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Posts posted by Abbeygurl4

  1. I think you should watch the TWSS before asking or worrying about it being difficult to implement. It's probably the most straight forward thing out there. Watch the DVDs, learn the method. Follow the SWI. I"m not sure what about this program is so confusing. Or is it that there have been threads discussing the matter?

    I think I've probably psyched myself into thinking I can't do it. Because I can recall several posts about it being confusing and the OP had not even opened the box LOL!



  2. I have TWSS and SWI B for my 9 yo dd and 13 yo ds. It's been sitting in a box for weeks now. I'm afraid to go through it; afraid I won't understand it ot be able to teach it.


    Do I watch the DVDs first? Read the manual first? Read the manual and watch the DVDs at the same time :lol: ?? j/k


    Would someone just hold my hand and walk me through this step by step? :001_huh:


    Also, when do the "Theme-Based Writing Lessons" come into play? I don't have any yet, I was just wondering.

  3. an Algebra curriculum for ds?


    My ds is 13 and is half way through Saxon 8/7 with DIVE CDs. He has a 95% average right now. I'm looking now in order to give myself plenty of time to figure out a plan.


    I'm not comfortable teaching Algebra at all. I barely passed it way back in high school. DS is okay with math, but it's far from his favorite subject. I have no idea how to even begin to narrow down my choices. I really like the idea of video lessons or online lessons. I think that even if I went with Chalkdust or Videotext or anything similar, that I should also get a decent Algebra textbook for reference.


    I searched the forum but there are SO many threads on Algebra it made my head spin.


    Would someone PLEASE guide me through this? :D Please!

  4. My ds turned 13 last month. He is doing fine in math, science and reading. We've jumped around in history .... a LOT, so he's had a little from each time period. He's always been interested in Japan, the Feudal period and WWII, so he is fairly well read in those areas. I figured I would have him start an in depth 4 year history cycle in high school. I bought MFW's AHL thinking I would spread it out over grades 8 and 9 to give him extra time to become independent.


    My plan hit a snag when I realized there is a lot of composition in AHL. Ds is way behind in grammar and composition. His reading and vocabulary are well beyond his years, but putting his thoughts down on paper is a struggle for him. I bought Analytical Grammar and IEW TWSS + SWI B in hopes of getting him up to speed. We school all year, so technically, he is still a 7th grader until September.


    Should I hold off on MFW AHL until his writing skills improve and start him on AG and IEW?


    Should I just jump in start MFW along with AG and IEW?


    Right now he is doing Saxon 8/7 with DIVE, Apologia General Science, Computer Science 101 online Coursera, SOTW, lots of reading, Rosetta Stone French.


    I really need a plan for the remainder of this year and 8th grade. Please help! I'm really starting to panic with high school not too far off.

  5. You are not finished. You will never be finished. The thrill of the arriving boxes so full of promises, is too big of an attraction. The only thing that remains to be seen, is if you are a hoarder and keep it all, or if you sell off what you are not currently using--only to repurchase it at a later date--to purchase the new stuff.


    You are just too excited about your purchases to be one of those people who doesn't continue to buy and buy and buy.


    And I am here to personally enable you, on a constant basis. I'm one of the hoarders and will be able to look up tasty quotes for you, and offer fresh descriptions.


    I'm just trying to be funny. I hope I'm not offending you. There are a couple people here who buy in the Spring, use and finish each piece and don't buy anything again until next Spring. Amazing! Rare, but they DO exist :-0





    Ahhhh, spoken like a fellow Curriculum Junkie!! :cheers2::thumbup:

  6. Just had to announce somewhere that, thanks to all of the advice I've gotten from the wonderful people on this forum (and hours and hours of research!), I've just received a big order from RR that basically finishes up all of my curriculum shopping for next year. :party:



    If you want to stay happy with your choices DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look at any more posts about curriculum! Especially posts about people loving a curriculum! It will cause curriculum envy, which leads to curriculum hopping and, ultimately, curriculum addiction. :lol:


    Hi, my name is Ann, and I'm a curriculum junkie :tongue_smilie:


    All joking aside, I'm glad you've chosen your curriculum and are ready to start your home school journey! :grouphug:

  7. Yes, I can't stand teacher's manuals. I usually just skip right over the first 3 to 10 pages where they are explaining their philosophy and why the curriculum is the way it is, etc. and just go right to how to actually do it. Then there's things like RS Activities for the Abacus that I take one look at the manual and just say "not a chance" and put it aside for good.



    I JUST looked at RS online last night and came to the part about directions for using the Abacus and thought .... "uh, not happening". At least we know our limitations ;)

  8. What I dread is the distraction - it seems as though as soon as everyone is quietly occupied and I try to carve out a few minutes to familiarize myself with a teacher's manual, they all relocate to wherever I'm hiding out and start chatting to me.


    I am attention-challenged (understatement!) and can't filter sounds at the best of times, so this has been known to send me into tears, or make the Evil Shrieking Woman appear. Perimenopause is not a good time, sometimes. :)


    Basically, now, if I can't figure it out from looking at it, I don't use it.




    You've described me exactly! I think you are my twin :D I thought about having dh take the dc somewhere so I can concentrate.

  9. or trying to familiarize yourself with a new curriculum? I ordered Analytical Grammar, it arrived, I took it out of the box, looked at it, put it back in the box and put it on the dining room table. IEW is coming soon and I think that will make it's way to the dining room table, too.


    I really wish someone would just come over and explain them to me in person. :D

  10. Dh keeps asking if I'm done yet :eek:


    I bought:

    MFW's AHL


    Analytical Grammar with DVDs

    IEW TWSS & SWI-B, Linguistic Development Through Poetry, Phonetic Zoo

    Math Mammoth

    CLE Math

    Apologia Physical Science

    Patty Paper Math



    I still need Video Text Algebra (I'm hoping to find it used)

    And a few books here and there that I still need.


    I usually sell last year's curriculum to pay for or offset the new curriculum, but I made some bad choices and didn't have much to sell. :sad:

  11. Wondering if anyone call tell me which program has the most interesting books for the history portion of each program starting with CTC/CTG? I need interesting reading in order for the program to go well in this house. MFW looks like it has more pictures etc. with the reading which may be a plus. But even then it needs to grab their attention. Thanks.


    It's really a matter of opinion. I've used both and am currently using HOD's CTC with my 9 yo dd. I like HOD better. I like the idea of MFW's book basket but it's the implementation of it is what trips me up. Most people, I think, really like the book basket aspect of MFW though. As far as the "core" books in each program go, my dd prefers HOD.

  12. I used Learning Adventures years and years ago, when I first started homeschooling. We enjoyed it but as far as I can remember, it wasn't strong in the LA department. It's more of a unit study program. I've also used Trail Guide to Learning Paths of Adventure. It spends too much time on one subject for us. I would do a search on this forum for reviews of Trail Guide for more details.


    I'm using Heart of Dakota. It uses real books and is strong in the language arts department. HOD uses Rod&Staff for English, which I don't use. We use First Language Lessons and Intermediate Language Lessons instead. I DO use HOD's dictation and they incorporate plenty of daily writing.


    I'm sure others with much more detailed answers will chime in for you. :001_smile:

  13. I'm using CtC with my 9 yo dd. I used it with my ds when he was 12 and it wasn't a good fit, so I sold it. Then my dd looked at ds's CtC notebook and said she really wanted to do 'that' curriculum so I repurchased it. It's a great fit and we are loving it!

  14. It doesn't replace the TM. The DVD does the new teaching only. The TM has the answers to the student workbook and you must check the work each day. We are really liking AG and we use the DVD on day 1 and then the TM on the other days to go over the work he did independently the day before.




    Thank you! I appreciate your clarifying that for me. Placing my order as we speak!

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