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Laura's Haven

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Everything posted by Laura's Haven

  1. I am considering LL for my DS this year, and I would like to know everyone's thoughts on the curriculum. Any insight would be great!
  2. These color combos go well with gray.. I love using virtual painters too. You can upload a photo of your room, and try out colors online!
  3. What are your favorite colors? What color types do you like? Do you like a hint of color, or bold colors? What feel would you like? Sorry for so many questions, but I LOVE figuring out color schemes :-) Oh! I almost forgot... Would you like to tie the two rooms together (have complementary colors), or two separate themes?
  4. Hi Christina! Welcome :)
  5. 1. Create a obstacle course/race track with masking tape on the floor. 2. Fridge magnets of alphabet letters, and numbers. 3. Window markers for use on sliding glass door. 4. Water bins/table...fill up a bin with a small amount if water, and place scoops, buckets, and watering can for play. (best for use closer to bath time :) 5. White board (magnetic is great too for multi use), and magnetic objects/non toxic markers
  6. I am a huge Disney fan! Have you considered doing the Deluxe Villas? They sleep up to eight or nine people, and have full amenities as well.
  7. This site is an invaluable tool for me in so many ways! Ads sound like a great way to help...I also like the idea of a future tip jar to defray the cost!
  8. Hi there! I am an AF veteran myself, and I can't count on all my fingers, and toes how many times I've been to Finance over pay issues. One time it was an overage in pay, and by the time I realized what had happened, I owed them money. There are definitely bumps in the road so to speak, but I just try to remember that I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, my family, and God.
  9. I think every curriculum has definite pros, and cons. That said, I think you have to go with what your heart/gut tells you to. You could try a few lessons in TT, and see if it is a good fit for your son. Remember, it doesn't have to be all, or nothing. I hope this helps!
  10. I have a wide toe box myself, but the rest of my foot is very narrow. I have found that asics offer a nice wide toe box, and to give extra support I use an insole.
  11. I thought maybe I would share a little background about our experience...Reading your post has brought back so many memories for me with my youngest son. This is the shortened version for sure! He is 12yo now, but he was 2yo when I suspected ADHD. He wouldn't go down for a nap, and slept only a few hours each night. He would run himself into the ground, and still would not tire. By his third grade year, he began having behavioral/academic problems in public school. His grades plummeted, and he was on the verge of failing. For the years that followed there was no improvement, and the teachers only cared to know if he was on ADHD medicine to control his symptoms in class. I was in an unfamiliar territory for sure, and I tried him on a gammot of medications. When he turned 10yo, I visited the pediatrician twice because my son lost twenty pounds, and looked completely emaciated. I couldn't stand it anymore, and seeing my son that way broke my heart. The medication took his spirit, and he behaved like a zombie. It was then that I realized the error of my ways. I wanted my son back. I wanted my spirited, very normal, happy boy back. I took him off of the medications, and I decided that the health of my son was far more important than "control" in the classroom. Every child is different, and they can't all be lumped into the same category where learning is concerned. At the same time, his pyschiatrist tried coping, therapy, and none worked for him. We tried all the same things you described. We tried charts, rewards, you name it. What he needed most from me was my time, and my undevoted attention while he completes school work. He has grown out of some of the ADHD, but there are moments when it is certain that it is present, and/or his is testing me. The only thing I know is the while he has ADHD, it doesn't mean that I accept his negative behavior. It certainly changes the approach to parenting...In the early days I believed that he one hundred percent could not control his behavior because of the ADHD, but he began that to use those negative behaviors as an end all to get what he wanted at that moment. I guess the best thing I did was to "stick to my guns" no matter how hard it was. There is nothing wrong with being loving/kind, but he needs to know first that I was serious; I meant buisness. He can have the extra things, but ONLY if he does his work. If I allow it other way, and he get over on me. I don't know if any of this helps, but I thought I would give it a shot.
  12. First day using Teaching Textbooks, and I love them!

  13. Hello!! :hurray: I am new myself, and new to homeschooling!
  14. Hello! Welcome! I am also brand new :hurray: I noticed you were speaking of "household goods"....I was curious to know if you are military? I am an AF vet myself. My youngest son is 12, and has ADHD as well.
  15. Thank you for the warm welcome! My son is 12 years old, and previously a public school student. I made some curriculum choices last week, however, I'm still searching for a great grammar resource/curriculum. I am open to all suggestions; secular or non. I am just interested in finding what will work best for my son. I would prefer something that is not computer based, and is not overwhelming.
  16. Hello everyone! My name is Laura. I'm a sahm, a veteran, and mom of two. After many not-so-good situations/decisions, I recently decided to homeschool my youngest son. I am new to all of this, so I have spent the last week researching curriculum, and homeschooling in general. My sister homeschools her own children, and has given me a world of information; (that I cannot thank her enough for). I look forward to any suggestions, advice, and/or words of encouragement you may have for me!
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