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Everything posted by Lilaclady

  1. Classes are going well but she is having some concerns about the sql class.
  2. I agree. Our local cc is about $100 per credit so even cheaper. High school students can also often get better rates with dual enrollment at ASU or Grand Canyon or some other colleges but that is if the student can do well with online learning. I think one of the things I have been a bit perplexed about here in the states is the number of parents who won’t put in the effort to research and find out -cost of college, what ways they can afford it or not, alternative for their students or even guiding them to productive careers. I did not get my first degree here and have been surprised at the number of college educated homeschooling moms that had no idea about Clep, dual enrollment or AP’s and just assumed they can’t afford college and that is that. I feel more parents can and should also let their kids know from an earlier age, how much they can realistically afford and if they can’t they should guide their kids to exploring feasible options. That is one area I really respect 8filltheheart’s knowledge on this board.
  3. I have a high school junior who is thinking of possibly going to law school. She is a solid B+ student and will be doing a solid major not “pre law”. For her senior high school year, I want to expose her to some classes that will help in logic that is needed for LSAT. What course- DE or home made will you suggest to be helpful? Thanks
  4. You can try using the usps flat rate cardboards boxes. I read somewhere that some moms will put a baked tin of muffin and ship.
  5. Yes- DE, AP counts for rigor. Zell is not really helping much this year as hope is covering 100% of tuition and zell is just for the difference between last year and this year. I don’t know what they will do going forward but your child should qualify. He will need to upload the final homeschool transcript after graduating to get the zell/ hope.
  6. You can use the post office flat rate boxes to get a good deal.
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