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Everything posted by MamaT

  1. If it is causing him problems, I would do it. I agree that you should do it before he gets a license with his name on it. I particularly like Benjamin Tyler. It is my 2nd ds's name. :001_smile: He has always gone by Tyler, but going by a middle name didn't fly in the Marine Corp. There he has been Benjamin (or Sgt. (last name). I would let him try out just being called a different name of his choosing for a whiile and if he is still liking it after some time has gone by, change it legally.
  2. My ds's friend did this to him when he was five - the day before we were to have pictures taken. :001_smile: Yes, I was mad at the time, but now we laugh every time we look at those pictures (of course, that was 11 years ago . . .).
  3. Just this morning I watched the first lesson in the series for middle school. I am thinking this is just what I've been looking for for my 13yo dd! It did take me a while to figure out how to set up folders, add content, etc. There are tons of other material that I can use on there as well - for all subjects. I think I will get my $200 worth out of it for sure.
  4. MCT - Michael Clay Thompson language arts
  5. Denise - somehow last night I missed your post. I know that weekends are very different from him actually living here, and we will be watching him closely. My 16yo ds is VERY protective of his younger siblings as well. Your concerns are one of the reasons dh and I decided to ask him to stay here for a week first. I will be calling and talking with his mother this afternoon. I want to know her side of the story. I'm so sorry you have to worry about what your dd says all the time. That must be nerve-wracking. :grouphug: Thanks for the info. Emancipation looks like it's for kids who are supporting themselves from what I see. I would have to have some type of guardianship to agree to him living with us.
  6. My kids are smart, but I would not say they are gifted in language arts.
  7. Yes I agree, my own children are my first priority. He has been here two to three days at a time, but I know that we may see another side if he stays here longer. Somehow I don't think so with this kid. I will be keeping my mommy eyes open anyway.
  8. We don't have any right now, but we are considering it. We live in the country, so space wouldn't be a problem.
  9. We have also decided that would not be a good idea. Dh and I have had a chance to talk a little and I think our first step is to have him stay here for a week or so and see how it goes. My dh and heard enough with this boy that he does not want him to go back home right now. I will call his mom tomorrow and gently ask if I can take him off her hands for a week. He is just such a good, sweet kid. :001_smile:
  10. Thank you for all the advice. I have never talked to the mother. Maybe a non-confrontational talk with her should be my first step. I hate to see him in this situation, but don't even know where I would put him. I guess we manage every weekend, we could do it if we had to. He is upset right now and is hanging out downstairs with my ds. We are picking him up from school tomorrow and bringing him here. We told him we would sit down and have a talk about it tomorrow afternoon. If you're the praying type, please say a prayer that we will do the right thing.
  11. My son has asked me about him living with us in the past. I guess I am considering it, but I'm not sure about the legal ramifications. I have also considered calling Child Services, but I'm afraid it would make his life even worse.
  12. My 16yo son has a very good friend who has a terrible home life. His family drinks a lot (including his brother and sister who still live at home). His mother and live-in boyfriend have done things like get mad and take the wireless router outside and shoot it (were mad with the brother). They seem to take everything out on my son's friend who is 15. He is determined to be different than his family, makes straight A's in school, goes to church with us on Sundays, etc. They tell him he thinks he is "better" than they are. He basically comes over after school on Fridays and stays until Sunday afternoon. We just took him home a couple of hours ago. His bio father is out of the picture. He just called my ds and told him that his mother threw him out of the house for spilling some milk in the kitchen. He was standing out by the road in front of his house when he called. My son could hear his mother screaming at him to find somewhere else to stay. He just left to go get him. There have been other incidents similar to this one in the past. I'm not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?
  13. I also have a sister who is 12 years older and is my best friend. My kids are 24, 22, 16, 13, 11, 10. I love to watch the relationship between the olders and youngers. They are all very close, just in different ways.
  14. Another idea - Last year dh and I went to Costa Rica by ourselves. It was a wonderful trip and there is lots to do, or you can sit on the beach and do nothing! We are trying to plan a trip back there this year, but life keeps getting in the way!
  15. Have you tried grooveshark? http://listen.grooveshark.com/
  16. Definitely a cruise. My dh and I have gone on several cruises alone over the years and it was wonderful!
  17. I have two grown sons and a son who will be 17 next month. So far, we have no terrible teen rebellion, no alcohol/drug/sex problems. We have been blessed beyond measure and I thank God every day. My dh and I are very close to all three of them.
  18. Wow, I am at home alone PMSing and feeling terrible while the rest of my family is at church. Wrong time to watch this video. Now I am a mess.
  19. Me either. I'm home sick from church and have been praying as well.
  20. It is unbelievable to me that a judge would side for the dad in this case, for all the reasons already mentioned. If I was the mom and didn't win custody, I would be tempted to flee with my kids.
  21. We pretty much agree although sometimes dh is more lenient with the boys than I am when it comes to violence. My dc are at the age that they know when something is inappropriate and will turn the channel themselves. My pet peeve is Disney Channel and Cartoon Network. They don't watch those.
  22. She sounds like my dd who is now 13. She has SO much energy and is interested in so many things she makes me tired. She has channeled her energy in positive ways as she has gotten older. She has an on-line business, plus makes tons of money on ebay. She can cook/bake as well as I can from spending hours in the kitchen "experimenting." Can you see the mess?? It helps that she spends 10-12 hours a week dancing. She has also gotten into making cards - really intricate ones. I am amazed at what she accomplishes.
  23. Now that summer is here my kids are staying up and sleeping later. They are old enough that I go to bed before they do. The ones at home are 10, 11, 13, 16. I go to bed about 10:30 and sleep until 6:30 in the summer. I have all morning to myself! During school I get up about 5:00 so I can have my "alone" time.
  24. I have many "disaster stories" from when my 3 were babies. When I adopted my 2nd dd, I had a newborn, a 9mo old, a 28mo old, a 6yo, an 11yo, and a 13yo. I tried for a while, but ending up staying at home for the most part until they were a little older. BTW, no one should have babies, a toddler, and young teenagers going through puberty at the same time. :001_smile: I ended up hiring a mother's helper and yes, I used tethers.
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