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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. At the recommendation of several of you on this board, I bought "Prescription for Nutritional Healing". It appears to be an amazing book...but what I need to know is where do you buy the herbs and other things mentioned in it? And how does one even begin suppling the "medicine" cabinet with the good stuff??? thanks.
  2. I have never heard of this one...I will check it out. THANKS!
  3. thanks so much...this is exactly what I was looking for.
  4. I need some really good, honest, easy to understand articles on why HFCS, Nutra Sweet, MSG is so bad for you. My mom thinks that HFCS is simply sugar and so I want to gently show her that it is bad for her. So, if anybody here can help me out with this, I would greatly appreciate it. Yes, I know I could do a google search, but I can also find articles that "prove" just the opposite of what I believe...so I wanted to have something that someone else has found to be helpful and informative. Thanks. Kathy
  5. I like this idea..but with 3 kids, I might have to make it be 1" binder for each year (all 3 kids in one binder)...or a bigger binder for each kid and put several years in each...hmmm....something to think about. Kathy
  6. thanks for the review. I would mostly be using this for my 1st grade son who has been reading the "I See Sam" books and working thorugh ETC books...would this be too confusing to him now...or would he slide right into it. How teacher intensive is this program? I have 3 kids and I have a hard time finding "extra" time. Also, could my 2nd/3rd grade benefit from this program too? He is reading at about a 2nd grade level...or a little above. I would be interested in knowing other's views too. THANKS!
  7. My children used Growing with Grammar last year and my 3rd grade daughter was introduced to diagraming sentences...I know that might not help your older children, but it might be helpful to your 4th grader...oh, we LOVED the program too..we will be using it again this next year.
  8. Can anyone here tell me about this program?
  9. thanks ladies...I know she will play with it...she plays with her other ones a lot...so I will wait and see where she is at September.
  10. does a girl REALLY need. My almost 10 year old daughter has informed me that ALL she REALLY wants is a biddy baby (made by American Girl...I think)...but she has SOOOO many baby dolls already...and won't she outgrown them pretty soon...what would you do...she wants this for her birthday in September.
  11. where does one buy a flutophone or a precorder? Also, can a precorder and a recorder or flutophone play together and sound ok? I have a little guy who could learn the precorder and my olders could play one of the others...and it would be fun if they could play together
  12. some lunch things my kids love are wraps of all sorts...or quesidillas (ham and cheese, pizza fillings, taco fillings, turkey and cheese...). but if it were me, the first thing I would do is get rid of all of the kind of foods you don't want her to eat (the junk as you called it)...then the only options would be "the good stuff"...yes, she will fuss, she will crab, she will try everything in her power to get what she wants...BUT you MUST be strong...you are RIGHT...believe me...I have been down this road before (but I have 3 kids crabbing at me)....I always have fruits and veggies available (no, I don't and can't buy fresh daily...but stuff does keep for a while in the fridge)...they love to dip their fruits and veggies...so I have ranch or peanut butter available too... One of the problems too is that junk doesn't fill you up for very long, so that is why she is hungry all of the time...crackers and cheese would be a better options...especially if you can slip in ham or summer sausage with it. Did that help at all?? I hope so. Good luck!
  13. I am NOT a CM consultant, but I have been doing CM albums for about 10 years. CM has CHANGED dramatically over that time span...the very look you were talking about (the die cut sticker look) is SO out...and they have such a nice format now. If you have a digital camera and the desire to make albums on the computer, they have an amazing program too. I totally understand the feeling of "just wanting them in an album, but wanting them to look nice too" feeling...that is exactly where I am. I have switched over to the digital and it is SOOOOO much easier and faster and ultimately not any more expensive. You buy the software, plug in your pictures, have CM print off your pages, you buy the same CM albums, adhere the pages, cover them with a protector...and that is it. If you don't want to go digitally, they have very nice papers that you just simply put on a page, add the pictures and you are done (if you want to be)...everything now is beautiful...not the boxy look like it used to be. Check out the website sometime, you will see. If you want more information...email me and we can talk...AGAIN....I am NOT a consultant. Just a mom who likes the pictures of the kiddos in a nice looking book without a lot of effort. Kathy
  14. this is the very reason I have a garage sale every year. Even though I only make about $200, it is so worth getting rid of the extra stuff. As soon as one garage sale is over, I begin collecting stuff for next years sale...this years is scheduled for June 19th and I can't wait...I hate clutter and junk just collecting dust and taking up valuable space....UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Just the thought of it drives me nuts!
  15. but it's not just vitamin D...but D3, right?? At least that is what I understand. Can someone here address that for me, please? THANKS!
  16. WOW...this is amazing! I love your list of stuff...
  17. Is it "ok" to mix wood finishes in the same room...or is that a decorative no-no? There is a lot of oak wood in our livingroom (a built-in hutch, our fireplace mantle, door frames, diningroom table)...but then there are some other odd wood finishes too...and we are wanting to get a new entertainment center that is narrower than our exisiting one, but we don't have a flat screen TV and it is hard to find one that our TV will fit in it...and the only one we have found that is in our price range, is cherry instead of oak. Would that be a horrilbe mistake for us to get it???? What do you guys think?? Kathy
  18. Ok...I could read the nearly 300 reviews on Amazon, but I would rather hear from you 2 gals as to why this is the book..Does it have things for adults and children? Does it use both vitamins and herbs? And, does it have natural suggestions for chronic things that your MD would normally prescribe meds that I don't want to buy or put in my body? How is the book organized? Thanks.
  19. if you can give me a title, I would greatly appreciate it. Kathy
  20. Well, I just asked her if she could change anything about her room...add something, take something away, would she? She thought for about 20 seconds and said that her kitchen and her washer had to go, they were too little...but she wanted to keep her babies, cribs, high chairs and dishes. I thought that was a great move for her...and when I asked her if she could add anything, without even thinking she said a desk. She is excited. thanks ladies. Kathy
  21. I REALLY like this idea...I will have to see how that might work for us. Kathy
  22. At what age did your daughters stop playing with dolls?? My 9 1/2 year old still has her Little Tikes kitchen, laundry etc and plays with them once in a while. But she also wants to have more grown up things in her room and we are just running out of space to have both age groups of stuff. So, I was just wondering is she probably close to being done with the baby doll stuff and if we jammed her room full of more mature things, like a desk, an art and craft center, she will be ready to abandon the other...I didn't really want to force her to grow up either...What do you think?? Kathy
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