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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. thanks...I have always wondered that too..thanks for asking...and thanks for responding!!!
  2. Glad you and your baby are ok. This is the VERY reason that after my 1st emergency C-Section, I opted to have my other 2 sectioned as well. My second child also had his cord wrapped around his neck 3 times and I often wondered what could have happened had I opted for a VBAC...it is just not worth risking everything just so I could say I gave birth naturally. I know others have had sucessful VBACS but I wasn't ready to risk it.
  3. thanks for this. We started Singapore at Christmas time (we were doing Saxon), my 2nd and 3rd grader tested at the 2A level at Christmas and we are nearing the end of 2A...but I wasn't sure if I should be pushing them a long a little faster...or if it was "ok" to have my 3rd grader doing what appears 2nd grade level work. Does that make sense? I want them to have a good understanding of math concepts...but I didn't want them to fall behind either. Thanks.
  4. Have any of you used the products from this company? Schoolmadesimple.com they have titles like: CalcuLadder AlphaBetter ReadWriter SanctiFinder what do you think of any and all of these?? Thanks.
  5. I was told that the numbers on the books (1A, 1B, etc) are not really according to grade, is that right?? If not, what books should a typical Kinder, 2nd and 3rd grader be finishing this spring?? I know that not all children will fit into that mold, I am just trying to get a ball park figure. THANKS!
  6. Do you have a dessert after every lunch and dinner? What sort of things do you serve? I didn't grow up having desserts very often, but my husband grew up with at least cookies...and so we have fallen into that trap. Now I want to escape, but not all together, so I am looking for some ideas that would be dessert, but not so sugary or full of empty calories. Any thoughts for me??
  7. OK...I am TOTALLY convinced..off to find other options. THANKS!!!
  8. what about older (washed many times) PJ's....even the tags say "to keep the flame retardend guard..." so is there a way to actually wash it out of the fabric...or over time will it wash out?? Is there a size that they draw the line and no longer add it to PJ's?
  9. Thanks for your opinions ladies...I just wasn't sure how to take him.
  10. But if what he says is new to me, is what he says wrong? I mean...the information may be out there, but if what he says in new to me, that's ok, right? I am not going to give the guy money...I don't let go of my money that easily...however, where can I get some of the free information that you mentioned? How do I get Mindful Mama in my inbox???
  11. So if what you say is true (and I am not doubting that...) but it was him who made me think about the dangers of flame retardant PJ's...which I just also asked you guys about and several of you said that they weren't good and you wouldn't put them on your kids. So, how do I discern the quack part of him and the part of him that actually might be right??? He is all about NOT putting bad things like High Frutose Corn Syrup in your body or buying only grass fed beef and pork. So he can't be all bad, yes?? I am not disagreeing you who said he was a quack...but it just seems like he's not 100% quack...give me some guidance here if you would. THANKS!!!!
  12. Does anybody here have an opinion on this guy? I have listened to a few of his shows and he seems to know what he is talking about...and some of what he says at least makes me think...what do you know about him??
  13. Have any of you ever thought that the flame retardant chemicals on children's PJ's could be dangerous to your kids? I just heard this and I am not sure what to make of it...what do you guys think??
  14. does this go bad over time sitting on the shelf?? The date on the bottle is 10/2012..but is that opened or never been opened??
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  16. sorry to hear about your daughter...thanks for the links...children with hairloss will take 8" or longer...that we have...so I think that is where I will be going. I didn't know about Locks of Love having those requirements..that is too bad. THanks again.
  17. Hannah (dd 9) has been growing her hair out for Locks of Love. It is nearly 10"...I think...kind of depends on where you start measuring....anyway, with it being so fine, it has been a struggle since the beginning to keep it combed and not tangled. Last night, in tears, she said she didn't care if it was long enough, she just wanted it cut...she said she hated it being long and was tired of it. I would hate to let her cut it if it isn't long enough, or have it cut and then her short hair be way too short for her liking too....especially for Easter. The other thing I considered, is talking to our hair dresser and have cut as close to 10" as possible (and still get a cute haircut) and just tell Hannah that is was long enough. OR is this the time to teach her commitment and endurance and insist that tough it out to the end...whatever that means. What would you do??
  18. my daughter has 4 little red, raised spots on her leg that hurt. A friend of mine suggested chiggers, but I know nothing about chiggers...so I am asking, could that be it...and if so, what do we do. She says they don't itch...but rather hurt. Kathy
  19. I am feeling badly for Nathan (my 5 year old) this morning. In his little mind, he is always getting the raw end of the deal because he is the youngest and the last. For example: the big kids get to take piano lessons and get prizes from the teacher. The 2 big kids each have a certain toy that they each got when Nathan was either too tiny to care or before he was born and he doesn't have one. The big kids can do things that he is either not old enough or not capable of doing. So, how can I make him feel that younger is sometimes better than older....last is sometimes better than first...we already do special things with each of the kids...so singling him out to do something special isn't really different. Any thoughts for me?? thanks.
  20. Do you think that parents should be encouraged to be involved in their children's classrooms and not discouraged to do things like go a field trips with their young kids? My friend who has a 2nd and a Kinder in public school was actually told that she is not allowed to go on a field trip...she is not an overbearing parent and there are no other parents going...the field trip is to a play and she said she would buy her own ticket. There will be about 50 kids K-2nd grade with 4 adults. Does she have a right to be upset in your opinion??? This school is known for never inviting parents to anything...except school parties...but when you stop by (or call for "permission" ) to visit your childn's classroom, the teacher gets very upset...not just one teacher...but most of them are like this. We were wondering if this is "normal" PS behavior.
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