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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. My persnickety kitty has become even more persnickety. I think she is highly offended we would dare bring in the whippersnappers and we should consider ourselves lucky that she even stops by to eat. She refuses to let me touch her. Elderly kitty has finally decided the whippersnappers aren't so bad and even lets them pounce on her tail from time to time.
  2. Hmm, you better keep an eye on Miss Cotton!!! :lol: I need some COFFEE, too!!!!
  3. Nobody's going to the Slacker Hall of Fame, Jeannie!!!! Yes, you can do this!!!!
  4. Trying to teach children to turn off the light is an exercise in futility. I just gave up. And now I need to go turn off a bathroom light.
  5. Well..... that's pretty cool!!! I like that. It's Not-Butt!!
  6. My hair used to be your length and I got a chin length Bob. The model you posted second from the bottom is actually the same one I showed my stylist. Lol. I love it. It is quick and easy to do, just put some mousse in and scrunch-blow dry. Everyone complements me on my hair now. My old style made my face look kind of drawn out and was straggly.
  7. A little John Travolta in a white disco suit for your Friday morning!!
  8. "Whether you're a brother or whether you're a motherYou're stayin' alive, stayin' alive!! Feel the city shakin' and everybody breakin' And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive!! Ah, ha ha ha stayin' alive, stayin' alive!!"
  9. I'm glad you're going in for that. My friend was in the hospital several days last month for a UTI that got out of control apparently very quickly.. And then she had to have a port in her arm and go in every day for a week for injectable antibiotics.
  10. . Awwwww, come on. I was hoping for something gross for dinner!!! Yer no fun!! I'm going to come to one of your Old Lady Parties sometime. They sound like fun!!
  11. actually, I can't remember the last time I was up that early. I just can't do it anymore and all the talk I get from the neighbors and such about shady characters in the neighborhood, etc. I don't go out when it's dark anymore. Ooooh, you and Lynn need to plan a trip. But not now when it's hotter than he11 out. Come in October. That's a nice month around here.
  12. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Friday!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠Hot☀ï¸ðŸ”¥ðŸ”¥â˜€ï¸ðŸ”¥â˜€ï¸ðŸ˜©ðŸ˜©ðŸ˜©ðŸ˜©
  13. Yeah, kids stuck inside is total butt. Having 105+ degree days is about as bad as having a blizzard. You can't go out, it's too dang hot. You just hole up, draw the blinds and let the kids watch tv all afternoon.
  14. We have owls. I love owls. I was walking once in the pre-dawn hours and found myself in the middle of an owl trifecta. It was completely amazing. Three of them, each on top of their own redwood tree, hooting to each other.
  15. I still have no warning posts. I'm a good girl, I am!!
  16. When I move to my summer home in Tierra del Fuego I will bring a recording of crickets.
  17. I like insect noise at night, too. I love crickets.
  18. I'm thinking abut buying a vacation home on Tierra del Fuego. It's winter there now,
  19. Dinner is done. I spent half an hour at DS's Boy Scout meeting under the jurisdiction of a cat who insisted I sit and pet her and when I quit petting her she unsheathed her claws and batted my hand until I petted her again. I was glad when DH got there and I could leave. And leave that cat. And I like cats. Just not pushy ones. I thought cats were supposed to be aloof.
  20. I need some COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸
  21. I dropped the boys off at church for Cafe Cool-down. I'm glad there's something for them to do once in a while. My quilt is coming along nicely. Still have about half the blocks to finish. And then I have to assemble it all. Hmm, I have a lot to do yet.😩
  22. Ooooh, those are good. I need to make those again!!
  23. That's because it's summer and summer stinks!! Yeah, I like sleeping in and having time to get some projects done, but it's too dang hot outside and there's flies and grumpy, bored children and it's hot. I hate hot. I want cold, gray, rainy days.
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