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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. Yep. This is probably going to be a WTM epic:) What? Have a problem that just won't go away? Well, did you try the caramel salted KY? That solves everything! Seriously though, poor doggie. I hope things have sorted themselves out this morning.
  2. I absolutely agree that I would bet antibiotics are often mistaken as the cause...but this is the 3rd time, and it is a shocking departure from her usual behavior, within 2 hours of taking the medicine. As in, standing on a chair and literally screaming at the top of her lungs for no real reason. Running back and forth across the house banging into walls. Giggling hysterically and refusing to comply with any request, just because. Really, drastically different behavior:( In addition, this time she has been sick for awhile. Her pediatrician waited thinking maybe it was bronchitis da her than walking pneumonia. She doesn't complain, but her cough keeps getting worse. Her bhavior has been consistent throughout: tired, a bit of whiny, easily frustrated...but nothing like this:(
  3. Yes, good point. She reacts to red dyes horribly, and guess what nastiness is in her 'cherry flavored' concoction. This is just a 3-day course, one more day so we will get through it...and see if we can't get dye-free, aspartame-free next time!
  4. Anybody want to take my dd5 home with them for a few days?! At least, it LOOKS like my dd. I am not exactly certain just who or what has taken over my child's body. Aliens? I keep waiting for her head to rotate 270 degrees and sticky green vomit to spew forth:) I jest, I wouldn't really send her away:) But really, anytime we have to put her on antibiotics (and this is very rarely because she is allergic to several and reacts badly to others!) I want to flee the country until the course is over! I have read different possible causes, but ultimately it results in the same thing:( Do your kiddos have this problem?
  5. Thanks everyone. She is doing better now, the swelling is going down a bit. It was pretty rough for the first couple of days because it seems to have triggered one of her epic migraines. She was able to finally get sleep and I think that helped more than anything. We still don't know much about the guy, but are beginning to think he had mental issues more than anything else. My mom said that there was no scent or sign of alcohol. (And she has the nose of a bloodhound!) She did take lots of pictures, but I don't know what will come of it. If is a kid, hurting with untreated mental issues, that is significantly different in our minds with how to proceed than if it is just some jerk who was mad because he didn't get his way. Such a fine line, accountability:(
  6. I am having this same problem. My baby is almost 5 months. Serious hair loss, definitely becoming noticable. My OB is having me come in next week for bloodwork. He said some people lose more than others, but that it should slow down. Mine is not, and you can definitely see scalp, especially around my face:(
  7. Yep. But I do want to wait until my parents decide what to do...
  8. You know, it was so random that I did wonder about something like the idea of the Knock Out game. It just seems so crazy!
  9. You know, I am sorely tempted...
  10. She is finally resting. She already has issues with anxiety and I am really worried that this is going to end up with her inability to leave the house. It is a horrible thing to have happen to anyone...but is one of the very worst things that could have happened to her. The guy is young. We don't have very many details right now other than he has a previous history of assault. She did press charges. The security that was working fine the event are off-duty police, and saw it happen.
  11. Let's try this: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/55e9ae73e4b03784e2759e1b
  12. Yes, arrested at the scene. He was released a couple of hours later. I don't know what will happen now:(
  13. What is wrong with people?! My mom has a lot of health problems. She can't really hold regular work, but she and her husband have worked at a university events place during games and concerts because they love it. They enjoy it and get to see all the games and concerts too. Last night at the first game a fan tried to give her the money for entry. She and a colleague both told him that he would need to purchase a ticket at the box office, which he didn't like. Apparently he said it shouldn't matter, he was the customer. Customer is always right, correct?! He turned away and then sucker punched my 60 year old mother in the face. She has head and neck problems and had to be taken via ambulance to the hospital in a neck brace. Really. What is wrong with people? Then I recieved this gem of a video in my news feed today: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/55e9ae73e4b03784e2759e1 Maybe, yes, I am feeling a bit emotional about it, but it just seems as though the idea that 'the customer is always right' makes some people feel as though they are entitled to treat service people like crud when things go wrong. Do you think it is just a few bad apples? Or is it more pervasive?
  14. And I am such a slacker that I missed it completely. Today we: reviewed adding fractions/finding LCD's, wrote a short story about pigs, flooded the Nile, reproduced Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers' in acrylic/borax, went to a violin concert, and goofed about Half-Magic. So upset! How am I supposed to keep up with all these great holidays? Maybe I need Oreos... https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/lazy-moms-day/
  15. I don't even really like chocolate but ate an entire bar of hubby's special chocolate because I *needed* it after dd's meltdown during writing today. Pesky perfectionism!
  16. Well, if two clauses are connected by one of seven coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) then it is a compound sentence:) If it uses another conjunction (a subordinating conjunction) it will be a complex sentence. But ai agree MCT is awesome for teaching clauses through diagramming. I only understood grammar when I bought MCT to do with dd:)
  17. ITA.This is probably a policy thing. Ask for a manager if you need to override it, but she did a great job and should receive a tip! We ate at Olive Garden last week. Our Appetizer, my main course and my dd's main course were all wrong although the waitress did her best on a busy night. The manager comped the meal, although it was corrected and we didn't ask. We still tipped 20% of what the meal would have been. I should add we live in Texas where wait staff is paid diddly and depends upon tips!
  18. So I absolutely know it wouldn't fly and all legally... But I can't help but think she should be sentenced to community service hours working with LGBT organizations as well as general human rights groups. MAYBE she could learn something. Of course that also wouldn't be fair to the organizations:(. The vast majority of people she is turning away don't want to be poster children or trail blazers...they just want their d$&@ marriage license to marry the person they love! There just isn't a great solution here except her doing her job. I hate that she is being made out to be a martyr, but it is true that fines wouldn't phase her personally.
  19. If you have been wanting to get the RS math cardgames package with abacus and book, RS is having a 1-day sale TODAY in honor of Dr. Cotter' bday. The set is normally $90 and is on sale for $45. http://store.rightstartmath.com/math-card-games-kit/
  20. Do any of your local gymnastics studios have a Kid's Night Out or free play time? My dd5 loves to go to these and it is a totally stress-free way to work on those types of things at her own pace with no pressure to 'perform.' They are often supervised by college-age gymnastics instructors and the kids mostly play...but the instructors will help and encourage as well. She would also get to see a variety of ages and kids doing them randomly, maybe realize it is supposed to be fun and not work:)
  21. Not a long-term solution butMichaels is currently having a huge art sale where packs of canvases are BOGO 1/2 off, and there is a 40% off coupon as well:)
  22. I once had a dog I named Avogadro...a Dalmatian with a whole mole of spots. His tag said 6.02 x 10^23ðŸ˜
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