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Posts posted by Abbeygurl4

  1. Books are a focal point in our home. We don't have a TV, and our walls are lined with shelves full of beautiful, interesting books. I try to find lavishly illustrated editions and arrange them attractively. My dh and I both enjoy reading, and chose to spend our evenings curled up with a book rather than watching a show (although we do occasionally watch something). We have several read alouds going. We have also read extensively to our dc since they were babies. I really think that has given them an appreciation for books. They also have a pretty impressive vocabulary for their age as a by-product!



  2. I don't know if this has been said, but children need to see that reading is a priority in your family. They need to see their parents reading books. My father had a classic, Great Books education and he always had a stack of books beside his bed. Every single day he would go in his room for at least an hour and read. He almost always had a book in his hand. My sisters and I saw reading as a way of life and we are all avid readers as are all our children. Also, my two grandchildren are avid readers because their mom and grandmother are avid readers.


    Reading and the love of books is a gift that is handed down generation to generation. Bribery, limiting t.v., library programs and what not are fine, but teaching by example trumps everything else.


    Let them see you reading! :001_smile:

  3. I recently read the introduction of SOTW 4, on the same day as I read some of the samples of the Famous men series and was overwhelmed by the contrast.


    It's a personal thing whether or not to glorify war. When my boys were teens I came very close to joining an ultra conservative Mennonite church, but their dad was old school Italian, so you can imagine the mixed message my boys were getting. And to top it all off, my oldest was a big fan of Japanese literature and I remember him once waxing on and on, about the best way to die was under a cherry tree with the blossoms falling on you as you died. He took to drawing lots of pictures of dying Samurai warriors under cherry trees.



    I cracked up when I read this! My son goes on and on about EVERYTHING Japanese. I asked him if he thought dying under a Cherry Blossom tree was appealing to him and he exclaimed with fervency, "Yes! Wouldn't it appeal to anyone?".

  4. I've been trying really hard to work on a schedule to reflect the ideas in LCC and The Great Books Academy schedule that has been floating around. I actually really believe in the multa non multum philosophy, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around getting everything done in 3 hours a day (and that's for a 6th grader!). I suppose if I DIDN'T do as much literature, and didn't have two mornings of the week blown due to outside activities I could get it down closer to that. Even then, it's a big adjustment in my mind to cut science and history back so much, but an adjustment I'm eager to make. We spent so much time last year trying to keep up with the history program that we ended up neglecting some very important skill work.


    Anyway, here it is. This is how we will start in July.


    Math - Math Mammoth 4 - 3 hours per week

    Latin - Visual Latin, Lively Latin 1 - 3 hours per week

    Composition - Classical Composition Fable and Narrative, IEW Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales (we will work on applied grammar and spelling during this time too) - 2.5 hours per week

    Grammar - Fix It - 30 minutes per week

    Literature and Poetry - Focus on Fairy Tales using the color Fairy Books, Grimm, and Journey's Through Bookland. - 8 hours per week (read aloud, independent, and audio)

    Music Study - The World's Great Men of Music, Classics for Kids, Classic Cat. - 30 minutes per every other week

    Art Study - Simply Charlotte Mason- Picture Study Portfolios (Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Van Eyck, Constable) - 30 minutes per every other week

    Formal Art Instruction - The Phonics of Drawing, my own instruction - 30 minutes per week

    Science- Biomes of the World using Our Living World of Nature series - 1 hour per week + several hours of personal time working on or monitoring experiments\projects.

    History - SOTW 1 with d'Aulaires, Black Ships, Children's Homer, World Myths series. - 1.5 hours per week + several hours of personal time working on projects.


    That comes to about 24 hours of school if I include the co-op, plus several hours of history and science done on personal time. 4 hours of the literature will be done in the evening.


    I have tried to get it lower than that and I just can't without sacrificing things I think are important. Of coarse, this is just how it looks on paper and I may end up being able to shave some of the time off if it takes her less time to do certain subjects; I actually don't think composition will take as long, but I wanted to leave enough padding in the schedule for "those" days. I know Latin and composition have duplicate programs, but I feel that they each bring their own advantages. The Latin will only be done 3 days of the week, 30 minutes for each program...so that really isn't overkill imo. As for the composition, I don't intend to use them all at the same time. The Classical Composition programs will be used one after the other alternated with the IEW. Again, it will only be done 3 days a week.


    So, I'm rambling. I know I've posted a schedule many weeks back, but this one is revised and I'd like share for those interested and to get feed back, specifically if the 8 hours of lit seems to be overkill. We've missed so much great literature in the last couple of years due to focusing on lit tied to our history, that I feel I have to make up for lost time.;)




    I think that looks pretty good! I'm not ambitious enough to come up with my own schedule, so I ordered Memoria Press' 4th Grade curriculum minus R&S materials. I'm also going to alternate IEW with Classical Composition.



    I started a thread last week about lesson plans for SOTW and got some really great helps. Although some are soooo tempting none of them are EXACTLY what I want. I have downloaded at least 6 different lesson plans!


    You have to understand that I was a Sonlight user for years. I LOVED the IGs. I really liked having my week laid out for me and I had confindence in knowing that everything was planned out. My kiddos wanted more activities, however, and I found myself saying that I didn't have time for any because there was sooooo much reading to do.


    So what I want are weekly lesson plans using SOTW Vol. 1 as the main spine with one of the other books that are linked to it in the Activity Guides. I want the plans to include Activities from the Activity guide lined up for me. I have this vision of weekly scheduled pages with the read alouds that are listed in the activity guides along with maybe a few other great literary picks. I can see a completed notebook using the activity guide pages at the end of the year. I think it also might be cool to turn the student pages into a spiral bound "workbook" at the beginning of the year.


    Every schedule seems to have SOTW scheduled with a diff. history or something. They all have aspects that I love, like one has the activities lined up for you. One has comprehension questions and vocabulary all there for you with the answers. One has scheduled just SOTW and one of the Usborne books (what I want) but doesn't use the activity guide.


    I know, I know, I should just plan my own schedule, but I have 7 kiddos including a 2 month old who nurses constantly! Can't someone just read my mind and write it for me?????:tongue_smilie:



    I, too, HATE planning. So, I don't do it. Just grab a highlighter and a stack of post-its and go through a few pages at a time in the Activity Guide. Highlight the books you want to pick up at the library and a few activities you want to do then write down the books on a post-it and stick it to the cover and write down the items you need to pick up and the lesson you need it for and stick that on the cover. That's all I do as far as SOTW planning.


    Highlighters and post-its are your friend! :)

  6. R&S is mastery, with constant review of old concepts. The lessons start with an oral teaching from the TE which is considered optional at the 4 level and up (it wasn't optional for my kids). There is teaching directly in the student text as well, and a small problem set to work out together to check for comprehension. Then there's a set for the child to do on their own, which is followed by a review section with a few old concepts. The teaching is clear, and it absolutely does teach the why behind the math if you use the TE the way it's meant to be used.


    Grades 1 and 2 are workbooks. Grade 3 is a textbook with enough room to write in it (my DD is doing just that). Grades 4 and up are textbooks; the work will need written out on paper.


    I know R&S math well, but I can't compare it to the other two you mentioned. I have no idea if you'll like it or not. :)


    The reason I'm asking is that R&S 4th grade math is part of the Memoria Press Curriculum package. We are using CLE and Math Mammoth, but I'm not opposed to changing to R&S. I'd really like to use Memoria Press as written.


    Thanks for your review.

  7. Sorry if this is an inappropriate place to bring this up, but I don't think MP's packages look like they follow what is actually laid out in LCC. That is not to bash MP; I just wonder if I'm way off in the woods. They look to me like they are already adding "multa". Am I crazy for thinking this?



    Bring it on! :D


    Do you have LCC, because I don't want to type out the sample Grammar School schedule. I'm looking at that and the sample 4th Grade lesson plan form MP and they seem pretty close. Latin. copywork & recitiation, math, literature are everyday. History, Science and Christian studies are staggered.


    No crafts or busy work and lots of memorization and drill work.


    Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

  8. Since I've been reading LCC I've questioned my curriculum choice for dd 9. There are things we skip because I consider it "multa".


    I've been looking at MP's 4-th grade package and am wondering if I could use MCT in place of R&S and IEW in place of MP's Classical Composition? Or would I be adding "multa"?

  9. I have given up on the concept that I can do it all all the time.


    I have stopped adding more and more. It is just not real that one can do a good job working through several different programs at one time.


    I've learned to think about what is important to us now and just focus on that. I've also thought ahead to where I want to be at different points in our education so the now focus is taking us towards that bigger goal.


    :iagree: I like that!

  10. This does indeed say Eskimo women are easy. However, I do not believe the meaning is inappropriate, but instead refers to open or casual instead of demure (modest) in light of the comment that "Eskimos are always friendly people" (p36).


    This might still be a poor choice of reader since the meaning of "easy" can be understood as insulting.


    LOL I thought the same thing so I googled it


    "What does "free and easy" mean?"



    Careless, sloppy, morally lax, as in This administration was free and easy with the taxpayers' money, or These girls hate to be considered free and easy. [First half of 1900s]

  11. A new study recently came out that showed that two days of very low carb eating and the rest of the week just eating healthy resulted in more weight loss than a 1500 calorie per day diet. On the low carb days, women needed to keep between 30 and 50 carbs. Since you've just got a little weight to lose, you might want to try that. That's pretty sustainable without switching your whole life around.


    Also, if you're trying to lose weight, make sure you're getting enough sleep. Insomnia and lack of a good 7-8 hours messes with the hormones and results in weight gain. It's not what people think about first, but it's really important!


    Here's one article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45587821/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/cutting-carbs-just-days-week-can-spur-weight-loss/



    Very interesting. Thanks for posting this.


    I agree about sleep! I had insomnia and took sleeping pills for a year and gained a lot of weight. As soon as I stopped taking them and was able to sleep I lost the weight. I've been sleeping well, so I don't know where THIS weight is from.


    I HAVE lost 3 pounds this week just from not eating wheat. I hope it's not a fluke. :001_smile:

  12. No grains, no legumes, no sugar, no processed food. I have had some occasional cheese, but not a lot. So, I am not "no dairy," but pretty "low dairy." The first week was brutal. Probably because it was the week before I started my period, so NOT an ideal time to cut out sugar and carbs. :lol:


    I have lost about four or five pounds. My weight was really fine, so weight loss was not a goal for me. I am definitely less bloated.


    I am really glad I have gone this route. I have not forced it on my family... I just either add in a starch for them or adapt. Tonight we had homemade spaghetti sauce (made with grass-fed beef). I served dh and ds's over spaghetti noodles and had mine over spaghetti squash. I made paleo Caesar salad dressing and, after tossing with the Romaine and some Parmesan, I pulled out my portion and tossed the rest with croutons. I also gave them garlic cheese bread. It is doable. I feel fantastic. I am sleeping better and have more energy for my work-outs as well.


    You can read a TON at http://www.marksdailyapple.com Probaby TOO much to read, but at least it is free and doesn't take up shelf space.




    I just read a little more about Paleo and I don't think it's for me. I still want dairy, legumes and at least a little sugar.


    You have more willpower than I!

  13. Yeah, don't try to read everything out there. I've gone Paleo/Primal and I'm very happy with it and have been reading more stuff now, but I'd pick something and start with it.


    I'm not sure what no wheat/high protein/high carb would look like, though. LOL I didn't mean high protein and high carb!


    I started by going grain free. I didn't do anything else, but I ended up low carb anyhow, because once you get rid of the grains it's hard to eat a ton of carbs unless you're gorging on fruit or potatoes. I didn't count anything though, just didn't eat any grains. I started losing weight and feeling AWESOME within a week. I eat a lot of vegetables and a fair amount of good quality eggs and meat. Some dairy. Fruit as a treat or for dessert.


    I think I'm aiming for what you did, just stop eating grains but don't worry too much about the carbs in fruit and potatoes and such. Plus bump up the protein.

  14. It sounds like for you it would be best to go simple. Choose one and stick with it... don't read every.single.book on the subject. That would cause information overload... especially in the beginning when you just learning.


    Boy, you aren't kidding!


    Wheat Belly is a great book btw, a very good eye opener.


    Good, I just ordered it from Amazon.


    I also found that forums related to the diet (Atkins or Paleo or whatever) was also VERY helpful.



  15. I think if you want to go low carb, then you need to go high protein. Your body needs fuel to run, and it doesn't run well on low carb AND low protein.


    We eat a paleo diet, and are so pleased with how we all feel. DH has lost 25 lbs since January, and I've lost 13 lbs. DS has had a radical change in behavior (for the better). We haven't seen so many changes in DD, but the changes in the rest of us have been significant enough that we won't go back to a SAD. DH no longer needs to take prilosec daily. I'm no longer constantly constipated (sorry TMI). DS is much more compliant, less angry and calmer in general. We started by doing a Whole 30, and once that was over, just relaxed into a Paleo approach.


    Wow! That's encouraging! Thanks for sharing.


    I was hoping to do no wheat and high protein because I think low carb would be difficult. I'll check out your link.

  16. Heres why I want to strangle them today:


    They give us a 5 minute warning that they are combining the wheat. They are the only people around combining today of course.


    Its SUPER windy on this MEMORIAL DAY which is one of the FEW days my dh gets off work and we planned to grill out and swim in the pool today. Well, we cant even walk outside because of the dust from the combining. :mad:


    Friday they told us it would be another week....we wake up at 10 am to a text saying they are combining NOW. They do this to us all the time...all we ask is for a 24 hour warning. They knew yesterday they were doing it today and yet they just wont give us a warning. We would have made other plans if we knew about this.


    Yes, I know we live in the middle of the cornfield and the crops need done when they need done, but this is just about them not having the courtesy to warn us as soon as they know they are working the fields and now they ruined our Memorial Day and they could care less.


    In conclusion, I cannot stand my in-laws who are the most in considerate, mean, heartless people I know.


    Would it make you feel better or worse to know you aren't alone? :001_smile:


    We rented my inlaws house from them (paid their mortgage payment). We started getting advertisements from lawyers about saving our house from foreclosure. I told dh to call his parents and find out what was going on. They filed bankruptcy and didn't bother to tell us, we would have come home to a notice of foreclosure tacked to the front door! My dh and I got a lawyer and were able to buy the house thank goodness!


    Five years later we sold the house back to them because we were moving to a nicer house. Our new house deal fell through and we needed time to find another house before inlaws moved in. They said no problem, stay as long as we needed to, they just wanted to move a "few things" in. The very next day they moved in ALL their stuff and decided to just stay there since all their stuff was moved in!!! We had to cram into my parents house.


    That is just a sample of the crap they've done. I no longer have anything to do with them.


    Honestly, I don't know how these people live with themselves or why dh still visits them. :banghead:

  17. As soon as it bugged her, I would let her. I have had a unibrow since I was young, too. I plucked it the first time in college and only did one side and had to wait a few days to do the other side since it hurt so bad!!! I wish I would have had wax then. My son inherited my unibrow and I started waxing his at about age 12 per his request. Now he is 21 and does it himself. I keep mine plucked. My trusty tweezers are next to my chair at all times!



  18. I ran across "Wheat Belly" on audible.com which brought me to amazon where I downloaded a free chapter to my kindle which lead me to "Living Low Carb", "The New Atkins for a New You" and on and on and on !:confused: My head is spinning!


    How do I wade through all these books? I've gained about 15 lbs over the past 2 years and I don't know what to do. Do I cut out wheat as in Wheat Belly? Go low carb? High protein AND low carb? Where do I start? I don't have food allergies or any major health issues. I AM tired all the time, but blood work for the doc says everything is fine. I'm 48 and realize that is part of it, but ...

    What to do and where to start? I am eating better and exercising but it's not helping.

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