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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I guess I'm thinking about when kids finish high school, they are legally adults. After high school they might need another year (gap year) to find themselves, then at university, they need another two years of general education to figure out what they want to do. In graduate school they'll need another two years to "get everyone up to speed." It just seems like a whole lot of mollycoddling to me.

  2. Holly, I will add too that I do better by eating more fat and protein and less carbs than the site recommends. When I'm eating 50-60% carbs a day, I feel horrible. For some reason, my body feels better when I get most of my calories from fat and protein. (nota bene: I don't know anything about diets like atkins that I've seen on tv so this isn't coming from that angle).


    How do you keep that up, when you find it to be a big PITA? I find that when I'm logging food, I never want to try a new recipe, because then I have to figure out the calories, fat, etc. :glare:



    THere a link there for typing in your recipe ingredients and then you tell it what one serving is and it calculates the calories, fat etc for you.


    How cool is that?

  4. However, I will suggest one other possibility. When my son gets floppy and tearful, it usually means his iron is really low. He suffers from chronic anemia. If this is really a problem with your child, you might just have some bloodwork done. If you do, make sure they test both his ferritin and his hemoglobin, since hemoglobin tells only half the story.


    OK, he has been treated for anemia in the past. Hmmmm.... I hadn't thought of that...

  5. Also, when kids are going through developmental changes, regardless of whether or not you can identify them, they become more of something. Like more emotional, frustrated more easily, more tired, eating more. More of something, KWIM. How it comes out is related to the personality of the child so the phase is connected.


    Okay, so that was my uneducated theory!


    OKay, this made sense to me.

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