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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. Whenever you are doing a search on the "for sale" boards for instance...and type in the exact title of what you want, and EVERYTHING with even ONE of the words in the title show up and you have to sort through 100 posts...not to find a single one that can help you? Is it me...or does this bother others too??
  2. where is this list that was spoken of in a different thread....I have often wondered who was real and who isn't....I would love to see who I should be buying from. Does this list include food items too? If not, is there a list for that too?? Kathy
  3. Do you knkow what causes sensory issues? My son is mildly affected and I would like to know where that stemmed from???
  4. where is this list...I NEED to see it...I have alwyas wondered about this..why wouldn't a money hungry company jump on the organic bandwagon if they knew it would make them money....big companies can lie and get away with it....
  5. so what causes sensory disorders? My son is mildly affected by a sensory disorder and I can't seem to figure out why? Does anybody know?
  6. I have been thinking about this lately and was hoping that someone here could answer this question for me...Does autism spectrum symptoms and sensory disorder symtpoms go hand in hand...or can one happen without the other? And why is it that it seems like so very many autism kids have sensory issues as well? Thanks for shedding some light on this. Kathy
  7. Did anybody see this? Jenny McCarthy Tackles Autism Head-On - The Early Show - CBS News or read her book....I heard she said that autism is a vaccination injury that needs to be fixed...or something like that...and I was wondering if she really said that. And what else she had to say in her book....
  8. I have been thinking about this lately and was hoping that someone here could answer this question for me...Does austism spectrum symptoms and sensory disorder symtpoms go hand in hand...or can one happen without the other? And why is it that it seems like so very many autism kids have sensory issues as well? Thanks for shedding some light on this. Kathy
  9. YES....THAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!! You are wonderful....THANKS so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy
  10. When I was in College I had a small, sort thick for it's size, red, blue and white book (I think) that had every grammatical concept in it...from easy to difficult...but I can't figure out what it was called...can anyone help me out on this one?? Kathy
  11. thanks, I wondered...I found a few reviews that said they were great...but they do look limiting. I am looking for quiet activities for my kids to do while their dad reads to them at night...we have some things, but we need some new things to change it up some. And when I saw these, I thought...well...maybe....but I need to ask first.
  12. yea, I know it looks great...I was just hoping to get an affermative from someone on it...
  13. Free Shipping on Connectagons - HearthSong Does anybody own these? Are they fun...or relatively boring?? Kathy
  14. I know I have asked this before, and didn't get a response, but I am still looking at this game, but can't seem to find anybody who owns it and can give me a review...even Amazon doesn't have it and B & N (where I can buy it from) doesn't have a review either...can ANYBODY here help me??? Around the World: The Ultimate Global Board Game!, Around the World Games, LLC. - Barnes & Noble
  15. I bought it..haven't used it yet...but I have levels 1, 3 and 4. So if you want me to look at something specific, ask away...I would be happy to do it. We too, LOVED GWG...and were looking for a new spelling program...looked at several others, but decided on this hoping that it will be as great as GWG...it does look good, I think.
  16. this is what my kids take at our house...it tastes like a orange smoothy...really it does...Coromega Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplement Orange -- 90 Packets - Vitacost
  17. are you making the frozen tortellini or is it hard pasta....if it is cooked a nd frozen, I think the crockpot would work...but I agree that hard pasta doesn't cook well in the crockpot...does that make sense?
  18. I don't know for sure, but if the sauce is really hot, I can't imagine it would be a whole lot different than if the sauce was on the stove top and you added the pasta...just to be on the safe side this first time, I would check the pasta often to see how fast it cooked. Hope that helps a little and I hope that if I am wrong, someone else will chime in quickly.
  19. I haven't even heard of that brand...thanks...I will go check it out. Kathy
  20. I was just pricing balloon bouquets...$35+ for 7 balloons (most latex)...UGH....I couldn't believe it...
  21. oh please...help me out here..my son wants a race track for his birthday and we have not had very good luck with Hot Wheels...so I am looking for another option.
  22. what would you suggest (and from where) as a get well gift from grandkids to grandpa who is having open heart surgery 14 hours away (we won't be there personally). Kathy
  23. What is the best race track that you have seen or owned for a 6 year old?? Money is an issue, but I would consider anything. THANKS!
  24. This is how we do it at our place (after much trial and error...failing with charts etc). The 3 kids each have chores they do becasue we are a family and we all pitch in to help (keeping room tidy, making their own beds and one other age appropriate chore). Then they each have 3 paying jobs they can do (only if they have kept up with their chores). One of the jobs can happen as often as daily, the other ones happen once a week. Each paying job is worth .25...if they do all they can do, they can earn up to 1.75 a week...and they think they are rich. I also have 3 other paying jobs that they can do together as a team...if they accomplish the task, without fighting or crabbing at one another...and all help out, they can earn .50 each. after a job has been completed, I inspect right away and if done properly, they get paid right away. This has worked out better than any chart I have ever attempted to follow.
  25. this sounds exactly what my kids had at Chrsitmas time...my one daughter was diagnoised with influenza A, but we never put her (or the boys) on medicine...we just made them as comfortable as possible and let it run it's course...I pushed VIT C to the max also.
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