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  1. OneStepAtATime, Are you saying that even if I'm buy this morning's special, that I've pasted below, I don't really have to use them in the spring? Really nervous about this as we have never used Landry, but that's because it's too expensive when you wait until the last minute to register. "Register for 1 of our spring 2015 one semester online classes ($360) and receive another spring 2015one semester online class FREE (for yourself or a friend)... or, register for 2 classes and get 2 FREE."
  2. Before starting college at 28, I had a 9th grade education, even though I graduated from high school on time. My parents made a wreck of our home when they decided to divorce at the beginning of my tenth grade year. I was working by then and I threw myself into my job and barely got by at school. No one, and I mean no one, was paying attention to me at home and that made it easy to focus on making money. My parents were very loving and adored us, but during these years they were so focused on their own mess that they just didn't have the inclination to pay attention. I never considered dropping out of school, but I put forth zero effort. When I graduated with four Ds and one F on my senior report card (exactly what I needed to graduate) I cried. At my gradution I hugged the man that gave me my diploma because I knew that I really didn't deserve it. That gentlemen was the superintendent of the school board and a friend of my parents. He knew what we kids had been going through and I'm sure that my teachers all knew as well. I was given a huge dose of grace by my high school and I used that diploma to go to college at twenty-eight and it has served me well. From an A student through 9th grade to four Ds and an F on my senior report card. Take away lesson: Our children need us to engage and stay connected. I hold no hard feelings because I came out of that mess a fighter.
  3. I can not recommend highly enough Analytical Grammar. My favorite homescchool resource to date.
  4. Two of my three high schoolers are very outgoing and last year they really missed being with their peer group at school. For reasons that I don't need to go into here, all three have homeschooled for the past 1 1/2 years. One of them has been very happy homeschooling and does not desire to go back, but the other two have been begging to go back and made a very well put together case to go back during spring break. We listened, talked, and decided that they could return to our private school starting next fall. Everything has been set up. Today my daughter came to me and told me that she's been praying about this and that, "I don't think it's in my best interest to go back to school." She went on to say that she learns far more here than she does at school and that she wants to continue to be challenged academically. She shared that she was being selfish and only wanted to go back for social reasons, but in her heart she knows that is not what's best for her long term. "We see our friends plenty and that won't stop because we're home. Can I stay home next year?" My son came into the room, agreed with her and asked if he could stay home too. I'm blown away about all of this. We are very proud of the way they are making decisions for their adult selves. The reason that I brought it here? Because I am A.M.A.Z.E.D. by this and had to share with others that would understand my joy. They liked what we did......they really did like what we did! :cheers2: I'm going to ride this feeling out for awhile. Thank you for letting me share. Traci
  5. This is my number one. I'll go farther and say that I deeply judge those that place animals ahead of people. It's also the number one reason I struggle to like my step-mother.
  6. This is a WONDERFUL idea! What strong character these folks have. Impressed.
  7. This is what bothers me. We have adopted twice and have never asked for help. My question always has to do with what happens when these folks receive their adoption credit. So confusing to me how people can justify this.
  8. My response to the co-op question has always been, "I find that in order to be a successful homeschooler, I need to be home with my kids." I have four that I enjoy educating, but I don't need more. We've never participated in one and never will.
  9. We were having similar struggles here. Within the past two weeks we have hired the recently-retired-language teacher that our children enjoyed at our private school (she taught successfully in the classroom for 38 years.) Kids love her and want to work for her. She is a gift and a welcome addition to our school. We are incorporatingWWS in our plans. I bought a student edition for her and gave her my teacher edition. Also, I told her that I did not want to "clip her creative wings." She was welcome to use the book or not. In addition, I gave her a copy of our history/literature schedule to plan from. She meets with the kids once a week to discuss the previous week's work and to give the next assignment. Our kids are 9th, 9th & 8th grade and they use email to communicate with her throughout the week as needed. This is new for us but, so far, she has given the kids reading assignments out of WWS and then writing assignments related to our literature works that is related to the WWS teaching they have read. Hope this helps and I'm really hoping for success here. Your situation sounds much cheaper than mine. Oh, and I would agree that your Dad would need a copy of the SE of WWS. My best to you, Traci
  10. Did you read the comments? I enjoyed that article and walked away with ideas. Thanks for sharing the link; writing is my greatest weakness and fear as their teacher.
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