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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I don't really know about the large family question. If only your husband works then you would only get child allowance for 2 kids, and free tuition for two kids. If you worked also then you would get child allowance for 4 kids and tuition for 4 kids. Other than that you would have to ask the director. I know a couple of families here with 5 and 6 kids but I think 6 is the most anyone on staff has.
  2. Since my youngest is nearly 6yo (before we got Natalie), I had forgotten about BABY WARS. We have had her for less than two weeks and already the opinions from everyone are starting to aggravate me: cloth vs. disposable schedule feeding vs. demand feeding holding her too much/spoiling her working vs. staying at home bottle vs. breast (even though breast feeding isn't an option, obviously, I still get to hear everyone's opinion) vax or no vax Thank goodness she's a girl or I'd have to listen to the circumcision debate as well. It's really too bad. For instance, I have some honest questions about vaccinations but I dare not ask anyone for fear of causing mass hysteria on both sides of the debate. I just want cold, hard facts. I don't want emotional anecdotes. But I can't get info I need because the topic is so controversial. But it is most interesting how comfortable everyone feels about forcing their opinion on you and denigrating your own especially when no advice was asked of them. :glare: Why are mothers so vicious about their parenting choices?
  3. Yes, it is definitely a job for a couple as it is too much work for one person (you have between 15-20 kids in a dorm).
  4. Yes, most people rent their homes out while they are gone (but some sell).
  5. The school is nondenominational so you have to be a professing Christian. So I assume both of those would be fine!
  6. LOL...it is quite cosmopolitan. Penang is VERY developed. We have about 430 students and growing. And this turnover is very typical in the international school system especially since that really only equates to about 4 couples leaving. But when the husband teaches math and the wife teaches science and they leave, now you have two big holes to fill. It would be awesome if I single-handledly filled all the openings! :D
  7. I forgot to mentionn that if you decide to apply, feel free to use me as a reference. :D
  8. unfortunately no. For positions that are not teaching or adminsitration, they hire locally...they cannot get work visas for those other positions because it is considered that we would be stealing jobs from locals. Sorry :(
  9. There are mutliple options: -traditional teaching certificate and bachelor's degree - teaching experience in a Christian or private school (with or without certification) - college degree in related field (like journalism, writing, publishing, etc.) but no teaching experience etc. We really look at each candidate individually. What is your background?
  10. It depends on the position. We have a lot of leeway since we are a private school. For instance, my dh is not a certified teacher but he has worked in computers forever and he is now teaching computers here.
  11. I do not understand why the link isn't working. Here it is again: http://www.dalat.org/jweb/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=118&Itemid=160 If that doesn't work,here are the positions we need: Full Time Positions High School Math Teacher High School Science Teacher High School Science/Math Teacher Humanities / Bible Teacher Middle School English Teacher Middle School Counselor / MS Academic Coordinator Technology Specialist Residence Life Nurse Part Time Positions Community Service Coordinator (.25 position) ES Music / HS Choir Teacher HS Spanish Teacher ES Computer Teacher Part-time positions CAN be combined into one full time if we found a qualified person. More info: they pay for.... -passports -work visa -plane tickets for your whole family -moving expenses -housing -free tuition for your children -a nice salary (we live better than most Malaysians!) -additional money if you have kids (a child allowance) -medical/dental insurance -401K Not to mention the weather is beautiful, the food is excellent and we have every modern convenience. It is a great place to live. Oh, and you CAN homeschool here. In fact, we have a staff member who works with local homeschooling families for testing and what-not. Any more questions???
  12. Here is some info that can answer your question: http://www.dalat.org/jweb/DISDocuments/NewStaffForms/for%20print/Statement%20of%20FaithFORPRINT.pdf This is our statement of faith HOWEVER we are "non-denominational" which means that theological variances are accepted (IOW, we don't split hairs over infant vs. believer's baptism, etc.) but you DO have to be a professing Christian. Notice I said "professing" not "perfect". If it were necessary to be a perfect christian I certainly would not be here! :D
  13. Shameless plug for my school.... We just posted our openings for next fall. I know there are many on the boards who need employment and I assume you were NOT thinking of seeking it outside of the country. BUT if there is a little voice in the back of your head saying "maybe" and you want more info, let me know. Here are the open positions for next year: http://www.dalat.org/jweb/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=118&Itemid=160 and I would be happy to answer any questions you have. It would be so fun to have more WTMers here!
  14. Yes, an ahma is a housekeeper/nanny. My blog is http://www.fischerfamilyadventures.blogspot.com I have more pics on it.
  15. We are pretty "communal" here as well. My oldest ds slept in our bed until my youngest ds came along (then he moved to a mattress on the floor next to our bed). When ds#2 got too big to sleep in our bed (not too old, too large!), we moved a second twin mattress in the room. So dh and I slept on the bed and the two boys slept next to the bed for several years. We just now moved them out because of the new baby (she is now in our room) and we didn't want to be tripping over mattresses during nighttime feedings. But the boys share a room. However, in your situation, I would do it but look at it as temporary because at some point you will need to put your ds in a different room. When? That's up to you. You will know when it is time.
  16. I totally agree about old-fashioned pooh...absolutely my favorite! But a large portion of the stuff they sell here has minnie mouse or cinderella or dora or or someother cartoon figure plastered all over the front of what would otherwise be a pretty dress. Ugh...why do they do that? My child is not a bilboard! CONFESSION: I spend A LOT of time sniffing her. She smells so good! :D CONFESSION #2: When I rock her I sing "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story and I change the words to "I Am Pretty" ;)
  17. Not at all! Well, everything happened so quickly but God has truly provided. Our ahma has agreed to work full time for us and our school is paying for her! She is an Indian woman herself (but Christian). Also, my boss has agreed to let my dh and I have flexible hours and we live across the street from the school, that means that dh goes home to be with the baby in between classes and I go home in between meetings and such. So far it is working out really well. And hoping that our ahma stays on with us for a long while, we are excited about her being able to teach Natalie firsthand information about her culture and her language!
  18. Well, we made it through the first week with a newborn! I have had baby euphoria all week. I walk around grinning ear-to-ear like some sort of whacko! I LOVE baby girl clothes. People are showering me with their hand me downs and even though I am only keeping the ones in really good condition, that still leaves me with tons of clothes for Natalie. Today a woman at school gave me a box of the most beautiful dresses! Quick vent...why do so many girl clothing items have to market some disney character? I am a little tired from interrupted sleep but other than that, things couldn't be more perfect! She is healthy and beautiful. We are so blessed. Thank you so much for all of your PM's and emails and prayers and kind words and EVERYTHING!
  19. resources for 1st grade. especially for the human body. Any ideas?
  20. Exactly. I read books 1-8. The first few were decent but nowhere near as good as Twilight. The last few books were zzzzzz.......
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