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Posts posted by Snickerdoodle

  1. I know exactly what you speak of and I would be so pleased with myself if I ran a 53 min 10K (I'm still around the 60 min range). It's very disconcerting to be running out there and then to be passed by a group of little white haired old men. :glare: I do see a lot of the serious runners out there doing fartlek training but honestly, I just run for the meditative effects. I'm not sure if I'm willing to get that serious about running although it would be nice to run a race and not be one of the dredges sliding in at the end.

  2. Mine are little but I have started a small plastic box for each year. I just try not to go over that amount and fill it with every little thing. I'm not a pack rat at all and I have no problem throwing things out, but I do tend towards the sentimental.


    Someday when my kids have kids, I will show up at their house with all their memorabilia. Yes, I'm going to be that kind of MIL. haha.

  3. I would say to read as much as you can about the different styles of homeschooling before you commit to anything. There is no one right way to homeschool. It is possible to find your own style by taking the bits from each style that resonate with you best and leaving the rest.


    Do not compare your family or your style to anyone else. Everyone has to walk their own path based on their own individual (and familial) considerations. No two homeschools can ever be exactly alike.

  4. I tell my kids that if they ask for a turn and and the other kid is not done, then my kids have to wait until they are done. They may ask, but they may not grab, or whine and complain about not getting a turn.


    Sometimes you don't get what you want right when you want it. Life is disappointing that way occasionally. You may not whine and cry about it. Be patient. Find something else to play with while you are waiting.


    I do this between my boys as well when they are alone playing.

  5. May I gently and respectfully respond that I'd give the general population more credit? Maybe it's because I live in a part of Texas where homeschoolers abound, but I think many, many people know that homeschoolers represent more variety and even family health than that.


    Some of these shows are being shown abroad in places where homeschooling is relatively uncommon. It doesn't help when much of the information the general (foreign) public is getting is from shows like Nanny to the Rescue and Wife Swap.

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