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Everything posted by acsnmama

  1. I am just now starting to realize that I don't have to review the things I know my son gets. However, it has taken me this long to slowly release that fear of him missing something! Today I actually had him do the Singapore textbook, and then chose coordinating pages in the IP workbook for him to complete because the regular workbook problems were definitely too easy for him. Up until now, I would have had him do the workbook and IP over the course of a few days, to ensure everything was covered. I'm starting to see now that he has plenty of review in the textbook on most topics. I plan to slow down if he gets stumped, but on topics he finds easy, I plan to try the textbook/IP route like many of you recommended. Thank you to all who suggested it!
  2. Rod and Staff is rigorous, I'd say go with level 5.
  3. Our puppy was about 5 weeks when we brought him home from the shelter. Abandoned there a week prior. If we were to ever get another puppy, we too would not get one so young. I'm thankful our puppy only had a 2 week span of defiance at 4.5 months old, but after all the research, I now see it is best for puppies to stay with the mother/litter for longer. It really stinks for all the abandoned puppies though :(
  4. I feel like the Duggars are very slowly becoming a little bit more worldly. The older girls have worn more fitting clothing than they previously did in earlier years. They have smart phones, have Instagram and/or Twitter, and now JB and Michelle have an official FB page. They've always been against being a part of the world/social media. It's interesting to watch.
  5. What do you do? I am having a very hard time finding maternity pants that fit properly! I'm 32 weeks. I don't plan on buying much, but I am running out of clothing to wear! I found 1 pair of jeans but they were far too long and too pricey. I tried regular jeans (to wear with belly band) and they are either too small or the next size up are too big! Not to mention, I've gained more than I have with my other 3 pregnancies! My emotions are a mess!
  6. I'm sorry for such a tough decision. However, it's the right one IMO. In our home, if our puppy (9 months) behaved this way, he'd be gone that same day, living in fear in your own home is not fair. Our puppy had some weird behaviors at 4.5 months (barking, growling and nipping in defiance) and he was on his way out that month (back to the shelter) until he was neutered and his bad behavior stopped. Still to this day, sometimes I fear those behaviors or new ones coming. I'm all for saving dogs, but I do believe a line needs to be drawn. I'm so sorry you have to draw that line, but like everyone has said, you're putting your family and children first which is most important.
  7. I haven't had the chance to read all responses, but my son has some of these habits and he's 8. I think maybe it's the age? Not excusing it. Since turning 8 he has had a bad attitude more often than not. I tend to get overwhelmed easily and sometimes I think my frequent negativity rubs off on him. I tend to get easily frustrated. However, he still typically does what he is asked. That's not to say he does so without whining or complaining! A few things we do in our home... He gets gets reading in bed privileges, he may lose the privilege for a night. Every book 100+ pages earns a ten minute coupon for additional video game time on weekends, if his behavior is not good, he may loose coupons that he has earned. We limit video games strictly to weekends and holidays, or he'll beg me daily to play! I'm sorry you've had difficulty with your son, hang in there!
  8. Rod & Staff. Independent, and teaches rules!
  9. Perfect, he's really looking forward to practice tomorrow. I'm excited too! Yes, the league is for fun, and it's not official little league. There is a local Dixie league and a local Little League, which we may do in the future, but DH and I agreed to wait, though this particular team is competitive in the spring. They have T-Ball through Junior League. I just remembered a friend had her son start baseball for the first time last year at 10 on a Dixie league and he's enjoying it a lot. It seems baseball is big here, I had no idea until we started looking into it. One friend traveled like 20 hrs away this weekend for her 9 year old to play baseball and is scheduled to go to CA (were on the east coast) in the near future. Cool experience, for him to be on a traveling league, but not something we'd be able to afford.
  10. Thank you! We practice often, not daily, but very often, today it was pouring, but this morning I did buy a hitting stick, he definitely needs help with proper stance/swing, however, I do have to say, he did no better/no worse than a couple of the other boys on the team in hitting, only difference is he needed pointers on stance which is to be expected. DH and I had been pitching to him, but chasing balls gets old, so hopefully the hitting stick will work much better! He also has a Tee, so he has all the tools to practice here at home.
  11. I had wanted to sign my son up for baseball for a couple of years now. I would not consider him athletic, but he has a good arm. He tried soccer for 2 seasons a couple years ago, but he's not a fast runner without a lot of motivation, and in soccer, he let everyone else have at the ball. In baseball, he has motivation to run! He also did Karate and really enjoyed it. He would've started baseball sooner had I not missed the deadline last season! I signed him up for fall ball and has attended 1 practice so far. Another Mom there said that her 8 yr old played for the first time this past spring, she and the coach said fall ball is much better for first timers as the spring is more involved. My son had a very good time which is what matters! A neighbor of ours is 12 and started when he was 11 and I believe he's quite good, I never would've imagined he started at 11. He has played catch with my son frequently in the last couple of weeks and he loves to practice. I hope he can find fun in it and I fear his lack of experience in a popular competitive sport will be tough for him since it seems most kids have played since 4 years old. I had read some things online where people said 8 is too old for a first timer, one Mom even said her son was probably too old when he started at 6!
  12. Yes, Bigger. I think some of the history is boring, but not all, and my son feels the same. If i do ditch the history box, I'd probably ditch HOD because my biggest reason for using The curriculum is for the history! I have thought about Beautiful Feet instead, I already have most of those books.
  13. From some samples I've seen of different public school math programs, including Harcourt, the word problems don't seem any more difficult, but I much prefer the wording in Singapore. I would definitely describe Singapore word problems to be more straight forward and less confusing. Granted, we haven't done the PS programs, My son went to Kinder for a month and has been homeschooling since. A friend who has a child in a local Public magnet program was super excited when her son who is the same age as mine and also 3rd grade brought home math that was something like: 9 + y = 13. Maybe this is review for him from 2nd grade since school just began, but then again, our state isn't known for its academics, another reason I'm thankful to homeschool!
  14. That's interesting because that's the first time I've heard that it was easier than PS. I know that would vary depending on each school and the curriculum used. However, I know of new homeschoolers who assumed that their previously public schooled child would automatically need the Singapore level to match grade level. One was certain her son would be in 3B but decided to purchase 3A just in case of gaps, then found out through the placement test that her son placed in Singapore 2! I know it's not more advanced than PS as a whole, but it have always heard it is typically a half year or more ahead.
  15. History goes in one ear and out the other, for myself and my 8 year old son. He likes some parts, but much of it is quickly forgotten. He's reading a book on his own, part of the HOD program extensions. He has a high reading level and devours books, however, the most recent, very easy to read book has left his mind. He cannot recall what it's about, other than "Americans and Indians." I guess not every book is going to be engaging to him. He usually comprehends much better when he reads to himself. I read the history spine to him and I have to stop frequently to go over what the page was about. However, this typically only happens with history... I know it's about exposure in the younger years (he's 3rd grade) but is there anything I can do to help him enjoy it? I was never fond of history myself, so I can't think of ways to improve retention, I still have trouble retaining history we read together.
  16. Get some Ticonderoga Triangle pencils. They have the larger ones for younger kids, or the regular size triangular pencils. I was able to correct my sons improper grip with these, and I've taught my daughter proper grip from the beginning with these pencils. There are many great grips out there, but I like the triangular pencils more, no grips needed, no extra bulk for little hands, and makes it easy to transition to a regular round pencil. Here are the beginner pencils (fat ones): http://www.amazon.com/Dixon-Ticonderoga-Triangular-Wood-Cased-13082/dp/B000PTQCN0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1409254051&sr=8-3&keywords=ticonderoga+triangular+pencils
  17. We do AAR and ETC, my daughter loves both, so she would be disappointed if we didn't do both! However, you don't need to. I do like how ETC helps them with handwriting. My daughter can write short sentences because of ETC. I love AAR so far, but ETC does have the added writing.
  18. Thanks. How would I know for sure what is and is not necessary for my child? I know for sure he could use more mental math practice, he's got the basics down really well, it's 3-4 digit numbers he takes a little longer for him to do. He know almost all of his multiplication facts without much thought, and he enjoys division. I've found that after we review the textbook, he's good to go. New concepts may take a couple of exercises to fully understand, but typically he completes the workbook with ease. IP on the other hand does challenge him, it does make him think. I'd be hesitant to drop CWP because he finds some super easy, but others he gets confused, often times making them harder than they actually are because in his mind, word problems = a challenge. I guess I'm nervous about not being thorough, to the point of bring too thorough I guess. My math education wasn't good, I haven't ever been that great at math, so I fear failing his education somehow!
  19. If using Singapore, how beneficial is the program if not using any extras? No HIG (with mental math exercise) no Intensive Practice, No Challenging Word Problems. Just going through the textbooks/workbooks. I'm curious because I tend to try to reinforce things, and I like the mental math exercises in the back of the guide. I don't always refer to the HIG, other than for strategies. We also use IP and Challenging word problems. I probably have my son review things (in IP and CWP) than necessary, instead of just focusing on what needs extra practice. I know for a fact that my son would be nearly finished with Primary Math if we didn't do any extras, he gets math, though he's not a wiz, he's just good at it. Sometimes he finds word problems tricky, which is why we use CWP. I'm not racing to the end, as I have all the "extras" and am using them. But I'm curious, is it a disservice if those extras aren't used?
  20. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/526585-accelerating-math-without-any-extras-singapore-disservice/
  21. My hang up is also a vehicle! We actually just ditched our van for a Honda Pilot, space is limited, but believe it or not, there is more space than in our last row in the van, there would have been NO WAY to fit 3 in the back row, not that it would matter as we will only have 4. I don't know why I'm worried about 4 in the SUV as I know they'll fit! Cargo space is limited though, and I doubt we'll travel much with our 70 pound and still growing puppy...
  22. I have taken my daughter with me, and I've seen others with a child along, but the waiting room is SO TINY. The exam rooms are too. I think that's why I'm hesitant to take all 3.
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