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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. Are you willing to live far from family and friends with the possibility of not seeing them for long stretches of time?


    Are you willing to start over in a completely foreign place with no support, no friends? Are you willing to be the outsider or spend years trying to "break in" to the social scene?


    Are you willing to pay international shipping and extra Value Added Tax for homeschooling supplies thus tripling the cost of everything?


    Are you willing to homeschool in a place where there are potentially no other homeschoolers?


    Are you willing to live with a markedly less standard of living? (i.e. shops not being open as frequently, not having an oven or a tiny, tiny fridge, not having most of the foods you are used to, tiny apartments, absolutely NO customer service, people not helping because you don't speak the language, etc....)



    We have been living abroad for several years and while there have been many positive and wonderful things about doing so, it isn't all sunshine and roses either. It is definitely something you should consider with your eyes wide open.

  2. I was warned several years ago by a friend with a teenage boy, to keep my son writing




    I have kept my son writing daily for 5 years





    Now, you wouldn't know this child. He is 12.5, his handwriting is beautiful, and he types page long assignments several times a week, sometimes longer. He is taking some pride in his work at last. he voluntarily handwrites paragraphs at times.



    That is very good to hear. My son hates writing too. He's only 7 but I do require an increasing amount of writing each year to a point. It's not a lot, but it is daily. I hope we have the same experience you do.


    Also, I think typing is a great skill that all kids should learn.

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