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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. This kind of talk doesn't bother me in the least in that it doesn't get my blood boiling at all.


    However, I do say each and every time, "You are speaking rudely. Try again."

    And I make him keep trying until he can express his anger or frustration using more appropriate language. Sometimes I have to lead by saying, "I'm angry because....."


    Then whenever he does, I say something like, "So what I understand is that you are angry because ....." But I do NOT try to fix anything. I remind him that it's OK to be angry, but it's not OK to be rude about it.

  2. We have dinner at 4pm. Sometimes 3:30 to accommodate an activity. My kids definitely have to have a substantial meal before activities.


    I usually start prepping dinner right after breakfast. We eat breakfast around 10am.


    I start cooking dinner somewhere between 2 and 3 depending on how involved the dish is to make.



    Then sandwiches at 7pm or so (after activities) for those who need it.

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