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Everything posted by 3girls4me

  1. Can you tell me a little about Write Source? I love the look of some of those extra resources. Thanks! I think my dd would especially like the graphic organizer one for traits!
  2. Hi ladies, I just found out that I am co-teaching for one semester at our co-op and it will be the explorers. There is a tub of curriculum that I haven't looked over yet, but we aren't tied to it. Any suggestions on fun things to do for this study? Thanks!
  3. Hi ladies, Besides WWE, what do you recommend for a 2nd grader for writing? She really wants something and loves writing. She doesn't just want copywork and dictation. Her older sister is doing an IEW online class over the summer and she is so sad she isn't doing it. I'm not sure what to use. Thanks for any suggestions!
  4. Hi ladies I tried to search for this answer but couldn't find anything recent that was super helpful. Can anyone tell me their thoughts on Galloping the Globe vs Winter Promise Children around the world? For a 2nd grader with a kindergartner tagging along. Thanks!!
  5. My daughter liked the new Penderwicks book by Jeanne Birdsall. Penderwicks in Spring.
  6. Oh bummer!!! Anyone want to buy some ancients materials!!!! :) Looks like we might be doing Galloping the Globe!
  7. Thanks! I hope to hear back from VP on Monday. If they will allow me to switch, I may just do the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation. And hopefully they will let me send back all the books and just replace them with the different ones. This particular child is certainly sensitive, but super bright. She is really good at spelling. Spectacular at reading. A great writer. Etc.... so while my older daughter may not have been ready for a "4th grade" self-paced course at this age, maybe this child will do ok. But I'll be with her most of the time and can help, as you mentioned. This is my favorite time period to study anyway, so it could be really fun. :) Now let's just hope VP is flexible! Thanks for all the thoughts!
  8. Thanks! I guess my impression was that any age 2nd-6th could do any of those time periods but what you are saying makes sense. I may just have to scrap VP and start over for next year.
  9. Thanks! I may have to do that if they don't accept the returns. (sell to another homeschooler) I have a ton of books for this. I'm looking, and it seems like the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation year looks a bit better in terms of what she could handle. Anyone have thoughts on this? We did American history the past 2 years. I really was hoping for something different. I could do World Geography, which I'm considering. That was a good thought to just ask to delay starting the self-paced class, and maybe I'll do that. But..........I may just go ahead and do a different time period with VP now and figure the next year out then. :) Any more thoughts on this? Do you think the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation would be too gory or violent? Specifically with VP self-paced? Thanks!
  10. Good thoughts. Does anyone know their return policy? I have a lot of books for ancients I bought that I would prefer to return and buy again later. I doubt I would do ancients next year. I don't think she'll be ready by then.
  11. Also - which time period in the VP line up do you think would be the "mildest?"
  12. Hi ladies I purchased the Veritas press self paced ancients for my second grader this year. However, I just started SOTW 1 audio just for fun, and this particular child is having nightmares and crying from hearing it. She is very sensitive and just couldn't handle a lot of the violence and all of that about mummies and such. I am wondering if this time period is just not something she is not ready for. So I'm thinking about seeing if Veritas will let me switch it for another. Question for those who have used VP ancients - is it similar to SOTW in terms of including all of that? Again - very sensitive child. It doesn't take much to freak her out. Thanks!!
  13. Or this: http://homeschoolcopywork.com
  14. We have used this. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/043887
  15. Hi, I would love to hear options for American history for a 1st and 3rd grader. I'm open to everything from a Sonlight type curriculum to BJU or Abeka. If it's the latter, I'd need to know if it would be easy to add in living books to supplement and make it more "alive." Thanks!
  16. You have some great options!! An idea I had, because I also want to add a more formal vocabulary study, is I bought this small box of grade appropriate vocabulary flash cards from Barnes and Noble. They are made by Sylvan Learning. There are 240 cards. On one side, they have it broken up into syllables, pronunciation, part of speech, and then the definition. On the other side, it has a sentence using the word. My plan is to give each child 10 cards per week, on Monday. Then they will study throughout the week, but it will be incorporated into morning time. So on the first day, we'll discuss the definition and I'll read the sentence given. The next day, we'll go over the definition again and I will ask my child to use it in a sentence. Etc...... By Friday, the hope is that she will have the definition and spelling memorized and be able to use it in a good sentence. I'll likely then move it into a file system and review certain cards on certain days during MT. Hope that makes sense. My girls just LOVED states and capitals flash cards and it took all of 5 minutes during MT each day to do the flash cards. And it was SO effective. Even my 4 year old knows half of the capitals by listening. I'm hoping all 3 will learn all words discussed. Another thing I would consider is perhaps adding the geography component to MT. So maybe you are reading Magician's Nephew for 3 weeks for the MT read aloud. Then you take a 3 week period and do the missionary bio and game. 3 weeks later, back to Narnia. However, I say all this just as ideas. I always love and respect how you do home school! I'm sure much of this will just be tweaking once you start. :) -Poppy
  17. Hi ladies, Any thoughts on whether San Francisco or New York city is more homeschool friendly? Meaning there will be plenty to do, a welcoming environment, etc. so basically, if you were considering moving to one of these two cities for only a year or two, which one would you choose? Thanks!!!
  18. I use several of the above. But I also wanted to add that we love the artist portfolios by Simply Charlotte Mason. We also had a great year reading through the Chronicles of Narnia. Occasionally we added in a splash of American history and government using Red, White, Blue and Uncle Who. They were just short little stories we could read in less than five minutes. My kids always found them pretty interesting. For some reason, my kids favorite thing during morning time was states and capitals flashcards. I just got them from rainbow resource center. Lastly, another favorite was the book For such a time as this by Angie Smith. Great stories about women in the Bible. Sorry I don't have the links posted.
  19. Thanks! These are great suggestions. It for an adult. And sure - I would think podcasts and other audio things would be fine.
  20. I would say reaffirming faith. Or both sides. Thanks for asking that.
  21. Hi ladies, Question for you - what books do you recommend for someone who is struggling with their faith? The intellectual belief component, not an anger or frustration with God type struggle. I suggested Mere Christianity and there are the Lee Strobel books. What else? Thanks!
  22. Does anyone have any links to pictures or descriptions of how you keep up with completed school work? I have a huge pile right now but am at a loss as to how to start organizing and storing things going forward. Thanks! Poppy
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