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Everything posted by IHaveNoIdeawhatIAmDoing

  1. Thanks! I'm totally going to try this today. I've only heard about stripping them using dish detergent and that grosses me out for some reason.
  2. My daughter is on lesson 85 in the OPGTR, and my plan is to start spelling halfway through (around lesson 115) and then wait a little longer to start FLL and WWE together.
  3. I've always used the dollar store tests and, when pregnant, I've never gotten anything but a faint line. But I usually try not to take a test until I'm a week late, so that I don't get my hopes up if it's a chemical pregnancy.
  4. I'm confused. If he had bruises all over his body and, correct me if I'm wrong because there were a lot of other comments, you consider what happened to be an assault, why didn't you call the police?
  5. How much of a factor should finances be when deciding if the time is right to have another kid?
  6. I would be more concerned with the mother not taking the problem seriously than with the boy's behavior. Sometimes kids are too rough, sometimes someone gets bit/hit/scratched/kicked. It's the parent's job to put the kabosh on it, and if that's not happening, the behavior isn't going to change any time soon. If you really consider her a friend, I would say to talk to her again about your concerns. "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy."
  7. I didn't particularly like it either. But more because I appreciate movies with closure and happy endings. If I wanted to feel "like I'd been punched in the stomach", I'd watch the news.
  8. Did the ending catch me off guard? Yes. But 9/11 caught everyone off guard, and I think that was the point. That being said, when I re-watch it, I skip the last 5 minutes.
  9. I'm kind of in love with OPGTR. I appreciate how thorough it is and how it progresses. The only other thing we've tried was Hooked on Phonics and that gets a big :thumbdown: from me.
  10. Happy Phonics was a HUGE fail for us. My answer, like many others, has to be Sonlight. I LOVED the concept at first, but after using it for two months it became tedious. Read a page from this book, read a page from that book, read a page from some other book, learn nothing (At least that was our experience with it. We love the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading but I've heard a lot of people say that it's boring. To each his own.)
  11. Thanks for all of your ideas and for sharing your own experiences! I put him in the highchair today while I did school with my daughter and rotated giving him blocks (which he spent the whole time throwing), art supplies, and, when he got really restless, I opened up my laptop and put on some Starfall songs for him. My daughter LOVED having him around for school and, even though I'm sure we'll have some terrible days here and there, it's good to know that she's not easily distracted by him. :001_smile:
  12. How in the world am I supposed to do it?! I'm doing Kindergarten with my 5 year old daughter and my almost-two year old son is starting to outgrow his morning naps. I've been spoiled by two years of uninterrupted, one-on-one schooling with her and I have no idea how to make the transition. I also need to add that he's NOT the type to play nicely on his own. If I look away from him for a second, he will get into as much trouble as possible. Any thoughts, advice, etc.?
  13. What in the world is it? I assumed it was a writing program but when I checked it out the program for 5-8 year olds it looked like it could be phonics? Anyone have positive/negative experiences with using it?
  14. I love my son! That being said, I measure my stress less by how many kids I have and how they're spaced out, and more by how many boys I'm currently caring for.
  15. I love my son! That being said, I measure my stress less by how many kids I have and how they're spaced out, and more by how many boys I'm currently caring for.
  16. You should check out Noeo Science. I'm not planning on using it (I'm going to try Elemental Science), but I know people who have used and loved it.
  17. Uhoh. I just bought a bunch of stuff from them for the first time. I'm not feeling great about that now.
  18. We had a "First Day". She was super excited to start using all of the new curricula I got for her, so I remember it being really fun. It was mostly just an introduction to what we were going to be doing/using during her Kindergarten year.
  19. I got an email 2 days after my box was shipped to give me the tracking information.
  20. My son was diagnosed with hypotonia when he was around 5 months old. It seemed to affect his whole body. He didn't sit up until he was a year old and he couldn't eat solid foods until he was about 15 minutes. He's 2 now and they're still trying to figure out what's going on with him, He also has macrocephaly and short stature (For height he is in the third percentile, for his head he's above the charts). I hope you get some answers concerning your 9 year old!
  21. That sounds like a great idea. Out of curiosity, which subjects that I listed would be considered core?
  22. We do school while he naps in the morning. The only times we've tried doing it while he was awake ended in disaster. Thanks for all the advice, ladies! It's much appreciated!!
  23. I'm planning my daughters 1st grade year and I would love some feedback. Am I missing something? Am I planning on doing too much? Bible- Telling God’s Story 1 Phonics- Continuing Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading Bob Books Grammar- First Language Lessons Spelling- Spelling Workout A Writing- Writing With Ease 1 Handwriting- Printing with Pictures Science- Elemental Science grammar stage Biology History- Story of the World 1 Art- Artistic Pursuits 2 Math- Math Mammoth Grade 1 Life of Fred Latin- Song School Latin Logic- Lollipop Logic 2
  24. Very cool! That looked awfully crafty though. Do you think a non-crafty person, like myself, would have difficulties with the ES experiments?
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