and you had to temporarily park by a red curb to get to them. You really gonna ask permission? No, but you might ask for forgiveness if someone comes to ticket you.
  14. So many people associate receptions with a place to bring a gift, I was just wondering if changing the wording might help discourage that (that is, if they are worried about stuff to travel with or want to discourage gifts). Party, celebration, something else?? I know all of them are basically interchangeable, but the word reception when affiliated with wedding makes me think of a formal gathering perhaps with a gift table lol. I don't know if I can logically explain my thinking.
  15. I don't know if we know how that guy got burned. It may have been after he and Daryl separated. Probably an order from Negan? All I remember was that Daryl was with these people that needed insulin (?) for a young woman. Daryl had left them, but when they were in danger and he realized they needed the insulin he ended up getting caught up in a scenario where he was helping them. I think he lured one bad guy toward a zombie and the guy with the burned face + the two women all hid until it was safe? As I recall, one of the girls died by getting too close to a zombie or two that were people she knew and was mourning. The guy and girl (not the one that relied on insulin) hopped on Daryl's bike and left him high and dry. It was really messed up after all he'd done. Maybe that's when Daryl was separated from his cross bow, too. But he had it in this last episode. Is that the first time he's had it in a while?? That one block didn't have any cement to secure it in place that we could see. It was just placed there. Maybe he put that book there?? The book he read in his episode.
  16. Someone in a group I'm in was comparing the cost of public school to what it might cost to homeschool (yes, this will vary greatly depending on so many factors). Anyway, she threw out a large number for what she was paying for ps and I was like what costs are we talking about? She listed all kinds of stuff that was non applicable to my personal ps experience (ipad fees, club fees, field trips). I remember very few field trips and not sure if there was actually any fee associated with them. Seems like it was generally, "bring a bagged lunch" lol but it could be that I was just oblivious as the child.
  17. This is me. I like to think dh is at least somewhat wrong LOL :)
  18. Do they want to have to lug stuff to their new home? Because people will inevitably bring tangible gifts to the reception and then the bride and groom will have to decide what to do with them. This happened to my sister and her spouse (despite trying to communicate the issue), but they had the wedding in the US and a party of some sorts in Europe where they now live. Most people got the message, but I do remember at least one gift that she had no way to easily pack. I doubt the bride and groom will want to mail themselves their gifts, either. I'm unsure if you should call it a reception or not. To answer the question, it might be best to set up a website and direct people there. From there they will see information about registry, etc. If it is too much to set up a website maybe someone could throw together a facebook group page (closed group with a link).
  19. I've used that expression in dealing with work-related matters. Like, one time I just showed up at work with dyed hair (red streaks). If I had asked permission they probably would have discouraged it. I don't think we had anything specific in the dress code about it and another employee also had some color in her hair so I figured what were they gonna say? Dye it back? I didn't think they would fire me over it. I was an employee in good standing.
  20. I would say expand the job search now and start applying all over. This is assuming you haven't already been looking/applying out of the area. I do think it's better to have the job secured first. The cost of renting a U-Haul, Penske truck, etc. alone is an expense. Then of course security deposits or whatnot. Really ought to have a job there. Since dh and I have been together we've moved a few times. One time was the no job secured (when we moved for the unpaid practicum) and the most recent time was for his current job. We struggled with both moves, but it was a little less stressful knowing the last move that we could expect a paycheck in the near future. When I was a kid my dad got laid off and was unemployed for several months. My family did not move until he had a job lined up. Moving from California to Mississippi was completely random to us, but that's where the job was. Do you have a family support system anywhere else? Even if it's to help unload your moving truck or something.
  21. I just remembered I did buy a dress recently. But it was from Hot Topic and covered in images from a movie, so not what I was looking for for church.
  22. I don't notice dresses much. Maybe at church. Personally I'd like to wear them, but I can never seem to find what I'm looking for. The length is odd or it doesn't fit me properly, etc. I tried to find one for Easter and at this point I'm wearing a pair of slacks from my closet.
  23. Do you want to do the coding? Or does it seem like something you're just forcing yourself to do because you're out of ideas? Just wondering if you'd be better off working on an AA or something. Although you might have to take a minimum of like 3 classes to get financial aid.
  24. That could be it. I'm not sure if one type of flooring is better for the back, but that would be a consideration as well as others brought up.
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