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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I think the questions you should be asking yourself are questions like:


    Are we adaptable? Can we live with less space or less amenities than we have at the moment (depending on where you are thinking of moving)?


    Are you moving military, company relocation with assoc. perks, or directly working for a foreign company/university? Each one is a different financial scenario.


    Can you live without a support system in place for a short period of time until you adjust to your new environment (for non-military)? Are you an introvert or shy? That could limit your possibilities for making community in a new place especially if you don't speak the language.


    I hope it doesn't sound gloom and doom because we've enjoyed living abroad. But I won't say it was all roses and fun. It's something that I think everyone should do if they can, but do with eyes wide open. The first year was the hardest but there have been many rewards too.


    Actually, I believe that education is more complicated than just your citizenship.
    This is true. If you take residency in another country you are subject to their laws. However, as a previous poster said, if I was moving to a developing country I wouldn't worry too much about it because they have bigger problems than worrying about whether your child is in school or not.
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