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Everything posted by chelsmm

  1. I think it sounds great. If you are likely to do it, even better!
  2. I haven't really thought a lot about next year- just trying to figure out this year still! DD is going to start AAS 1 this week. I imagine she will fly through and move onto AAS2 pretty quickly. So we will go from there. We are doing WWE now, but I'm not sure we will continue. We'll see. Sentence family continued Lit- read alouds and audiobooks. HWOT cursive if she's not done with it by then. She's getting pretty good so I don't think it wi be necessary to continue handwriting much longer. Reading- on her own daily Math- Singapore. She's on 2b now, so probably level 3 for next year. LOF for fun. Science- Mr Q's earth science, Bill Nye, Magic School Bus, museum of science. We love science. :) History- right now we are doing American. I think we will be done by next fall, well, as far as I want to go for now. We abandoned SOTW 1 half way through in favors of amer hx and will likely go back to ancients. Piano Judo three times a week Girl Scouts Music and art- just a random mix of whatever we happen to do.
  3. My kids get free time in the morning before we start school. For DS this means about 1-2 hours before breakfast since he is an early riser. He is up around 6am each day. DD doesn't wake until 8, so her free time is limited in the am. After breakfast they get about 20 min while I clean up. They get small chunks of time during the day while I work alone with each one. DD usually reads during her free time. DS plays with magnatiles or on the trapeze. Then depending on the day they might have time after school, but we have judo three times a week, cub scouts and brownies once or twice a month, and speech and OT once a week, so all of those things take up afternoon time. Once a week we have a half day and they have a scheduled playdate. They are very close with these kids, and they play together happily for hours on Wednesday. So I guess that counts too. My kids are 6 and 8. Oh, if it's nice out, I tend to send them outside before lunch too.
  4. That's so nice to hear. I love stories like this. :)
  5. We had a great time with electricity this year. My kids are 6 and 8, so we kept it pretty simple, but it was a lot of fun. Static electiricty, testing different materials, and making simple circuits.
  6. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm going to start dd alone since chances are she will fly through pretty quickly. I am in no hurry to start ds, so he can wait until she is through with the cards. Then I can start him. I checked out the placement tests for AAR, and he would be ok to start AAS any time. So, I ordered everything and can't wait to get started. :)
  7. I can't seem to find the words to the songs that are used in Elementary Spanish from Discovery Education streaming. I have the materials/ teacher's guides/ etc, but there are no song lyrics. Does anyone know where I can find them? It would be very helpful! thanks, Chelsea
  8. They won't ever go at the same rate, so I don't mind starting with dd first. I thought it might help ds to read, but I guess it isn't really like that. He's doing fine with OPGTR. If I buy cards for level one for dd and she finishes before he starts, can he use the same cards or does she keep her cards for all levels?
  9. So definitely level one. But they each need their own cards, I assume. I was hoping to do WRTR with the kids, but I am pretty sure I want it all laid out for me. AAS seems to do that nicely. Is it ok to start AAS when ds isn't fluently reading yet?
  10. How does one know what level to choose? I'm considering AAS for my two. DS is learning to read and doing well. He has had no spelling and does a little handwriting. He's 6. I would choose level 1 for him. Should I wait until he reads better? Dd is 8 and reads on her own for about 30-60 min a day. She is at a 2nd grade or so level. She has done a little with spelling lists, but not too much. I'm not sure if level 1 would be too easy. It seems like one needs to start at the very beginning though. I think the kids would like the tiles. And the cards. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  11. We just finished Sea of Trolls and loved it. We have been reading Burgess Animal Book for a while now. We are four chapters in to Soun Tetoun. Dd 8 is reading Ramona's World to herself. Ds 6 is reading a Henry and Mudge to me. I am reading WRTR
  12. Fried clams- that's great. I think you are on to something. My 8 year old has been very moody lately. She flips out at the seemingly littlest things. It's so hard! I don't know how to support her.
  13. Ice skating (indoor or out) Play dates Museums Grow things indoors - we are seeing which of our vegetables will grow into something- like celery, sweet potatoes, garlic, scallions, avocado pit)
  14. Thanks, Mama Anna. There is a small chance we will drive. My dad has an AV and mentioned that he might like to drive down.
  15. Our local school celebrates 100 days with the younger kid. I always figured it was to help them understand place value and all. The olders celebrate the 90th day. I figure that is because it's halfway to the end?
  16. Marty McGuire was a big hit with my Ramona loving girl.
  17. Oh fun! I'm so excited. The kids love history. I was thinking of a wildlife preserve and/ or aquarium Too. I can't go too overboard, as they are still young and need breaks. The littler one gets tired after a couple Busy days.
  18. We just read them whenever. I tend to have several checked out at a time. They don't coordinate with what we are learning necessarily. We do them throughout the day or at bedtime. My kids don't think they are part of school. ;)
  19. Also, you can't take the flour out of cake but you can take the book out of the book case.
  20. Great, thanks everyone! I'm not limited to Native American sites, it was just a thought. My son loves pirates. And the St Augustine stuff looks great.
  21. My dad and I are thinking of taking my kids (6 and 8) to Florida for an educational vacation. I was thinking out west since we are studying early Americans at the moment. But my dad suggested Florida. He said the weather would be better this time of year. We prefer warm since we are in MA in the cold most of the time. So I'm going to look into Native Americans from Florida, but I was hoping that people here might know of some not to miss places. We aren't strictly looking for early American/ native American experiences, that's just what we are studying at this time. We have no plan yet as to where we will be. We won't be at Sea World, I can tell you that for certain. And this isn't a Disney trip. We will do that another time when DH can go. Can't take the kids to Disney for the first time without their dad. So, looking for educational stuff in Florida. thanks!
  22. I'm not sure. I seem to always pick the black, and they always grab the yellow. So, maybe? I'm not anywhere near the pencils, otherwise I'd check for you!
  23. I don't know. They seem perfect to me. My kids use the yellow, but I prefer the black.
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